The WJHS Panther Update
Sept. 27, 2024
Principal's Letter
Panther Families,
Today we had the pleasurer of hosted a schoolwide assembly featuring Laura Stack, an award-winning keynote speaker, bestselling author, and noted authority on personal productivity. On behalf of Johnny's Ambassadors, she spoke to our students about the effects drugs can have on adolescent systems. After losing her 19-year-old son to suicide in November 2019, she founded the nonprofit, Johnny's Ambassadors, and her mission is to educate parents and teens about the effects of today's high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide. Laura excelled at engaging the students while navigating some challenging topics. If you would like more information about Johnny’s Ambassadors, please visit: https://johnnysambassadors.org/.
WHS Homecoming Game Tonight!
High school homecoming games are a spirited celebration filled with excitement and nostalgia. The atmosphere buzzes with school pride as students, alumni, and families gather to support the team. Last night the festivities kicked off with a Homecoming parade followed by pizza and a bonfire!
Tonight the Sentinels will face off against Gilroy, with kickoff @ 7PM.
Upcoming SIP Day
Wednesday Oct. 2nd is a SIP day. Students will be dismissed at 11:52. Mark your calendars!
Spanish Heritage Spirit Week
Candor Health
We will be hosting Candor during Health Classes on October 1st and 3rd. Our PE/Health teachers recently emailed out information to parents. Please review the following letter in regards to what students will be learning about. If you choose to opt your child out from the presentations, please contact their PE/Health teacher (Mr. Cornacchia or Ms. Hillertz) as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly.
6th Grade (Human Reproduction Embryology)
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aIKvnPlZW9JEKPvVoYT8wWi_H21Nh0wC/view?usp=share_link
Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LnwzZLiRqeR7YQf9wu-EleUwA2r4BmuZ/view?usp=sharing
7th and 8th Grade (Teen Sexual Health)
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13GaxCX0szOB4zbFso066h1JNvQIEfBR0/view?usp=drive_link
Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K99r8Ibuch2REhp6rUTQVZuwgUY9XZej/view?usp=sharing
Parent Teacher Conferences
As we move right along with the school year, conferences will soon be approaching. Please mark your calendar for the upcoming dates.
Thursday, Oct 10th will be a SIP Day with early dismissal at 11:52.
Conferences will be in person in the evening of the10th, from 5pm-9pm.
Friday Oct 11th from 8am - 11am conferences will be virtual.
Parent sign up through Skyward is scheduled to open Sept 25 @ 9AM and close Oct 9 @ 4PM.
WJHS Social Media Team
Make sure to check our Facebook page regularly for exciting things happening at our school. We have a new social media team who are excited to bring you all the daily happenings at the Jr. High.
Student Exchange Program returning to WJHS
Host Families Needed
We are very excited to be hosting students from our sister school in Taiwan this fall. Currently, we are in need of host families. If this is something you and your family would be interested in experiencing, please contact Pete Landreth or Vicky Gomez, contact information below.
From: Sheng Li Junior High (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Dates: Departing Taiwan and arriving in Chicago on 11/3
Departing Chicago on 11/24
# of students: 12 to 14 Junior High students (2 students per family)
6 to 7 Westmont Junior High families needed to host
Compensation per Host family:
$900 per family for Junior High (based on 2 students in one family)
If interested, please contact both Pete Landreth and Vicky Gomez by email:
Dr. Rachael Mahmood - 2024 Teacher of the Year
Upcoming Safety Drills 🚒
If you would like to excuse your student from any of the following critical incident drills; please notify our office @ 630-268-8200, no later than 9:00am on Thursday, October 3rd.
- Friday, October 4th - Fire Drill
- Thursday, October 17th - Armed Intruder Drill
- Wednesday, October 30th - Weather Drill
Meet our Newest Staff
Mr. Jonathan Ruth
IAR Assessments
IAR scores from last year were sent home with your student earlier this month. Please check your Childs backpack if you have not yet received those. If you have any questions, please contact your student's teachers.
Scholastic Book Fair Needs You! 📚
We are looking for wonderful volunteers, like yourself to help us make our Book Fair a success. Please review the available slots and Sign Up today!
Trunk or Treat🎃
It's going to be here before we know it! WJHS Student Council presents our annual Trunk or Treat on Friday, 10/18, 6-7 pm.
We would LOVE your help. Sign up by Friday, 10/11, to participate. Every year the competition gets better and better.
Gift cards will be awarded for 1st-3rd place.
Three Pillars of Expectations (Safety, Respect, and Responsibility)
Students earn tickets that are entered into our weekly raffle drawings . If you are able to partner with us in this positive behavior initiative and donate a prize, it would be greatly appreciated. Items that have been donated already are snacks, $5 giftcards, teenage items from the Dollar Store (notebooks, gel pens, Etch A Sketch, Rubics Cubes) and monetary donations for us to purchase items. Huge THANK YOU to those of you that have already brought in donations!!
Stem Club Returns
Westmont Park District Events👻
Check out all the spooktackular events the Westmont Park District is offering! Haunted Forest, The Last Straw, and Spooktacular Fun Night!
Remember to check the WJHS calendar for up-to-date information on Clubs, Events, & Athletics.
Amy Quattrone
WJHS Principal