January 2025 Northtowne News
What's happening in our school, district, and community!
PBIS Mission Statement
I am prepared and ready to learn.
I will be respectful, responsible and focused.
I will make choices that focus on teaching and learning.
My hands are for helping, NOT hurting.
And my words are for encouraging.
I will be the best ‘me’ I can be.
January Important Dates
January 17 - End of 2nd Quarter
January 20 - No School; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21 - No School; Teacher Professional Development
January 22 - No School; Records Day
January 30 - Family Advisory Council Meeting 6:00pm at Northtowne
Save the Date: February 8 - Summer Opportunities and Engagement Fair 10:00am-1:00pm
Every Wednesday is Wear Your House Shirt Day! Students and staff wear their House (Amistad, Altruismo, Reveur, or Isibindi) shirt to show our House spirit!
Stay up to date! The calendar for the 2024-25 school year can be found here.
Student Absences
Did you know that you can send an email to let us know your student will be absent from school? You can! You can also take a photo of the appointment excuse note and attach it to an email. No more wondering if your student remembered to turn in the paper. Contact us with all things concerning attendance here: attendance.northtowne@columbus.k12.oh.us
Principal's Corner
Hello Families, Caregivers, and Students,
The year 2025 has come and made its presence known, especially with weather that gave us an additional two days to Winter Break! We are glad to welcome back our students and to finish the remaining days of the second quarter. This newsletter is brimming with information for our families because a new calendar year seems to signal the start or refreshing of many opportunities. You won't want to miss a great and useful detail for your household, so make sure you read through to the end.
As noted in the list of important dates, the last day of the quarter is January 17. Grades will be finalized shortly after the Records Day (January 22). Families can check the student report card in the Parent Portal in the "Grades" section. Any family having difficulty with Parent Portal access can contact our Family Ambassador for assistance.
Our Coin War House competition for December was a good success. Thank you families, for sending in your spare change to support this school fundraiser. Also, congratulations to the Isibindi (green) House who were the winners of this competition! They had a fun pajama day with a movie in the classroom just before Winter Break. Our House competition for January is announced later in this newsletter. Check it out!
Stay safe and warm!
Mr. Taylor
Morning Drop Off Reminders
Please stay with your child prior to 8:30 a.m. and/or when there is no adult supervision. For the safety of your child, please wait until a staff member is outside. Children should not be dropped off before 8:30.
If you drive your student to school, please enter the parking lot area and drive beside the sidewalk. Pull forward, as much as possible, until just past the open cafeteria doors.
Breakfast is served starting at 8:30 and is free for any child who chooses to eat.
Dress For the Weather
Cold mornings, freeze warnings, and frosty car windshields have arrived in Columbus! Please, send your student to school dressed for the weather. Warm coats, hats, and mittens/gloves are needed. Boots for walking through snow could be needed at any point as temperatures continue to drop. In Ohio, cold weather often lasts from the end of October through early/mid March.
If you need any assistance with getting the necessary outerwear for the Ohio weather, reach out to Family Ambassador Sarah Bowman, sbowman@columbus.k12.oh.us. She will get the details of your needs and connect you with Northtowne Elementary or community based resources to help.
Diversity Corner
OELPA testing coming in February
The Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) is the state summative test that districts give to students identified as English learners in grades K-12 to determine their progress to English language proficiency and readiness to exit from the English language development program. The OELPA is aligned to Ohio’s English Language Proficiency Standards and meets the federal and state requirements of an annual assessment of English language proficiency measuring listening, speaking, reading and writing. The OELPA also is the basis for the English Language Proficiency Improvement Indicator in the Gap Closing component of the Ohio School Report Card.
Fast Facts About the OELPA:
- All English learners in grades K-12 must be included in Ohio’s English language proficiency assessment program annually. Districts must administer the OELPA to every English learner.
- Tests are all online and question types include multiple-choice, word match, drag and drop, short-constructed response and extended response.
- The OELPA must be given in person and districts must administer the OELPA during the eight-week test window in February and March annually.
- ELL classes are suspended for OELPA administration until all students have taken the required test. After all students are tested regular ELL classes resume.
Counselor's Corner
This month, Guidance lessons are focusing on the growth mindset. You may be wondering, "What is a growth mindset?" A growth mindset is the opposite of a fixed mindset (click to enlarge the image in this section to see the difference between growth and fixed mindsets). A growth mindset is a frame of mind that believes that abilities, intelligence, talents, and other such attributes can be developed through learning and effort. A growth mindset also emphasizes that challenges and failures are part of the learning process, to which we can adapt and thrive as a result.
A growth mindset allows for learning, motivation, performance, and resilience. People with a growth mindset are more likely to exert more effort, embrace change and challenges, and use feedback as an opportunity to learn.
Here are five characteristics of a growth mindset:
- Accepts flaws and mistakes as opportunities for improvement
- Recognizes setbacks as part of the learning process
- Sees intelligence as something that can be developed
- Embraces challenges and even probable failure
- Open to feedback
Notes From Nurse Cassie
Nurse Cassie would like to again remind families to keep your students up to date with required childhood vaccinations. Caregivers can check with their pediatrician to make sure that vaccinations are up to date. When vaccinations are needed you can schedule an appointment with the pediatrician. If it is more convenient or if you do not have a consistent pediatrician you can schedule your student to receive vaccinations at one of the Columbus City Schools (CCS) School-Based Health Centers run in partnership with Nationwide Children's Hospital.
The closest School-Based Health Center to Northtowne is at Northland High School. Call 614-355-2590 to schedule and appointment or for more information. Same day appointments may be available. Transportation services may also be arranged. Learn more at https://NationwideChildrens.org/Care-Connection
New House Challenge! iReady Reading Challenge!
For the month of January we are focusing on iReady Reading (Waterford for our pre-k students). The House with the most passed i Ready Reading lessons will win an hour of free play in the gym. On January 29th we will tally up the number of passed lessons for each House and we will announce the winning House January 30th. Students will work on iReady (or Waterford) Reading lessons at school. Students who really want to help push their house to the winning position can also access iReady (or Waterford) from home. All you need is a device connected to the internet and your student can login to their Classlink account. From there they accesses iReady (or Waterford) just like they do when they are at school.
Get to Classlink by clicking here or typing in the web link directly: https://launchpad.classlink.com/columbuscity
Meeting Invitation - Family Advisory Council
Family Advisory Council Meeting
The Family Advisory Council is holding a meeting and you are invited! All caregivers of students are considered eligible members simply by having a student who attends Northtowne. No additional membership sign-ups are required! Please join us at the meeting so that your voice can be heard as Northtowne staff work to better understand what supports and information are most meaningful to our families.
A clickable poll is below to indicate if you will an interpreter to support your full participation in the meeting. If you require an interpreter for a language not listed in the poll, please email Family Ambassador Sarah Bowman with the language needed. sbowman@columbus.k12.oh.us
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, 06:00 PM
Northtowne Elementary School, Northtowne Boulevard, Columbus, OH, USA
Family Advisory Council
Vision: The Family Advisory Council (FAC) will provide families with knowledge and resources needed for students to have a more successful school year.
Mission: Through thoughtful partnerships the FAC will offer families resources and support to have a positive impact on student success.
Core Values:
Collaboration with families, staff, and community members
Strong communication providing consistent and meaningful messages
Respect for all to ensure positive relationships, cultural sensitivity, and inclusion
Providing resources to families to support development and progress
Positively influence and empower families to encourage learning at home
I would like to request an interpreter for the meeting
SHINE - Staff Heros Illustrating Northtowne Excellence
Staff Heros Illustrating Northtowne Excellence (SHINE) is an award for our staff that is similar to the student TAG awards. SHINE recognizes that even adults thrive better when they are recognized for their efforts! While staff are able to nominate each other for these awards, the real magic happens when our families get involved too!!
With SHINE caregivers, and students (with the guidance of their adults at home) can share a moment of greatness that was noticed and appreciated. Did a staff member go above and beyond? Were they especially helpful? Were they responsive to your needs or concerns? Even small actions can make a big difference for the people they impact. Please let our staff know when they have positively impacted your or your student's life!
To nominate a staff member, fill out the “SHINE” Google Form with the date, your name, name of the nominee, and reason for the SHINE. A SHINE award certificate will be filled out and delivered to the appropriate staff member for each nomination made in the Google Form. The link for the form is here: https://forms.gle/Zhs76dZ6kgLY16DF6
Photo Gallery of December Events at Northtowne
Click on any photo to expand it and make it larger.
Family Assistance Request
Do you have concerns about how your student is managing school expectations (academic, behavior, social, etc.)? Click the link below to fill out a form that will let the school know about your concerns. Your communication with us helps us to be sure that no one in need is missed.
Winter Weather and School
Throughout the winter months, school cancellations may occur due to severe weather or snow. Please be prepared for school cancellations and have a plan for your student.
Keep up-to-date on cancellations:
- Make sure the contact information on file in the Parent Portal is up to date. ***This is very important.***
- All families and staff will be alerted through an automated call, email, and text message from the District’s phone system. It is important to have your updated contact information on file in order to receive this notification.
- Make sure you have "opted-in" to receive communications from the district on Parent Portal. The District uses an automated system to share information. You must allow the system access to your contact information in order to receive updates by phone, email and text.
- Follow Columbus City Schools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or check our website. As soon as the decision is made to cancel school, we’ll share news and other schedule updates on the District website and on our social media pages.
- Monitor the news on local television and radio stations. School cancellations will run at the bottom of your tv screen.
When will caregivers know if school is cancelled?:
- CCS will make an announcement regarding school cancellations the night before, whenever possible.
- If a cancellation cannot be made the night before, the Superintendent and her Operations team will make a decision no later than 5:30 a.m.
- On very, very rare occasions it is necessary to dismiss students early from school. This will only occur if the Superintendent and her Operations team believe that the weather conditions are deteriorating too rapidly to get students home safely, if classes are not dismissed early.
- Once the decision has been made, the next step is to alert parents, teachers, and staff using the District's phone system to send an automated call, email, and text message.
Are Extracurricular Activities cancelled when school is cancelled because of weather?:
- Generally, evening activities, events, and athletic practices are cancelled when classes are cancelled for the day.
- Early dismissal for inclement weather will automatically cancel all after-school activities.
Early Childhood Education (Pre-K) Art & Ideas Engagement Event
Families enjoy:
- Free admission to the museum
Art activities
Book giveaways
Play with Legos
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Columbus Museum of Art
480 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215
Spruce Run
Spruce Run Nature Center is a 50 acre natural property owned by Columbus City Schools (CCS). The property provides a unique place for environmental studies and outdoor learning. The space is full of nature, a creek, gardens, a working greenhouse, a classroom, a house with an observation deck, nature play spaces, a fire pit, a barn for indoor activities, and more.
Check out more information about Spruce Run Nature Center and some fun winter time nature activities that kids and families can do in their Smore newsletter at https://secure.smore.com/n/79f5n.
Summer Opportunities and Engagement Fair
The annual Summer Opportunities and Engagement Fair has a new location for 2025!
At the fair come and learn about the many different summer programs, camps, internships, volunteer hours, and employment opportunities for grades PreK-12, special education/adaptive, gifted, and English language learners.
What you'll find at the Fair:
• Information Workshops
• 50+ Community Partners
• On-Site Translators
• Giveaways
When: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Where: East High School
1500 E Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205
Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
Parking is Free!
Free COSI Memberships for 5th Grade Families
LAST CALL!! Application Closes January 31
It's back again this year! Columbus City School (CCS) families who have a 5th grader in the home are eligible for a FREE year long family membership to COSI!
Thanks to the generosity of the Robert Weiler Company, COSI is proud to offer a complimentary one-year COSI Membership to Columbus City Schools 5th Grade Students and their families. You are invited to give your family the gift of science learning with year-round visits to COSI. It’s simple when you click on the button below!
It’s absolutely FREE and absolutely FUN!
• FREE year-long admission to COSI
• FREE reciprocal admission to 360+ science centers worldwide*
• Invitations to Member Previews & Events
• Discounts on parking, Museum Store, and the Atomic Café
* Some restrictions apply. Pricing and benefits subject to change without notice.
Limited number of Memberships available. First come, first served. Application window will close January 31st, 2025.
WOSU Second Saturday Kids Days
Second Saturday Kids Days are free events that take place in the Ross Community Studio at the WOSU headquarters. At each Second Saturday event, children will experience learning through characters they already know and love and explore themes that combine imagination, interaction and technology to investigate art, science, math and reading.
In the event of inclement weather, Second Saturday would be canceled if Franklin County is under a Level 2 Snow Emergency.
Follow your curiosity at the next Second Saturday Kids Day! This month we are partnering with Columbus Speech and Hearing to have exciting hands on learning experiences and activities. Meet special guests Zeke and Malik from the hit PBS show Work It Out Wombats, build with blocks, and more!
Activities include:
- Meet an ASL interpreter
- Build with blocks
- Touch and feel activity with Columbus Speech & Hearing
- Color
- Airbrush artist
- Book Nook
- Meet and Greet with Zeke and Malik
When: Saturday, January 11th, 20249:00-11:00am
Where: WOSU Ross Community Studio
1800 N. Pearl Street, Columbus, Ohio 43201
LEGO League Jr.
Calling All Young Builders and Innovators!
The Ohio State College of Engineering CARE Office's K-16 Outreach team is excited to sponsor LEGO League Jr., a free, hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program for students aged 6-10. Presented by Lambda Psi, this program gives young learners the chance to collaborate with Ohio State engineering student mentors, build the engaging SUBMERGED kit, and explore the exciting world of engineering through creativity and teamwork.
Join us for this incredible opportunity! We’re looking for 50 eager participants to join by January 17—don’t wait to reserve your spot! Sign up now and dive into the world of engineering!
Dates: Saturdays, January 25 – March 1
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Northland High School
1919 Northcliff Dr, Columbus OH 43229
Bonus: Snacks and lunch included!
2nd & 7 Columbus Kids' Book Bank - FREE Books!
The next giveaway is January 14, 2025 at 3:00pm - 6:00pm
7949 N. High St.
Columbus Oh 43235
Winter Resources for Columbus Residents
Essential Resources for Winter
Click the links below for helpful resource lists and tools:
- Columbus Winter Warming Centers – Interactive Map
- Columbus Winter Warming Centers – PDF
- Clothing, Hygiene Items, and Home Goods Resource List
- Utility & Housing Payment Assistance Programs
- Best Gas Prices in Columbus
- Free Home Weatherization for Income-Eligible Franklin County Residents
- Grief Support, Support Groups, Substance Use Help, and More
- Emergency Food Help
- Emergency Housing Help
- Helpful Hotlines
- Columbus Street Card
- How to Prepare Your Home for Winter Weather
Project Connect
What is the Project Connect Program?
Authorized under Federal law through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, the Columbus City Schools’ Project Connect Program provides services to ensure that identified children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to a free and appropriate public education by removing barriers due to homelessness. As advocates for educational rights, there are various services the program provides to assist families in transition.
How can the Project Connect Program help?
Project Connect works with students, parents, Columbus City Schools (CCS) employees, partner agencies, and other local school districts to provide assistance with:
- school selection and enrollment
- school transportation o wellness checks and on-going social and emotional support
- book bags and school supplies for students
- assistance with high school graduation fees and expenses o addressing barriers that affect school attendance and full participation
- obtaining necessary documents such as birth certificates, school records, and medical records
- dispute resolution regarding school choice and enrollment
Who may qualify for the Project Connect Program?
The term “children and youth experiencing homelessness” means individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence. It includes those who are:
- sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of home, economic hardship, or similar reason
- living in motels or hotels
- staying in trailer parks or campgrounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations
- living in emergency or transitional shelters
- abandoned in hospitals
- living on their own, such as youth who have run away or have been put out of their home
How do families access homeless services through CCS?
- Parents and students may call the Project Connect Office at 614-365-5140
- Email: ProjectConnect@columbus.k12.oh.us
Community Resources Collection
At the following links you can find a collection of community resources. These resources are ones that are consistently available on our Central Ohio community. Each link has a different theme to the resources contained in it. These resources have been found and the information is maintained by a team of Family Ambassadors. If you discover outdated information or links that do not work please help the Family Ambassador team by notifying the Family Ambassador at your school. If there are additional resources that would be helpful to you, please notify your Family Ambassador so that the team can work on those additions.
Northtowne News Past Issues are Still Available
Did you delete a Northtowne News email and then realize there was a resource you still wanted to check out? Do you remember seeing a newsletter announcement about a community resource but now you can't remember the name of the organization and you can't find the email from the newsletter? Don't worry! The information you need is not lost! All prior Newsletters and mid-month updates are available on the Northtowne Elementary web site. The button below will take you directly to the newsletter archive.
Right to Know
Parents Right To Know Information as Required by the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA) (Section 1112(e)(1)(A) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (Section 1112(e)(1)(A)
As a parent of a student attending a school that is receiving Federal Title I dollars, you have the right
to know the professional qualifications of the teacher(s) and instructional paraprofessional(s) who
instruct your child, Federal law required every Title I school district to comply and to provide you
with the requested information in a timely manner.
We are happy to provide this information to you. At any time, you may ask:
- whether the teacher met state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade level
and subject he/she is teaching
- whether the teacher received an emergency or conditional certificate through which state
- what undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, including graduate certificates and
additional degrees, and major(s) or area(s) of concentration.
You may also ask whether your child receives help from a paraprofessional. If your child receives this assistance, we can provide you with information about the paraprofessional’s qualifications.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which was signed into law in December 2015 and
reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1956 (ESEA) includes additional right to know requests. At any time, parents and family members can request:
- information on policies regarding student participation in assessments and procedures for
opting out, and;
- information on required assessments that include:
- subject matter tested
- purpose of the test
- source of the requirement (if applicable)
- amount of time it takes students to complete the test, and
- time and format of disseminating results
Our staff is committed to helping your child develop the academic knowledge and critical thinking
skills he/she needs to succeed in school and beyond. That commitment includes making sure that all of our teachers and paraprofessionals meet applicable Ohio state requirements.
Grateful for Family Involvement
Thank you so much for your support and involvement with your child’s learning. Whether it’s conferences, attending the family meetings, or a quick chat throughout the day, we appreciate your involvement and efforts to build the lines of communication between home and school.
Lots of school communication and information is in the Parent Portal. If you need help accessing the Parent Portal please contact our Family Ambassador, Sarah Bowman. She can even link families to interpreters (Bilingual Engagement Liaisons or BEL) to help with understanding the Parent Portal set up process. Email: sbowman@columbus.k12.oh.us or you can call or text: 614-859-9654Thank you for reading this month’s newsletter.
Send a note to let us know what you thought, make suggestions or ask a question. We would love to hear from you. Please send a note to your child’s teacher or send a message.
Austin Taylor, Principal
Phone: 614-365-5488
Fax: 614-365-5487
Email: ataylor4@columbus.k12.oh.us
Sarah Bowman, Family Ambassador
Email: sbowman@columbus.k12.oh.us
Susan Bryant, Building Coach
Email: sbryant9569@columbus.k12.oh.us
Frank Beickelman, Grant Provider