November 22, 2024
Semester One Important Dates
- November 28 and 29, NO SCHOOL in observance of Thanksgiving.
- December 23 - January 3, Winter Break
- January 16, Conferences and Student Showcase
- 3:30 - 6:00
- January 20, NO SCHOOL
- January 24, End of Quarter 2
- January 27, NO SCHOOL
Looking ahead
- Access testing begins on February 3.
- MCA testing begins on March 3.
Message from the Principal
I can't believe how fast November seemed to fly by but there were a lot of exciting things happening this month. Students have been taking a career interest survey to communicate career fields they are interested in. This information informs us of what field trips to plan so students can gain experience or knowledge in that area. You can read more about one such field trip below and there will be more to come! We also had the Hellen Keller Institute here to give students free eye exams and glasses if they needed them. Read about these exciting opportunities and more below.
Attendance - Every Day Counts
Student attendance is a huge indicator of success in school. Our school day begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:00. Coming on time and staying all day is the key to graduation! If you student will be absent, please call 651-744-1212. When leaving a message please say your name, your students name, the date, and the reason for the absence. An absence is any time a student is not in class.
Excused Absences:
- Illness (schools may ask for a medical note if there are more than 3 illness days in a row or excessive illness).
- Religious Holidays
- Family Emergencies
- Medical/Mental Health/Dental Appointments (when possible, schedule outside of the school day and attend school before or after the appointment)
Unexcused Absences:
- Travel/Vacation
- Tired from Work/Travel
- Weather: Too Hot/Cold
- Babysitting
- Car Trouble
- Missed Bus
- Overslept
- Not Immunized
- Needed at Home
What's New
Survey Equals Pizza
CTE Field Trip
Support Gordon Parks through GiveMN
Meet our New Gordon Parks Staff Members
We have a number of new staff members at Gordon Parks this school year and each month we will feature one or two of them. This month we are highlighting James and Meghann.
James Iliff, Business Teacher
I'm excited to be a part of the Gordon Parks community. I come with 20 years of teaching experience. The first 10 years I taught mostly engineering courses. I put a pause on teaching to pursue an MBA and work in the corporate world for a while. I have returned to teaching more excited than I left.
At Gordon Parks, I teach construction and business courses.My classes are project based. We try to learn while doing work for the community. Last quarter business students created marketing materials for real companies in St Paul. Students also launched businesses of their own. One student created and sold beautiful flower bouquets. Construction students are learning how to repair homes (fix toilets, repair drywall, hang shelving, etc). I also focus on helping students identify careers of interest and get on the career pathway.
I'm honored to be working at Gordon Parks and I hope to add value to the community.
Outside of school I love playing table tennis, hanging out with my daughter, and cooking.
Meghann Miller, Art Teacher
I grew up in a small town in southern Minnesota. This is where I fell in love with painting. My high school art teacher had a profound impact on me and inspired me to become an art educator. I have been in art education for 12 years. I have taught at every level. I also teach adults step by step painting classes. Much of what I have learned about art education has been influenced by adult painters talking about how their experiences in high school shaped how they feel about art as adults. It is my mission to make my classroom a positive, fun, community space to foster that lifelong love of art in my students. Along with art, I also teach photography at Gordon Parks High School. I have enjoyed studying the work of the photographer Gordon Parks and showing my students the impact he made through his work.
In my free time I like to surround myself with my family and friends. I love to travel, spend time in nature, and take my dog for long walks.
Nurse Information
Hellen Keller Institute
Helen Keller International Vision Services were offered to all students at Gordon Parks this past week.
Nearly 100 students had their vision screened. Based on those results, over 40 students received an eye exam and were prescribed glasses. All for free!
Glasses will be arriving here, at Gordon Parks on Friday, December 20th.
Counseling Corner
Meet Koryn Saunders Stroud (A-L)
Hello Gordon Parks Scholars! My name is Mrs. Stroud and I am a school guidance counselor at Gordon Parks High School. I will be working with students whose last names are A-L. It is a pleasure to meet all of you and I look forward to working with all of you this year. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or just simply need to talk. Welcome to Gordon Parks High School!
Meet Patrick Her (M-L)
School Social Worker Information
Hi, my name is Shelly Fountain and I am one of the social workers here at Gordon Parks High School. I joined Saint Paul Public Schools in 2003. I am very excited to partner with you and your family here at Gordon Parks.
One of my roles here at Gordon Parks is to work with students who are struggling to make it to school each day. Please stop by and see me if you need help strengthening your school attendance.
I am also here to support students and families needing to connect with mental health resources and practical resources. I also will be facilitating young women's and young men's empowerment groups. If you are interested in learning more about how to join one of these groups please stop by and see me.
Please feel free to reach out to me anytime.
My direct phone line number is 651-744-1240. My email address is shelly.fountain@spps.org, or just stop by my office which is room 1110.
If you or your child are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact one of the following resources: Suicide and Crisis Line 988 24 hours/7days per week
Crisis text line 741741.
Ramsey County’s mobile crisis team provides stabilization services, de-escalation, crisis intervention, mental health assessments and initial crisis plans.
Under 18 years old Call the Children's Mental Health Crisis Line: 651-266-7878.
Over 18 years old Call the Adult Mental Health Crisis Line: 651-266-7900.
Walk-in crisis services are available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Urgent Care for Adult Mental Health.
OJT (On the Job Training)
Does your student need elective credits? They can sign-up to earn credits for having a part-time job. They should check in with Mr. Iwen, the work experience coordinator located in the counseling office for more information.
Title I Update
See updates on the Gordon Parks High School Title 1 webpage.
The updated Family Engagement Plan (FEP) is available on the school website.
Updates for the Gordon Parks Family-School Compact for Student Achievement are also located on the school website.
Information about the Gordon Parks High School Improvement Plan (SCIP) is also available on the school website. Please bring feedback to the discussion on November 6, 3:30 to 6 pm in the school cafeteria.
Translations are available upon request.
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Traducciones disponibles bajo petición.
Gordon Parks High School
Website: https://https://gordonparks.spps.org/
Location: 1212 West University Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-744-1212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GordonParksHS/