Counselor Connection
March, 2025
Reminder: Scholarship Deadline Approaching! Scholarship applications are due by March 5th at 2:30 PM—no exceptions. After this time, the system will automatically close, and late submissions will not be accepted.
On February 5th, Mrs. Molander and the guidance counselors met with seniors during advisory to provide a detailed overview of the local scholarship application process. During this session, all scholarship information and applications were made available on Canvas. If you were absent or would like to review the information again, a recording of the presentation is available. Click the link below to watch.
Over 140 scholarships are available, thanks to the generosity of our community donors. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Important: Students must access scholarship applications exclusively through Canvas using their school email address.
The course selection window for students in grades 9-11 opened on Monday, March 3 and will close on Thursday, March 21st. Each student will have an individual Course Selection Meeting with their guidance counselor to finalize their elective choices. During this meeting, students will select their elective courses and must also choose one alternate elective as backups in the event they do not get their priority elective.
All students have received an email from their guidance counselor with a link to schedule a meeting at a convenient time. Students with a study hall are encouraged to use that time for their meeting.
Important: Students should be mindful of graduation requirements when choosing electives. These requirements can be found in the Program of Studies (on page 5). In addition, students will need to select a minimum number of credits which is listed below.
Credit Requirements by Grade Level:
Current 9th Grade Students – Must select a minimum of 27 credits
Current 10th Grade Students – Must select a minimum of 26 credits
Current 11th Grade Students – Must select a minimum of 27 credits
Students are strongly encouraged to discuss their course selections with their parents/guardians and review elective options ahead of time. The Program of Studies for 2025-2026 provides information on course levels, prerequisites, new elective offerings, and course descriptions.
Junior College Planning!
Juniors are reminded to continue to use Scoir to conduct college searches and build their list of colleges that they are interested in. It is also recommended that Juniors schedule college tours and are reminded that April vacation is a great time to go on tours! Guidance counselors are available at any time to answer questions, we are here to help!
If any student or parent was unable to attend the College Admissions Panel Night in February, you can view the presentation by clicking here.
To view the Post-Secondary Planning Classroom Presentation that took place in January please click here.
Juniors planning to take the SAT can register at www.collegeboard.org, while those interested in the ACT can register at www.actstudent.org. All colleges accept either SAT or ACT scores.
Fee Waivers: A limited number of SAT and ACT fee waivers are available for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. If you believe you are eligible, please see your guidance counselor for more information.
Any student that is interested in taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) can register to do so by clicking on the link below. The ASVAB will take place on Thursday, April 15th at 7:45 AM in the Presentation Center.
Benefits of taking the ASVAB include:
Exploring Career Options – The ASVAB is not just for students considering the military; it also includes the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP), which helps students identify their strengths and interests, guiding them toward suitable career paths.
Military Enlistment – Students interested in joining the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or Space Force take the ASVAB to determine their eligibility and qualification for specific military jobs (MOS).
Assessing Skills & Aptitudes – The test measures abilities in areas such as math, science, reading comprehension, mechanical knowledge, and electronics, providing insight into academic and vocational strengths.
Scholarship & ROTC Opportunities – Some ROTC programs and military scholarships use ASVAB scores as part of their selection process.
No Commitment Required – Taking the ASVAB does not obligate a student to enlist in the military, making it a useful tool for career exploration even if they don’t plan to serve.
Students are encouraged to finish the 2nd half of the school year strong. All students are encouraged to utilize the academic supports offered at MHS!
Options include:
Math Lab (RM 253) - Available from 8:00 am - 2:30 pm on A days and 8:15 am - 2:15 pm on E days
Writing Conference (RM 338) - Available every block from Monday - FridayMAST - After school homework help Mon-Thurs, 2:30-4:00 pm in MHS Library
Staying after school with a teacher - Please make appointment with your teacher in advance
Community Service Hours
All students are required to complete community service as part of the graduation requirements. Upon completion of their service hours, students must log their hours by accessing the Community Service Hours Tracking Google Form. Please note that students are responsible for logging their own hours using their school email addresses. (Parents are unable to access the form).
What Counts as Community Service Hours?
Community service refers to voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area or contribute to the betterment of the community. This can include a wide range of activities, such as assisting at local shelters, participating in environmental clean-up efforts, tutoring students, or helping at community events. Community service not only benefits those in need but also helps volunteers develop skills, gain experience, and foster a sense of civic responsibility.
Click here to access a list of community resources available for completing your service hours.
The Marshfield Education Foundation St. Patrick's Day 5K is looking for Marshfield High School student volunteers. It's always a fun day and you'll earn community service hours! The 5K will be held on Saturday, March 15th, 2025. Sign up using the link below: Volunteer Sign up for Marshfield St. Patrick's Day 5K
During advisory on February 5th Marie Kurmin and Joanie Pozerski (WAMP Co-Chairs) were excited to announce the 12th We Are Marshfield Project on May 2nd to the Class of 2025! As always, they need lots of volunteers, chaperones and donors to run the day smoothly! Chaperones and volunteers can sign up here.
If you are interested in making a donation, please email wearemarshfieldproject@gmail.com. #WeAreMarshfield. To view the video presentation click the link below.
Important Dates to Remember!
3/3 - Student Course Selection Begins
3/5 - Scholarships Application Deadline
3/13 - Program of Studies Night
3/15 - Community Service Opportunity - Marshfield Education Foundation St. Patrick's Day 5K
3/14 - Guidance FBMS Course Selection Presentation
3/21 - Student Course Selection Closes
4/15 - ASVAB
5/2 - We Are Marshfield Project
Kerran Goff - Guidance Coordinator
Student Assignments: Hap-Ken
Dan Carlon
Student Assignments: A - Cam, W - Z
Amanda Zagami
Student Assignments: F - Han, Shay - V
Katelyn Raymond
Student Assignments: Can - E
Mike Ruuska
Student Assignments: Keo - M
Susan Smith
Student Assignments: N - Shaw
Marjory Graney
Administrative Assistant
Laurie Duane
Marshfield High School
167 Forest Street
Marshfield, MA 02050
Phone: (781) 834-5055
CEEB Code: 221350