How does this program work? How to apply.
Mrs. Norton
Location: Room 1.065
Phone: 770.682.4130
Work-Based Learning
CHHS Career and Tech Ed Department
CTSOs (Career and Tech Student Orgs)
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America; Business/Technology/Computer Science)
DECA (Marketing)
FCCLA (Family and Consumer Sciences)
TSA (Technology Student Organization; Engineering/VEX Robotics)
FGE (Future Georgia Educators)
Leave campus early or arrive late
More time in your day to better balance work, school, and home
Receive elective credit for 1, 2, or 3 periods
Learn employability skills to better prepare you for your career
What Type of Student Should Take WBL:
AP students who want to work
Athletes who want to work
Students wanting to work toward a career path
Students saving money for college or other
Any student!
Must be a Junior or Senior
Must have an approved job or internship by August, 2022
Must have reliable transportation (you cannot stay on campus during WBL)
Must have room in your schedule
You are required to turn in paystubs each time you get paid
You can be in an internship (and turn in a time sheet to document hours)
Your employer signs a contract and agrees to evaluate you
The employer evaluations count 30% of your overall average
I visit your work twice a semester and speak with your employer
You are expected to follow proper protocol if changing jobs!
You are required to complete a monthly employability skills-related assignment
You are required to join the WBL Remind as this is our main mode of communication
You are required to either sign in each day or sign out each day (for attendance)
Paperwork (5%)
Employability Skills (5%)
Monthly Assignments (25%)
Employer Evaluations (30%)
Coordinator Evaluation (15%)
Final Exam (performance-based) (20%)
How to Apply:
Mrs. Norton will approve your application.
Mr. Maffeo or your counselor will determine if you have room in your schedule
Put WBL as your first elective choice on the registration document