WMS Friday Forecast
February 10, 2023
Happy Friday RedHawk Parents and Guardians:
Monitoring Student Progress
We are a few weeks into our 3rd quarter. This is a good time to review last quarter's grades with your student and to check Schoology to look at work completion and current grades. One thing we have learned is that while a student struggles for one quarter, it does not mean that they cannot pull things together for the next quarter. But it typically takes some parental/guardian intervention and support. Early in the quarter is the time to take that look and set a plan of action.
Reminder from our January 13th issue of the Friday Forecast: "The best place to monitor your student’s learning progress and grades throughout the quarter is in Schoology. While we will sync grades from Schoology to HAC on a routine basis, the grades located in Schoology are the most comprehensive indicators of your students' progress."
5Essentials Survey
Feedback loops are an important way for us to reflect on and refine our practice. District 303 participates in the annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey that collects feedback from all of our stakeholders: students, teachers, staff, and parents. The Parent Survey, for Middle School parents, will be open from March 2, 2023 to March 10, 2023. Your participation in the parent portion of the survey will give you the opportunity to share your thoughts on important elements of school effectiveness. The responses will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide our improvement efforts. All responses are confidential and will never be connected to you or your child. Please click HERE for a letter that contains additional information.
We will send you instructions and a link when the survey is open for middle school parents. Thank you, in advance, for your input.
Explore Forms for 6th & 7th Grade classes
Forms for our current 6th & 7th grade students to request their Explore classes for the next school year will be sent home with students next Wednesday, February 15th.
Where Does AI Fit Into Our School Today?
After having Chat GPT write my last week's Friday Forecast message about AI, I was asked where Chat GPT fits in our instructional model and practices today. The answer is... nowhere. We have not trained staff, we have not planned for what this might look like, and we haven't discussed the pros and cons of its use. Chat GPT is not a tool that D303 has talked about using.
My simple goal was to raise parent awareness of an AI tool that is out in the technosphere. We know kids and adults are playing with and using Chat GPT, and it makes sense for us to be aware of it. And it really is kind of fun to see what IA can do and where it is headed.
Best regards,
Tim Loversky, Principal
Students in Mrs. Watt’s culinary arts class researched, made, and served a delicious meal for Wredling staff.
Pictured: Jayden Bui, Sherlyn Pablo, Lauren Kahlenberg, Rose Leslie with Mrs. Cannon
RedHawk Pride Awards
Congratulations to our current RedHawk Pride recipients. Know that we appreciate your effort, how you treat others, and how you follow our Guidelines for Success!
Current recipients (presented by):
- Cam Achtien from Mrs. Duck
- Sabrina Ahmed from Team 7-1
- Joshua Bibbins from Mrs. Batka & Mrs. Whitaker
- Fin Bigda from Mrs. Olson
- Haley Brunet from your RISE Teachers
- Siena DalSanto from your RiSE Teachers
- Armando Estrada from Mr. Scurte
- Kaelly Garcia from Mr. Blinstrup & Mrs. Szerlong
- Nathan Glomb from Mrs. Whitaker & Mrs. Batka
- Noah Jorns from Mr. Bozic
- Hayden Kruse from Team 7-1
- Kayla LaRose from Team 6-1
- Elijah Masud from Ms. Boehm
- Ester Oleynik from Mrs. Breon & Ms. Lubrano
- Jackson Przybyl from Team 7-1
- David Rodrigues from Team 7-1
- Erini Vardalos from Mr. Vale
- Haley Volker from Mr. Gabel
- Dakota Ware from Team 6-1
- David Yeun from Team 6-1
WMS Celebrates Kindness Week February 20-24
Wredling students will be celebrating Kindness Week February 20 - 24. Our Student Council & Builder's Club have been meeting to make plans to demonstrate and share kindness throughout that week. From Kindness videos, to notes, to nominating someone for an act of kindness, there will be a lot happening around the halls of Wredling.
Important Reminders for After School Pick Up
We recognize that accessing our school can be challenging, especially at dismissal time. We really need everyone to remember the following:
You need to pick up kids at the Norris Center parking lot after school, NOT off the Dunham Road driveway, Kirk Rd, or Fox Chase Blvd roadways, or in the neighborhoods surrounding our school. CLICK HERE for our detailed parking lot safety protocol.
Go slowly and be aware of all students and cars in the lots, crossing the roadways.
You need to pull into a parking space in the Norris lot.
Please follow all posted signs and arrows.
Parents may NOT pick-up students from our back parking lot without permission from Mr. Loversky (ex. due to injury, on crutches). They will receive a pass for this purpose. We have too many smaller buses trying to pick up students from this area.
WEB Leader Recruitment
Attention parents of 7th-grade students! It is time for WEB Recruitment!! WEB, “Where Everybody Belongs” is a mentoring program where next year’s 8th-graders (your 7th grade children) are trained to welcome and mentor next year’s 6th-graders.
Is your child responsible, dependable, and capable of developing leadership skills? If so, please encourage your child to apply to be a WEB Leader. The benefits for WEB Leaders include building greater confidence, increasing connections with their peers, exploring leadership opportunities, sharing their knowledge with incoming 6th-graders, and of course, having FUN!
Applications have been emailed to students and are available on the 7th Grade Hub (found under the academic tab on the Wredling Website) and are DUE Monday, February 10th. We are so excited about continuing our WEB tradition here at Wredling, and we couldn’t do it without our soon-to-be WEB Leaders!
Calendar Reminders:
2nd Semester Non-Attendance Days for Students
February 20th - Monday - Presidents’ Day Holiday
March 3rd - Friday - Kane County Institute Day
March 27th - 31st - Spring Break
April 7th - School Improvement Planning Day
2nd Semester Early Release Dates for Middle School
February 22nd - Wednesday. Dismissal at 2:52 PM for all students
March 22nd - Wednesday. Dismissal at 2:52 PM for all students
April 26th - Wednesday, Dismissal at 2:52 PM for all students
Data Dashboard
D303 Administration has worked with the Board of Education to establish a routine summary on the health of District 303 through a Data Dashboard. This chart, which will be updated monthly on the District website, provides an overview of nine important measurements in the categories of Academics, Operations and Belonging.
Vape: What Parents Should Know
February 16, 2023 (Virtual), 6:00 - 7:00 pm
- Vape: What Parents Should Know is a one-hour informative and engaging presentation that focuses on common devices used for vaping, substances vaped such as nicotine and marijuana, and the health risks associated with vaping and the substances vaped. The presentation includes a backpack demonstration of where teens can hide their devices and examples of common devices.
- Click here to register! A recording will be available after the presentation.
Identifying and Supporting Students with Anxiety
March 1, 2023, 9:30 - 10:30 am and 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Haines Center, Community Room 140
Presenter: Allyse Rehak, MA, LCPC with Riverview Counseling Services
- As anxiety becomes more prevalent in our children, parents want to be able to support their child in managing worries. Come learn more about anxiety and how to build your child’s emotional health.
- Click here to register!
Silent Disco Dance Parties at the St. Charles Public Library
Join other middle schoolers (Grades 6-8) for a silent dance party on Friday, February 10th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the Huntley Community Room of the St. Charles Public Library. They will have headphones, playlists and glowsticks! You bring your blacklight reactive clothing and dancing feet! Choose from one of three playlists to listen to or switch between them all. Colored lights on the headphones will show you who else is dancing to your music.
Another party for families will be held the next day, Saturday, February 11, at 3:00 pm! REGISTER
Random Acts of Kindness Week 2023 - February 13th-19th
Join Random Acts Matter during this special week dedicated to Keep Kindness Growing STC! It’s easy to get started, simply look for opportunities to share kindness, care and compassion. NO ACT OF KINDNESS IS TOO SMALL!
Acts can be informal and simple, share a smile even with a mask, open a door for someone, greet a person in public or share an act of kindness in your own home.
Acts can be more organized like those hosted by Random Acts Matter.
Acts can benefit one person, a larger group like your co-workers, neighbors, or the whole community.
Please share your Acts, big or small with them on Facebook at Random Acts Matter, Twitter @RandomActsSTC, Instagram #randomactsmatter. Your kindness may inspire someone to Keep Kindness Growing.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303