WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
Over the course of the past two weeks, students have been learning all about what is expected behavior at the junior high. During homeroom, students have learned the expected behaviors in the hallway and restrooms. The purpose of our explicit instruction of school-wide expectations is to:
Increase student safety - we want to know where students are at all times
Limit impact on instruction by encouraging students to be efficient
Foster student independence and accountability
One of the tools that we will be using to reach these goals is Securly Pass. HERE is more information about the application itself. Starting yesterday, Thursday Sept. 5, all students will be required to use Securly Pass in order to leave the classroom for bathroom, locker or water fountain visits. In addition to the use of passing periods and lunch/recess time, each student will have 2 daily passes, with an option for a teacher-created pass in case of emergency. There are exceptions to this system for students with specific accommodations and students can and should still use the passing period to go to the restroom, stop by their lockers or fill their water bottles. In addition, students can use the restroom without Securly Pass during lunch. Here is a video demonstrating how the application works in each classroom.
The most important work we do in a school is around learning - not just learning social studies, or the arts, or reading, but also learning executive functioning skills like time management and responsibility. At WJHS, our teachers and students have forty minutes per class for a lesson to unfold, students to collaborate, and begin practicing and working through the unit/lesson. In an effort to maximize the time your child is in class learning, we are excited about the help that using Securly Pass will provide for students to manage their time out of the classroom while giving them voice and building independence. We believe this is an important bridge for them to cross as they move from junior high school to high school.
Thank you for your partnership and please don't hesitate to reach out with questions.
Kate, Jeff and Rob
Curriculum Night!
We can't wait to see you all at Curriculum Night! This year we have worked with the WJHS PTO to build in time for you to grab a refreshment, chat with other WJHS families, and meet additional members of our staff who are here at WJHS to support our students and families. During your child's lunch period, please head to the cafeteria and check out the PTO table with options for SpiritWear, information about iGNITE, and opportunities to volunteer. Also in the cafeteria will be our administrators, social workers and psychologists with community resources, our tech specialists to provide PowerSchool support, and the education liaison from the Wilmette Public Library. We are looking forward to meeting you! Please click on the appropriate link to find each grade level schedule below:
7th Grade Curriculum Night. Thursday, September 12
8th Grade Curriculum Night, Thursday, September 19
WJHS Lost & Found
We have a Lost & Found at WJHS that is located in the school cafeteria. Like your laundry pile at home, it grows and grows and grows with every day we are in school! If you feel like the jackets, lunch bags, water bottles, etc. are running away, please visit the WJHS Lost & Found - it might be here! We throw away lunch bags at the end of every month (they are very smelly by that point) and donate all of our Lost & Found items at Winter Break. You can visit Monday through Friday, 2 - 3:30, or call to make arrangements. Thank you!
SEL News
During our Curriculum Nights across the district, we have enjoyed sharing with you the focus of our SEL curricula in our classrooms, as well as the objectives targeted at each grade level. Information about social-emotional learning in D39 can be found HERE. Be sure to check it out for information about what your child is learning, how to support social-emotional learning at home, and gain information about resources available to families.
Additionally, at Curriculum Night, we shared the District 39 commitment to providing a safe and equitable learning environment that fosters a mindset of empathy, respect, and belonging for all district students and staff. To help foster this inclusive mindset, we are focusing on monthly themes throughout the year. As classrooms explore these themes, students will be able to learn about their identities, understand the unique qualities and perspectives of their classmates and community, and gain insight into celebrations and traditions from around the world.
SEPTEMBER: Our Names are Important
OCTOBER: Our Identities are important
NOVEMBER: Our Families are Important
DECEMBER: Our Traditions are Important
JANUARY: Our Actions are Important
FEBRUARY: Our Features are Important
MARCH: Our Foods are Important
APRIL: Our Abilities are Important
MAY: Our Histories are Important
With September focusing on the importance of our names, we encourage you at home to have a discussion with your child about their name, how their name came to be, and if there is any significance to their name story. It could prompt a fun dinner conversation for the whole family!
HIGH FIVE CHOIR 2024-25 Fall
The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir strives to provide a safe, affirming learning environment in which students of all abilities come together to create and experience music, build friendships, and raise awareness against stereotypes of differently abled people. This club was designed after the High-5 Choir that is offered at New Trier High School. The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir aims to share the love of music with peers regardless of abilities, share our voices through music, and have a lot of fun! If you want to better understand what High Five Junior Choir is, please watch this video.
Club days and times: Thursdays, 3:45 – 4:45, Sep 19, 2024 – Jan 16, 2025
Club meeting location: HMS Music Room 134
Winter concert dates and times: Jan 23, 2025, 4:15 – 4:45 pm, HMS Auditorium
Instructor: HMS Music Director, Mrs. Martin
Club fee: $125
Registration Link: https://www.highcrestpto.org/afterschoolclubs
Parents: did you know that you can find ALL previous Principal newsletters in one handy space? That means ALL PTO news (at the bottom of the Principal emails) can be referenced easily! Click HERE to catch up on previous weeks’ news.
Learn how to think fast and speak well! Study research, writing and oral arguments.
Aces Debate Club is offering an 8-week ADVANCED DEBATE class at WJHS beginning Mondays at 3:30-4:30pm starting 10/7. This class is for WJHS students who have taken debate before, either at Highcrest or WJHS. Cost is $280. Program concludes with a 2-hour session to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their new skills in full debates.
Aces Debate Club is also offering an 8-week INTRO TO DEBATE class, being held at Highcrest Middle School Fridays 3:45-4:45pm starting 9/20. This class is for WJHS and HMS students who have not participated in debate before. Cost is $280. For more information and to register click HERE. Questions? Email instructor Aaron Vinson at acesdebateclub@gmail.com.
The PTO will have a table in the lunchroom during Curriculum Night: 9/12 (7th grade) and 9/19 (8th grade). Stop by and check out WJHS SpiritWear, meet PTO members and see how you can get involved.
✅Update your contact information in Membership Toolkit so you can get important emails during the school year! You must verify your family’s information using a URL and not through the app. See email from THE WJHS PTO from 8/19. Membership Toolkit
✅Purchase your $25 PTO Membership, whichincludes access to the online Directory so that you can gain class lists and student/parent information. The fees also help us provide programming such as the 8th Grade Graduation Party, student council/yearbook teacher sponsorships and teacher appreciation throughout the year. Thank you for your support!
✅Make a contribution to the iGNITE Fund (Enrichment fund) on behalf of your student. Remember that parents, not the district, pay for field trips, traveling exhibits and guest speakers. ANY amount is appreciated!
✅Donate to the Teacher/Staff Holiday Gift Fund (one-time yearly gift). Thank you!
If there is anyone interested in purchasing last year’s 2023-2024 WJHS Yearbook please contact president@wjhspto.com, as we have a few extra copies ($40 each). There are a few remaining 2023-2024 WJHS Yearbooks from the “Re-order” over the summer that have not been picked up- if you haven’t picked up your PAID yearbook yet, please do so at 2201 Sandy Lane.
The WJHS PTO is pleased to share some relevant community information:
The Volunteer Center is a New Trier Township nonprofit connecting volunteers with volunteer opportunities! The Volunteer Center’s Junior Board will be kicking off in September for 6th-8th graders who want to participate in service and experience leadership. Monthly service opportunities include serving dinner at a homeless shelter, playing games with seniors, sharing dinner/conversation with adults with disabilities, running games at a nonprofit carnival and many more. For more information email info@volunteercenterhelps.org or visit volunteercenterhelps.org
Open registration through next week! There is a 7th-8th grade team with openings. Information, including the registration form and zoom info session on Monday 9/9, on the webpage HERE. SignUp Genius for the Zoom session HERE.
District Update
Parent Education Events
We are proud to host a variety of Parent Education Events for our D39 families throughout the school year. Below is information on several of these events.
“Feeling Safe in District 39 Schools” - Our first Parent Ed event of this school year focused on safety and security efforts in D39. We encourage all families to watch the recording of this presentation to learn more about how we work together to maintain a high level of building security and work with community partners to create a feeling of safety for all. Additional information regarding safety and security within D39 schools is also available online.
Free Play Events - Our next Parent Ed event is a series of opportunities designed to highlight the benefits of free play for our students. We invite you to join D39, the Alliance for Early Childhood, the Wilmette Public Library, BackYard Nature Center and more for a family adventure into creative, child-led free play that sparks imagination and fuels growth. This experience is designed for you and your child(ren) to explore a variety of fun-filled activities designed to flex your “play muscles” and strengthen your bond. The schedule for this series is listed below. Please click the link to register for your school(s) event:
McKenzie Wednesday, Oct. 2 3:30-4:30 pm
Romona Monday, Oct. 7 3:30-4:30 pm
Harper Friday, Oct. 18 2:30-3:30 pm
Central Monday, Oct. 21 3:30-4:30 pm
Highcrest Monday, Oct. 28 3:50-4:50 pm
Family Action Network - David Yeager, Ph.D. will present “10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People.” This event aims to help adults develop an ear for the difference between the right and wrong way to respect young people and avoid frustrating patterns of miscommunication and conflict. This in-person event will take place on Monday, Sept. 9 at 7 pm at the Evanston Township High School Auditorium. No registration is required.
D39 Communication Survey
District 39 is committed to providing timely and relevant communication in ways that fit your needs. In alignment with Goal 4 of our strategic plan, we are gathering feedback from families on District- and school-level communication preferences. Please take this brief survey to help us learn how to continue to effectively and efficiently communicate. Note: this survey does not include classroom-level communication from teachers.
District Strategic Advisory Team Meeting
Year four of our multi-year strategic plan is upon us! Our District Strategic Advisory Team (DSAT) is an important part of the implementation and oversight of our multi-year plan which guides our work across all facets of the district. This multi-stakeholder group is charged with reviewing progress and key performance indicators and making recommendations regarding adjustments to action plans, implementation and progress monitoring while ensuring voice, agency and representation in decision-making.
Our DSAT met Thursday morning to review and provide feedback on our proposed 2024-25 Strategic Plan Action Steps, which will be reviewed with our Board of Education at its Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday (Sept. 9) and presented for approval at the Board of Education’s regular September meeting (Sept. 16). Meeting information and agendas for Committee and regular monthly Board of Education Meetings are posted online the Friday before each meeting. Presentation materials will be highlighted within principal newsletters following each meeting.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family