Weekly Update

Dear Families,
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day! We hope that you have a wonderful day and are celebrated by your children!
End of year testing began on Monday, April 29. This is a chance for each child to show the growth they have made this year. Please remind your child that doing their best on the tests is very important.
Thank you so much for your help with the new dropoff and pickup plans.
**Please do not beep your horn in line at pickup.**
We are now accepting financial aid applications for the 2024-2025 school year. You can apply online at online.factsmgt.com/aid. If you have any questions, please contact our Tuition Manager Olga Infante via email at oinfante@lawrencecatholicacademy.org. The Financial Aid deadline is May 17, 2024.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ms. Lucey
Stories from the Schoolyard
On Tuesday, we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Day with a special lunch and love from the students. We were also blessed that students celebrated their teachers and other staff all week with good behavior, cards, pictures and treats. Thank you for thinking of our teachers and our staff this week!
On Thursday and Friday, LCA was at the Aquarium! PreK and Kindergarten went to the Aquarium on Thursday, followed by grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Friday! Students were able to see many different types of aquatic species -- fish, turtles, sharks, sea lions, penguins and octopi. Students were well behaved, respectful and were even able to touch sting rays at the touch a tank! Thank you to all our chaperones!
On Thursday, we celebrated our May Church Service on Ascension Thursday with our May Procession. Students in grades 2 and 8 participated in the service which also included the crowning of Mary. It was a very special Mass for our students and for the community members and parents who attended. At the end of Mass, Matt S. from Lee Kennedy (the construction company building the new school) came to speak to our students, letting them know the updates from the past month and answering questions. Fr. Paul acted as the moderator for this presentation and students were able to ask lots of great questions about what is happening in our backyard. We also celebrated our Poetry Contest Finalists and Winners!
On Wednesday, the 8th Grade students spent the day with Nature's Classroom, learning about our environment, sustainability and all things nature. Students were respectful and engaged in the lessons that the Nature's Classroom Staff was teaching.
Prefect Postings
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7th Grade School Fair
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 05:30 PM
Save the Date
8th Grade Updates
Tuesday, June 4 -- 8th Grade Parade for Students and Faculty at 1:30pm
Wednesday, June 5 -- 8th Grade Field Trip to Boston (arrive at LCA by 7am)
Thursday, June 6 -- 8th Grade Dinner at 6:30pm at St. Patrick's Parish Center (for the graduate and 2 parents)
Friday, June 7 -- Graduation at 6:30pm at St. Patrick's Parish