SPS District Newsletter
December 18, 2023
Southfield A&T Football
Coach Aaron Marshall featured on CBS News Detroit following Historic Win
Congratulations Isaiah Marshall, State Champs 2023 Mr. Football
State Championship Game at Ford Field
Warriors Celebration on Dec. 9th
Football and Cheer Banquet
On December 17th, the Warriors celebrated a remarkable football and cheer season at the annual banquet which was held at the Southfield Pavilion. We were honored to have special guests Calvin "Megatron" Johnson and Lomas Brown join us for an unforgettable evening!
Congratulations UHSA for Achieving Gold Status on the AP School Honor Roll
University High School Academy Featured on Fox 2
Kindergarten Round Up 2024
State of the District Address Now Available on Youtube
SPS Scholars Perform at the City of Southfield's Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
Congratulations Shelly Thomas - DAPCEP 2023 Real McCoy Awardee
University Middle School Academy Girls Basketball Win Championship
Congratulations to UMSA 6th and 8th grade girls basketball teams for winning the Championship on Saturday, December 9th.
Principal Tonya Hickman presented Best of the HealthNet Award
Congratulations Principal Tonya Hickman for being awarded the Best of the HealthNet Award presented by Authority Health!
School Index 2023
What is the school index score?
- Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) is the nation’s education law and represents a longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
- ESSA requires each state establish
- An accountability system to identify schools for support
- A system of supports for identified school
- School Index has 7 components:
- 34% Student Growth
- 29% Student Proficiency
- 14% School Quality/Student Success
- 10% Graduation Rate
- 10% English Learner Progress
- 2% Subject Assessment Participation
- 1% English Learner Assessment Participation
- All SPS schools have made a significant progress over the last two school years.
Overall Index Score
Adler Elementary School
- 2021-2022 School Index: 31.87%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 68.98%
McIntyre Elementary School
- 2021-2022 School Index: 50.28%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 66.34%
Stevenson Elementary School
- 2021-2022 School Index: 43.20%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 80.18%
Vandenberg World Cultures Academy
- 2021-2022 School Index: 69.11%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 84.13
Birney K-8 School
- 2021-2022 School Index: 37.95%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 49.98%
Levey Middle School
- 2021-2022 School Index: 37.63%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 51.30%
MacArthur K-8 University Academy
- 2021-2022 School Index: 72.71%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 94.48%
Thompson K-8 International Academy
- 2021-2022 School Index: 43.98%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 56.10%
Southfield High School for the Arts and Technology
- 2021-2022 School Index: 32.27%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 35.44%
University Middle School Academy
- 2021-2022 School Index: 81.75%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 94.47%
University High School Academy
- 2021-2022 School Index: 83.06%
- 2022-2023 School Index: 98.81%
Kindergarten Resources from Oakland Schools
Great Start Oakland - Support for Families with Young Children - click here!
Positive Solutions for Families
This seven session parenting series will provide information to families of young children on how to develop social and emotional skills, begin to understand challenging behavior, and encourage positive behavior. Complete the series and get a free children's book! Click here!
Struggling with brushing teeth? Taking a bath? Going Places? Cleaning up?
Family Routine Guide - Click here!
This Family Routine Guide can assist parents and caregivers in developing a plan to support young children who are using challenging behavior. Children engage in challenging behavior for a variety of reasons, but all children use challenging behavior to communicate messages. Challenging behavior, typically, communicates a need to escape or avoid a person or activity or communicates a desire to obtain someone or something. Once caregivers understand the purpose or meaning of the behavior, they can begin to select strategies to change the behavior. They can do this by selecting prevention strategies, teaching new skills, and changing the way they respond to eliminate or minimize the challenging behavior.
Social Emotional
Why is social emotional health so important? Social and emotional skills are as important as ABC's and 1, 2, 3s. Babies need relationships with loving adults to learn these skills. Loving relationships also help babies' brains to grow and develop. Click here to learn more!
Teaching Your Child to Identify and Express Emotions
Young children deal with many of the same emotions adults do. Children get angry, sad, frustrated, nervous, happy, or embarrassed, but they often do not have the words to talk about how they are feeling. Instead, they sometimes act out these emotions in very physical and inappropriate ways. Parents can help their children understand and express their emotions. Click here to see more!
Teaching Your Child to Cooperate with Requests
Young children can learn to follow adult expectations, including performing simple chores, if the expectations are developmentally appropriate (meaning they match what can be expected for children at that age) and are taught to the child. Below is information on what you might expect from your preschooler and some tips for helping your child learn and follow your requests. Click here!
Is Your Child Getting Enough Sleep?
Getting enough sleep is important to your child’s overall well-being. The world is exciting, though, and most children do not want to miss out on anything. In fact, your child might say they are not tired or sleepy and fall asleep at the table. As a parent, you continue to set the sleep schedule and the daily routine. Make the bedtime routine special and connect with your child. Click here!
Learning to Use the Toilet
Most parents are eager for their child to learn to use the toilet. However, learning to use the toilet is hard for your little one. It is important to make sure your child is physically and emotionally ready. Starting toilet training too soon can make it a negative experience. Power struggles during toilet training can leave children feeling frustrated or bad about themselves. The key is to stay calm and patient during this time. Click here!
Backpack Connections
Kids whining? Struggling with sharing or taking turns?
Help your child develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Each Backpack Connection handout provides information that helps parents stay informed and gives specifics ideas on how to use the strategy or skills at home. Click here!
Attendance Matters!
Friendly reminder to all our scholars, parents, and guardians: Punctuality is key! Let's kick off each day on a positive note by being on time and present. Your commitment to attendance sets the tone for success. Let's make every moment count!
Upcoming Dates and Events
- Dec. 25 - Jan. 5 - No School Winter Recess
- Jan. 8 - Classes resume for all scholars
- Jan. 9 - Board of Education Meeting
- Jan. 15 - No School Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Jan. 16 - Birney Kindergarten Round-up
- Jan. 17 - Adler Kindergarten Round-up
- Jan. 18 - MacArthur Kindergarten Round-up
- Jan. 22 - Thompson Kindergarten Round-up
- Jan. 23 - Stevenson Kindergarten Round-up