The Panda Post

November 22, 2024
Glenview District 34
1333 Greenwood Road
Glenview, IL 60026
Main Office (847)998-5055
Absence Calls/Health Office (847)657-2494
Calendar of Events
Friday, November 22
Report Cards Available to Families via Powerschool
Wednesday, November 27
No School - Institute Day
Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29
No School - District Closed
SAVE THE DATES: Spring Music Program for 1st & 2nd Grade
Thursday, March 13th at 9:30am & 1:30pm
Friday, March 14th at 9:30am & 1:30pm
**click button below with information
Message From The Principal
We have so much to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving this week. The Westbrook/Glen Grove PTA met their goal of supporting 100 families in our community through their Holiday Helper program. Thank you to everyone in our community who helped make this possible. This is such an important program throughout the community and to see this level of support for our families is truly amazing! It is such an honor to work in such a supportive community.
This week we also had our first snow of the year! This brought a lot of excitement across the building for students and staff. As we know colder temperatures are coming, please see below for more information regarding winter weather. Just a friendly reminder, if you arrive after our doors close at 8:50, please make sure to walk your student into the building and sign them in using the iPad provided in the office. Thank you!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Progress Reports are Posted
You now can log into PowerSchool ( to see your child’s third trimester report card. Click on the “Report Card” icon on the left navigation bar. We also ask that you click the checkbox, and Submit button at the top of the page to confirm that you have reviewed it.
If you have trouble logging into PowerSchool, please reach out to your school’s front office.
Report cards will be translated into Spanish, Korean and Mongolian. You’ll see the tabs at the top of the screen on the Report Card page in PowerSchool.
If you have any questions about your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher or building principal.
Lost & Found
Our Lost and Found is overflowing! If your child is missing an item, please feel free to stop by and check. Students are also welcome to visit the Lost and Found during the school day to look for any lost belongings.
Winter Weather is HERE!
Here at Westbrook, we try to go outside for recess as much as possible! We know that movement breaks and some fresh air are both important for all students! There are some times when it is not possible to have outdoor recess and our priority will be to keep all students safe. Please be sure to send students with winter gear each day, as the decision for outdoor recess is often made as close to recess as possible. If the "feels like" temperature is below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, students will be kept indoors. If play structure or fields are extremely wet or icy, students may also be kept indoors. When is doubt, please send your students with winter weather gear!
In order to play in snowy conditions, students need five essentials items. These items include; boots, snowpants, jackets, gloves or mittens and headwear(hat or ear muffs). If a student does not have one of these items, they will be allowed to play on the blacktop and in some instances the playground.
For many students, school is the safest place to be, even in bad weather, so the decision to close schools comes after a great deal of review, thought and collaboration with our Buildings and Grounds department, the Village, our transportation providers, and other local school district officials (as outlined in our full guidelines).
The District will post on our website and social media channels, and send emails and text messages when there are closures or other weather-related impacts to school operations. To ensure that you receive notification, log into PowerSchool to check that your phone numbers and emails are correct.
Come Meet Your Spanish Speaking Librarians at Glenview Public Library
Information from the Health Services Department
Head lice are a common problem, especially among school-aged children and their families. The lice can attach to the hair of anyone's head. It doesn't matter if the hair is clean or dirty. Head lice are also found worldwide in different places, such as homes or schools.
Find more information such as symptoms, transmission, and control of cases in this document:
District 34 Important Forms and Information
2024-2025 District 34 Calendar
Click Here for the following forms:
Authorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication
Bus Rider Reminders
Cell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form
Dental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades)
Dental Exam Waiver
District Policies/Handbook Info
Eye Exam Form
Eye Exam Waiver
Food Guidelines
Health Examination Form
Westbrook School
Matt Zidron - Assistant Director of Preschool and Student Services
Martha Rode - Assistant Principal of Student Services
Location: 1333 Greenwood Road, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-657-2491