Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 4 September 13, 2024
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: SuperReaders!
Silverbrook Mini-Night- You're Invited!
Silverbrook Mini Night is scheduled for October 2nd (5th grade) and October 3rd (6th grade). Doors open at 5:45, and the event starts at 6:00 and runs until 8:00. This night provides an opportunity for you to walk through an abbreviated version of your child's daily schedule. Core classes will be 15 minutes, and keys will be 10 minutes. Teachers will share information about their individual classes and you will have a chance to ask questions.
5th grade families will experience core and key classes while 6th grade families will have the opportunity to experience core classes and view a presentation on internet safety in the gym. Students are encouraged to attend with their families.
More information will be added soon to the Silverbrook webpage homepage on the "mini night" button.
After school items
A reminder that if you are picking up after school, you should pick up your student on the school side of the street, against the curb.
Also, if you have different plans for your student after school, we HIGHLY recommend writing those plans in your student's assignment notebook.
Looking for past family newsletters?
The newsletters from the 2024-25 school year can be found on the Silverbrook homepage under "about our school" "family newsletters". Here is a link to check them out.
5th and 6th Grade Camp Help needed!
Calling All Parents: We need parent help for a successful 5th and 6th Grade camp. Please fill out the survey if you are interested in helping out Silverbrook! Here is the link.
Looking for the morning announcements?
You can find each day's morning announcements by going to the Silverbrook website, clicking on "about our school", and clicking on "daily announcements. Here's the link. (Please be aware that the document is NOT a calendar. You go to the month and select the date you are looking for.)
Silverbrook Intramurals
Silverbrook is proud to be able to offer a menu of intramural sports throughout the year. Here is an informational one pager about intramurals. The sports for this year are: Dance (9/24-10/17) Basketball (9/29-11/26) Soccer (12/3-1/14) Volleyball (1/16-2/11)
Football (2/18-3/18) Baseball (4/1-4/24) Running Club (4/29-5/22)
First up is intramural dance. The goal of the Silverbrook Intramural Dance program is to allow students to develop dance skills in a fun environment. The program is four weeks long, two sessions per week, for an hour after school. In intramural Dance, the students will learn the fundamentals of dance including counting music and showmanship. The students will learn a variety of dance styles such as pom, jazz, and hip hop. Dance experience is not required!
To participate, students must: have a completed Clubs and Activities Form, pay the $5 per sport OR $25 year long activity fee, and have a completed sign-up form.
Intramural Dance will start on Tuesday, September 24th and run through Thursday, October 17th. The program will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week from 3:10-4:10.
Second Step
Week of 9/16/2024
5th Grade:
Lesson: My Plan
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to make an effective plan to reach a goal.
Try This at Home: Ask your child about their plan to reach their goal. What will they do? What will they need? Talk to them about how you can support them as they work toward their goal.
6th Grade
Unit Description (Mindset and Goals):
Students will learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives. The six lessons in this unit help create classrooms that are connected and encouraging by helping students to set and achieve collective and personal goals, to learn from their challenges, to recognize personal strengths, and to recognize and prioritize personal values within themselves.
Lesson: How to Grow Your Brain
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn about the brain’s ability to grow and change when they practice challenging things. Having a growth mindset supports your child’s success in school and in life.
Question: Tell your child about a time you had to learn something new. Explain whether it was hard to learn and how you learned it. Ask your child if there’s anything they would like to learn to do this year.
Upcoming school activities
Week of 9/16
September 18
- Community Meetings regarding facilities @ East HS Cafeteria (6:00-8:00pm)