Community Update
Community Update - Year-End Issue
June 17, 2022
Hello North Rockland Families,
This is it! The moment we have been working so hard to reach successfully has finally arrived; the final week of school! I thank our entire school community for your constant support and for the many ways you came together to help our students reach the finish line.
While this year has brought challenges, as always, nothing could stop our Red Raiders from achieving their goals. It was such an amazing evening tonight celebrating at Class of 2022’s graduation all together, in-person at North Rockland High School. These last two weeks have been filled with memorable moments and meaningful milestones across all our grade levels as learners moved up. These ceremonies have been a highlight of my year as Superintendent of this great district!
I also want to thank each one of our students for their unrelenting resilience. Thank you for facing those hurdles set before you with determination. When you tap into your passion for learning, you are capable of producing work that impacts the world far beyond school. I have no doubt that you will achieve anything that you set your mind to. I wish you all the very best in the future, in your new grade, new schools, and college.
As a reminder all schools are close Monday June 19, 2022 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. When we return we will close the final days of the school year NR Strong and NR Together!
The conclusion of a school year contains many opportunities for reflection and insight of the culmination of growth. Before we close out this school year, let’s take a look back on the journey that led us to graduation.
A Look Back on the 2021-22 School Year
Pre Opening
As educators and children across the nation prepared to go back to school, we were once again faced with broad challenges due to the ongoing pandemic. The Delta variant surge has changed the trajectory of the pandemic and the safety protocols Districts and citizens were required to follow. Prior to kicking off the new school year, masks were once again mandated in schools. In spite of uncertainty the North Rockland Central School District provided students with an exemplary, high level educational experience that was as normal as possible and values our students' social emotional health while operating under required safety guidelines and protocols.
To help students feel the District launched a back to school campaign to help students get to know our new staff and their new schools virtually.
Virtual Orientations
SPE Kindergarten Video TES Kindergarten Video WHES Kindergarten Video
FES Video HES Video Willow Grove Video
New New Teachers Videos
2021-22 NRHS & FMS 2021-22 SPES TES FES HES WHES & WGES 2021-22 Remote Academy
Welcome Back Video
Launch of the NRCSD Remote Academy
The North Rockland Central School District found a way to offer remote options for interested families during the 2021-2022 school year for students in grades K-12. While New York State did not require a remote option this year, North Rockland’s leadership team worked hard to provide remote options for families who wished to access school virtually. We’re so happy to report that the Remote Academy was such a success that it will be returning for the 2022-23 school year. It's been so fun navigating our virtual school's first year by growing, adapting, and excelling academically and emotionally NR Together!
Throughout the first semester the Academy's online classes helped to limit sensory overload for certain learners, let them re-watch lessons if needed, and provided opportunities for deep dives into their evolving interests -- all during regular school hours like their in person peers, which is when students are most productive. Many of them have discovered they can better focus on their education and extracurricular activities. We are so proud to be able to offer this remote option to the students and families of NRCSD!
North Rockland Reduces it’s Foot Print
The North Rockland Central School District is committed to reducing our environmental footprint. This 2021-22 school year we launched new green initiative's District wide. Greening our schools lessoned their environmental impact by reducing energy and water use, cutting back on fossil fuel, reducing waste headed to landfill through reducing, reusing and recycling, and most importantly -- protecting our natural habitats.
Some amazing new green programs we launched were refillable bottles and bottle stations at ever school, elementary green teams, additional student led community clean up days, recycling stations and reusable trays in our cafeterias and new recycling bins in every classroom. NR is certainly making a difference!
North Rockland is a place for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
North Rockland made strides this year in our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs. The Voice Council, which is a group of diverse North Rockland high schoolers who wish to amplify the thoughts and ideas of the student body, raised awareness by educating the school community and community at large to embrace diversity and inclusion. Their initiative was to get everybody, everywhere to a point where they feel valued because of their uniqueness, which requires teaching people to look for commonalities.
This year the voice group educated staff members through a book distribution project where each teacher was able to choose one book from a researched selection provided by the group. During the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Book Tasting hosted in each school building, group members presented, spoke and showed an educational video to NRCSD staff members as part of their initiative. We are so proud of these student leaders for the impact their project had on uniting us all as one community.
Voice Group Book Project Video
We’ve also worked hard towards creating a world of support and acceptance. Best Buddies is a most important program, which was expanded from from the elementary level up to high school in NRCSD. The collaboration on activities with SPIRIT classes fostered social opportunities and cultivates friendship, inclusion and leadership for people with and without disabilities throughout their educational journey. At Stony Point Elementary, the program focused on promoting awareness and provides avenues for peers to learn, play and grow NR Together and NR Strong. We are all alike, we are all in this together, we are NR!
Another Step Towards Normal
In March the NYS school mask mandate ended and restrictions on gatherings or businesses were lifted, ever since it’s been a whirlwind of wonderful and safe trips, events, activities and celebrations while. Like our North Rockland Sports Day for Charity, which returned after a two year hiatus. Like so many of our events, it wasn't just a fun way to get outdoors for activities, it was a day of community building that brought everyone from local businesses, to police departments, to town leaders, students and families, together in one place for a great cause! It’s been such a highlight of the school year to be able to hold so many in-person traditions again!
2022-23 Budget Passes with a Record 0% Increase and Funding
On May 17 our community approved the District’s $253 million spending plan and Proposition 2. Voter approval of the 2022-23 operating budget reflects that we’ve been successful in our efforts to balance quality programming with taxpayer sensitivity. For the Board of Education and administration, developing a plan both educationally sound and fiscally responsible was an important and comprehensive process. With the help of our local elected officials, we will receive an increase in state school funding over last year in North Rockland. The additional funding and hard work of our business office has resulted in a 0% increase in school property taxes for local homeowners—remaining well below New York State’s property tax cap of 2%. Keeping the tax levy at 0%, the District has saved local taxpayers a cumulative $23.7 million over the last three consecutive years.
The 2022-23 budget provides resources to sustain the District’s excellence and continues our mission of providing a safe, caring, and positive environment in which all students can grow, thrive and achieve their maximum potential. We will also be providing additional services and increasing efforts to support the social and emotional health of our students.
The approval of Proposition 2 allows NR to be proactive in our strategy for funding capital improvement projects as the District will now receive 80% building aid or approximately $11 million of the funds $14 million. It’s wonderful that our messaging about this plan was well-received and that we can now break ground on facility upgrades at - no additional costs to taxpayers.
- NR Remote Academy K-6 students graduated and celebrated with their own field day. More Photos
- 6th Grade Moving up ceremonies at Farley, Willow Grove and Haverstraw Elementary Schools. More Photos
- 3rd Grade Moving Up Ceremonies at Stony Point and Thiells Elementary Schools. More Photos
- Kindergarten Graduation at Stony Point, Thiells and West Haverstraw Elementary schools. More Photos
- North Rockland Class of 2022 Graduation. More photos. Live stream link.
Please join us on Monday in honoring Juneteenth. We encourage everyone to use this day as a time to listen, and to educate yourself by engaging in meaningful conversations with family, friends, and colleagues.
Originating in Galveston Texas in 1865, Juneteenth, short for June nineteenth, commemorates the day when federal troops arrived to alert enslaved people they were finally free. This long-overdue declaration was made over two-and-a-half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Juneteenth is celebrated because it is the anniversary of the official end of enslavement in the United States.
While we are faced with new challenges every day, our top priority is and will remain providing our students with the best education possible. As a district committed to equity, we take this opportunity to celebrate the freedom of all people and remind ourselves of the work that lies ahead.
The 2022-23 School Year
What to Expect this Summer
- A Mid-Summer Update will out between the last week of July and first week of August so please be on the look out for that it will contain important information for the 2022-23 School Year.
- The District's 2022-23 Calendar will be mailed at the end of August.
- Summer mailing - Expect to see in your mailbox mid to late August .
- First day of School - Sept 6, 2022
- Open Houses - Wednesday, August 31 1- 3 p.m.
Check out the Mid-Summer Update or the District calendar as we finalize dates for:
- When Parents will find their child's assigned teachers
- Meet the Teacher Nights
NRCSD has the 2022-23 School Year Supplies covered! 📚🖇✏️🖍📓📏 🐾
We understand the financial hardships many families are facing due to the ongoing pandemic. Therefore, our principals and teachers have determined the basic supplies students will need. The District will utilize COVID relief funds again to purchase those back-to-school supplies to take that burden off families. Individual teachers may require a few course-specific items once classes begin.
NRCSD Summer Programs
Our programs and their offerings can be found linked here and a video exploring Stepping Stones Summer Enrichment can be found linked here. Please be on the lookout for more information as we get closer to summertime on how to sign up.
2022-23 District Calendar
The 2022-2023 District Calendar linked here, was formally approved by the Board of Education.
NR Remote Academy 2022-23
We are excited to share that thanks to our school communities overwhelming support, the Remote Academy will continue to be an option for families for the 22-23 school year. If you have not already completed the enrollment form and are interested in enrolling your child in the Remote Academy, please complete the form(s) below by Friday, May 27th.
Elementary Form (Grades 1-6)
Secondary Form (Grades 7-12)
2021-22 Regent Exams
Regents Exams will be administered from Wednesday, June 15 to Wednesday, June 22. Please click here for the Regents testing dates and transportation schedule.
Please note the following:
- Students taking morning exams will be picked up at their regular bus stop and time.
- Students taking afternoon exams should be at their regular bus stop by 10:10am.
Tips for Helping Students After a School Shooting
- Try to keep routines as normal as possible. Kids gain security from the predictability of routine, including attending school.
- Limit exposure to television and the news.
- Be honest with kids and share with them as much information as they are developmentally able to handle.
- Listen to kids’ fears and concerns.
- Reassure kids that the world is a good place to be, but that there are people who do bad things.
- Families and adults need to first deal with and assess their own responses to crisis and stress.
- Rebuild and reaffirm attachments and relationships.
Article: Talking to Children about Terrorist Attacks and School and Community Shootings in the News
Did you know NRCSD now offers a FREE App?
Steps to download:
- Visit iTunes App Store ® or Google Play ®
- Search North Rockland CSD
- Then select North Rockland CSD App for FREE download
- Open the App enable push notifications and select the school(s) you want to subscribe to.
Stay connected!
- Get the latest district and school news
- Select the schools you want to follow
- Get push notifications about breaking news, closures, weather, events, and more
- Tap to see school locations, phone numbers, and staff information, fast
For a tutorial and navigation overview on the NRCSD App check out the YouTube video linked here.
Upcoming Events
Year End Events by Building
Next week:
Tuesday, June 21: Kindergarten Outside Sing-A-Long
Wednesday, June 22: Grade 2 Movie Day
Thursday, June 23: Grade 1 Bubble Bus Fun
West Haverstraw Elementary School
Next week:
Wednesday, June 22: 3rd Grade Moving Up Ceremony
10:00-10:45 am(Tillman, Violetti & Verrino)
11:15-12:00 pm(Delvalle, Cespedes & Egan)
Thursday, June 23: 3rd Grade Moving Up Ceremony
10:00-10:45 am (O’Keefe, Hoyt, Amodeo & Marciano)
Next week:
Tuesday, June 21: Grade 3 Clap Out, 2:30 PM
Wednesday, June 22: Early Dismissal, 12:35 PM
Thursday, June 23: Early Dismissal, 12:35 PM
Friday, June 24: Early Dismissal, 12:35 PM
Next week:
8th Grade Moving Up Ceremonies- 8:30 AM- Auditorium
Tuesday, June 21: Fury and Titans Teams
Wednesday, June 22: Dream and Wolves Teams
Thursday, June 23: Pride and Explorer Teams
8th Grade Celebration- Thursday, June 23 10 AM
Last Days Schedule
High School
Report Cards posted to Parent Portal by noon on June 24
Students in AM June 22 - 24
Report cards posted to Parent Portal by noon on June 24
Report cards will be sent home in physical backpacks on June 24; posted to Parent Portal by noon on June 24 and mailed home with NWEA results on June 30
Last day of school: June 24
District Overview of Year End Events
Red Raider Reminder - Senior Prom
NRHS Prom is Tuesday, June 21, 2022
at the Rockleigh Country Club.
More information to follow as we get further into the year.
Final Days to Register for NR UPK!
The North Rockland Central School District Universal Pre-K program has only a few spots remaining. Registration is open to children who will be four years old by December 1, 2022
and live in the district! Sign up now through the link here.
NR Athletics
Red Raiders signed on the dotted line! ✍️ 📝 🐾
SIGNING DAY: Congratulations to NRCSD’s varsity athletes who signed to play collegiate sports with their respective schools. It was so rewarding to see each of our dedicated student athletes, many who have been playing for NR since childhood, put pen to paper and officially commit to continuing their athletic career by signing their National Letter of Intent.
As Coach Joe Casarella said "As you continue your athletic career at the college level, never forget where you came from. North Rockland will always be your home Red Raiders!"
Signing Seniors: Jude Alvarez - Rockland CC Hawks - Baseball, Manny Bissereth - Nicholls College - Football, Emmett Brown - Westfield ST- Basketball, Kaila Dorch - Lycoming College - Basketball, Lennyn Fulgencio - Pace - Football, Kevin Morina - Western NE- Lacrosse, Jade Pazmino - Stonybrook - Cross Country, Track and Field, Jacob Pian - Utica - Baseball, Leyla Ventura - Oneonta - XC - Track and Field, Marco Evans - TC3 - Tomkins CC - Basketball
The 2022 girls shot put state champion is a RED RAIDER!
North Rockland's Deborah Estabine threw 41.-1.5 to capture gold during the NYSPHSAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Syracuse last Friday.
"I knew I had a chance of getting gold," Estabine said, adding, though, it was hardly guaranteed with multiple competitors having thrown around 40 feet.
"Anybody could get it. It was up in the air," she said.
The junior said her approach was to stay calm and "try not to let nerves get to me."
Estabine, who'll compete at New Balance Outdoor Nationals next week, is now throwing about seven feet farther than she was last year. She credited her improvement to work last summer on her technique and winter weight room workouts.
A Record Season for NR Athletics!
Check out the Red Raider Round up of all our championship wins during the 2021-22 school year!
League Champions
Fall 2021
-Boys Soccer
-Girls Soccer
-Girls Volleyball
-Boys Cross Country
Winter 2021-22
-Boys Basketball
-Girls Basketball
-Boys Bowling
-Girls Bowling
Spring 2022
-Boys Lacrosse
Section I Champions
Fall 2021
-Girls Volleyball
Winter 2021-22
-Girls Indoor Track & Field
-Girls Bowling
-Boys Bowling
Spring 2022
-Girls Track & Field
NYSPHSAA "New York State" Champions
Winter 2021-22
-Boys Bowling
-Girls Bowling
Individual State Champions
-Deborah Estabine
Girls Track & Field
Shot Put - 41-01.50
Basketball Clinic
Community Information
Resources for Combating Substance Abuse
Following the nationwide and unfortunately countywide upwards trend in youth substance abuse, recently, there has been an increase in the number of instances involving student use of substances forbidden by the North Rockland Central School District’s Code of Conduct. The District is taking this very seriously as the safety and well-being of our students and staff is always our top priority. Subsequently, the District has set forth measures to help inform students and parents of the inherent dangers of these substances, while also deploying measures to promote a healthy school environment.
Measures being implemented include:
A search of North Rockland High School was conducted in late February by the K-9 units from Rockland and Orange County. 15 officers and their K-9 service dogs swept the facility. Future sweeps are planned in conjunction with the Haverstraw Police Department.
Training for faculty and staff members is being scheduled to help detect the signs of student substance use and the recognition of various forms of paraphernalia.
Increased security in areas of schools where student misbehavior is more likely to occur.
Educational presentations on the dangers of controlled substances are being held for students. A parent information night will be scheduled for later this month.
Adjustment of bathroom supervision protocols
The District will continue our partnership with the North Rockland Coalition for Drug and Awareness Prevention to support our students and families in need of assistance.
The District will add staff to provide substance abuse counseling.
The District is working closely with the town of Haverstraw to bring two School Resource Officer Positions (SRO) to the District.
We recognize the potential dangers associated with the use of substances by our student body and remain committed to the safety and well-being of our students.
Substance abuse for families
Strategies parents can use to help their children:
Look for signs
Talk to your child and explain your concerns in detail.
Seek help/resources from your family physician, school counselor or school social worker
Get help
Helpful links:
- Behavioral Health Response Team
North Rockland Coalition /Drug Awareness & Prevention (website)
NRC/DAP Parent Support
- Haverstraw Reach Out Center: 845-429-5731
- High Focus Center: 1-800-877-3628
- Volunteer Counseling (VCS): 845-634-5729
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Hotline: 1-800-622-HELP(4357)
- Samaritan Daytop Village: 845-353-2730
- Arms Acres: 845-208-0632
- Adolescent Outpatient Substance Abuse Program (Nyack Hosp): 845-348-2075
Signs parents could look for that determine if their child may be using:
Poor performance in school
Emotional and behavioral problems
Losing interest in activities they once enjoyed
Dropping old friends for a new group
Acting despondent, aggressive or angry
Sleeping more than usual
Breaking rules
Exhibiting physical changes like sudden weight loss, frequent nosebleeds, bloody or watery eyes, or shakes and tremors
More detailed signs: Linked here
Informational Articles:
Internet Safety Materials
At North Rockland Central School District we take internet safety very seriously. It is important that we all have access to information on how to keep our students safe. Here are a few web resources:
Common Sense Media - click here
Connect Safely - click here
- Internet Safety Tips - click here
Peachjar Flyers
School Meal Information
School Meal Sign up!
Red Raider Reminder
NR students who enroll in the free/reduced breakfast & lunch program qualify for college application fee waivers, free ACT and SAT exams and reduced AP exam registration fees! To qualify please complete the Free or Reduced Price Meal Application Form linked here as soon as possible.
Join the NRCSD Family!
Food Service Helpers
The North Rockland (Haverstraw-Stony Point) Central School District is seeking candidates for Food Service Helper positions at various school buildings for the 2021-2022 school year. The starting rate of pay is $14.00/hour. Apply here