Brockett Bulletin
Superintendent Communication: November 22, 2024
To Celebrate Giving
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Patton’s library hosted a “Booksgiving” event for all students this week. Students visited the library with their language arts class and chose two books from a collection of over 1,600 titles.
Students could wrap a book for gift-giving or choose one for themselves. Some of the books were donated by the Traveling Light Foundation, which was also on hand to help wrap books. Thank you!
See more photos on the MSD Facebook page.
Searching for Winter Formal Wear
If you have formal clothing suitable for Mac High’s winter formal, you might consider a donation to make the event more accessible to all students. Especially needed are dresses, suit jackets, pants, shoes and accessories. Sizes 10+ are especially in demand.
Donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center (the main door of the high school) from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. on any school day. Thank you for supporting our students!
Winter Cheer Camp
Mac High Cheer is hosting a winter camp for students in grades K-8 to participate in a one-day clinic on Sunday, Dec. 8. Students will learn a routine and perform at the Friday, Dec. 13 home basketball game. Find details under your school’s Peachjar button.
Bye Bye Birdie
It’s not too late to see Mac High’s “Bye Bye Birdie,” a classic musical that premiered last weekend. The show is a fun takeoff of the media circus that surrounded Elvis Presley when he was drafted into the Army in the 1950s.
Tickets are available online and at the door. The show runs tonight and finishes up with a matinee tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 23 at 2 p.m. Find ticket info, dates and times here.
Gardening in Grade School
Middle/high school families! Have you downloaded the ParentVUE app yet? Downloading the app makes it easy to check on your student’s grades, assignments, attendance, class schedule, and more. Click here to download the app for iPhone or Android and here for a quick overview of how to use the app.
If you need help accessing ParentVUE, please contact your child's school. The school will submit a HelpDesk ticket for you if necessary.
ParentVUE Maintenance
If you want to check your student’s grades before the Thanksgiving break, please know that scheduled maintenance will take the system offline for about three hours beginning Tuesday, Nov. 26 beginning at 5 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break
Reminder: No school for students on Wednesday, Nov. 27 through Friday, Nov. 29 in honor of the holiday. Here's to a very happy Thanksgiving to you, your friends and your family.
The Brockett Bulletin will also go on holiday next week. See you Friday, Dec. 6.
Thank you, Memorial PTA!
Memorial's PTA helped mount a food drive competition that netted close to 900 pounds of food to be donated to the MSD Family Resource Center. The event was staged as a competition between the Ducks and Beavers and Wildcats with Principal Price agreeing to wear the jersey of the winning team after the drive. Leadership students (pictured) helped box up the food for delivery to the food pantry.
Seeking Ice Skaters
The McMinnville Chamber of Commerce is helping bring a temporary ice-skating rink to town for holiday fun and is looking for volunteers!
The rink will run on weekends from November 29 - December 22 and needs people to help sell tickets, monitor the skaters, check out skates and more. Find more info here and under your school’s Peachjar button.
Holiday Gifting Ideas
Is it hard for your extended family to give meaningful gifts to your children? Maybe they live out of town and don’t see them often or maybe they just aren’t plugged into that age group? You could create a gifting page with the Oregon College Savings Plan and suggest that they contribute to your child’s future education plans. It’s easy! Find out more here.
Keep Them Safe: Start The Talk
As we head into a long Thanksgiving break, you might consider talking with your kids about the danger of fentanyl. Did you know 64 percent of Gen Z trust their parents for info on fake prescription pills? You can start the talk that could save their life.
See the flyer under the middle/high schools’ Peachjar button or find more info here.