Electronic Backpack & Newsletter
Hello DeMello Families!
Happy May!
We had a pretty exciting week here at DeMello! Our March MATHness bracket tournament winners were revealed! I am happy to announce that Mrs. Depin's and Mrs. McNaught's class went all the way in the tourney and, as a reward, will be making human sundaes out of Mr. Hill and me sometime in the near future🙄 Stay tuned for more details!
Today, we celebrated the first Friday of Math MAY-hem with GameDay in our classrooms. The students had a wonderful time taking on math challenges with classmates. Enjoy the pictures below!
Finally, Mr. Hill led a schoolwide Arbor Day celebration with an assembly and planting of 2 gorgeous Dogwood trees in the front of the building. A BIG THANKS to the Dartmouth Tree Committee and Eversource as well as the DeMello 4th and 5th Grade Student Council members for working with us on this celebration. Please be sure to look for our new trees out front when driving by!
That is is for now, but there is more fun in store for DeMello in May! We will be sharing all of it with you in the weeks to come. Have a WONDERFUL weekend with your families!
We are happy to announce that all MATH MCAS testing has been completed at DeMello. Will be being make up testing for students who missed one or both sessions on Tuesday. A big shout out to our students, who worked so hard throughout the ELA and math testing windows! Fifth grade will wrap up MCAS season with the science, technology and engineering tests next week (see schedule below).
The DPS Pre-K-12 Art Show Is Coming!
Please join us at DHS on Thursday, May 9th for the 12th Annual Pre-K-12 Art Show. Not only will DeMello families have an opportunity to see a piece of art created by each DeMello student, but you will also be able to enjoy the incredible works of our pre-K, middle and high school students! Please see the attached flyer for information. Hope to see you there!
The Boosterthon Fun Run is COMING!
Our DeMello Fun Run fundraiser is kicking off on Monday, May 6th! Register NOW on MYBOOSTER.COM. Our run will take place on Wednesday, 5/15. Grades 4 and 5 will run from 12:45-1:45 and grades 1-3 will run from 2:00-3:00. Weather-permitting, we welcome all families to watch the run with us in the DeMello backyard. Looking forward to seeing you then! Thanks for your support!
As you may already know, the DeMello School is welcoming the three kindergarten classrooms from the Cushman School in the fall. We couldn't be more excited to have the kindergarten back at DeMello for the first time in many years! It will be wonderful to have these little ones here for the entirety of their elementary years. I can't wait to greet them in August!
Please see the attached Kindergarten registration flyer and be sure to register your K student as soon as possible. Also, if you know of anyone in town who has a child who will be 5 before September 1st, please encourage them to register immediately. The key to starting the new year successfully is in knowing how many kindergarten students we need to plan for, and planning starts NOW! Please visit the Kindergarten site at dartmouth.school for more information.
Thank you :)
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
MCAS Testing Dates
*5/9/24: Grade 5 STE MCAS
*5/10/24: Grade 5 STE MCAS
Looking Ahead to May
- 5/15/24: DeMello Fun Run in the DeMello Backyard! FAMILIES WELCOME (weather permitting)
- 5/13/24: Grade 5 Field Trip-Barney's Joy
- 5/20/24: Scholastic Book Fair Week (see attachment below)
- 5/23/24: Bingo for Books 6:00-7:00
- 5/29/24: DMS Parent Info Night--6:00 at DMS
End of Year Events!
- 6/3/24: 5th Grade Moving on Up Day @ DMS
- 6/5/24: Grade 5 Choral Concert @ DMS
- 6/12/24-Field Day (rain date 6/11--we will be relying on the extended forecast to make early decisions)
- 6/12/24: 5th Grade Recognition Night at DHS 7:00-8:00
- 6/14/24: 5th Grade Field Trip
- 6/17/24: Last Day of School--Dismissal at 12:00
DeMello Spirit Fridays!
We have unofficially declared Fridays as "spirit days" at DeMello and welcome all students and staff to rock out their DeMello swag! If you would like to purchase any DeMello (or Dartmouth) clothing items, please visit the Spirit Wear online store through the links below. Thanks!