DWE Parent Newsletter
November 18 - 22, 2024
Field Day - Friday, November 22
Parents are welcome to join us for the outside activities in the fields behind DWE. You will not need to check in since you are joining us outside only. Students need to bring a sack lunch, or they can order a sack lunch from the cafeteria.
Dress Code Reminders
Students need to wear tennis shoes/rubber soled shoes that won't slip off every day to be safe at recess and in the gym.
- No fake fingernails due to safety issues
- NO CROCS at school please - they are not safe for our students in PE & recess
- Shorts, skirts must fall between the fingertip and knee.
- Spaghetti straps are not acceptable for school.
- Pants may not have holes that expose skin above the top of the knee.
Thanksgiving Break - November 25-29 - No school Happy Thanksgiving!
Picture Retakes - December 6th
Reminder- NO student drop off in the back in the mornings or on Glenmore
We need to move more staff members to our front driveway in the mornings, so the back will no longer be an option for drop off. All car riders must be dropped off in the front from now on. Do not drop your child off on Glenmore or at the crosswalks.
Important Dates
Thanksgiving Break - November 25 - 29
No lunch visitors - December 5th due to benchmark testing
Fall Picture retakes - December 6th
Holiday concert - December 12th 9:00AM & 1:30PM - 4th grade & 4th/5th grade choir students performing
9:00AM homerooms performing:
Cadena, Jerez, Hardin, Cortes, Armas, R. Medina, Garza (4th graders only), Salazar (4th graders only)
1:30PM homerooms performing:
Meza, S. Medina, Tarver, Rosas, Silva
All 4th grade students & 4th/5th grade choirs perform at 6:30PM
Classroom Christmas parties - December 20th @1:30PM
Christmas Break - December 23 - January 6
Parents always ask: how can I help my child with school?
There are many ways that parents can help their children be successful in school! Some of the easiest ways are:
- Getting students to school on time every day
- Not checking your student out early - please try to make appointments after school
- Helping your child have good attendance
- If your child has glasses - make sure they have them for school each day
- Communicating with your child's teacher
- Participate in schoolwide events
- Having your student read 15 minutes every night
- Helping your student study their math facts (multiplication, division, addition, & subtraction)
Thank you for partnering with us to help your students be successful!
Lunch Visitors
We will have lunch visitors on TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS only. Visitors must sign in and get a tag in the front office. Any person who may have lunch with your child needs to be listed in Skyward as an emergency contact and have a photo ID with them. We will not allow persons who are not listed and approved by you to enter the cafeteria. We are limiting lunch visitors to one person per student due to a lack of seating. Lunch visitors will be closed on testing days.
Please do not send food deliveries via Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. This is a district policy.
DWE Daily Reminders
- If your student is tardy, please walk in and check them into the office.
- Students may not wear cross body bags or purses in school. Those need to be in backpacks.
- Lunches can be dropped off before 10:00AM only. After 10:00AM students will have to get a tray.
- Complete your Criminal History Background Check so you are able to attend school events and field trips with your student. A new background check must be completed each school year. https://www.dpisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1561595&type=d&pREC_ID=1689770
- Update emergency contacts in Skywards, please ensure there is at least one emergency contact in addition to the student’s parents. Anyone that may have lunch with your student throughout the year, MUST be listed as an emergency contact.
- Registration must be done by October 22: Any student who will be riding a DPISD bus to school and/or home must be registered with transportation. https://www.dpisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1570743&type=d&pREC_ID=2053389
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
You may email changes to dwetransportation@dpisd.org. If you have to make a change during the school day, please submit changes to the front office only by 1:00 pm., allowing us time to get the message delivered to the student and teacher before dismissal. Verbal changes will not be accepted.
DWE Important Phone Numbers
OFFICE - 832-668-8300
NURSE - 832-668-8305
COUNSELOR - 832-668-8303 (Dodd) 832-668-8349 (Martinez)
CAFETERIA - 832-668-8306
FAX NUMBER - 832-668-8360