Husky Howler 10/11/24 (Community)
We are the PACK!
Smiley Thoughts
PACK Guardians and Students,
Please read all the information below and check out the calendar events, so you are aware of the homecoming week theme, game, and dance. We also have PSAT on Wednesday!
Free and Reduced Lunch - We have paper applications in the front office for those needing free/reduced lunch. Please let us know how we can help you! If you would rather, you can go online, click "create an account", and fill it out. You will need your students' ID numbers.
Are you registered to VOTE? - I am inspiring all adults to double check their registration status and make sure they vote in the upcoming presidential election.
HOMECOMING - Homecoming week is October 15-18 with a dance that Friday. The game is on Tuesday and we are having a theme week!
- Pep Rally - All grade levels will get to attend the pep rally on Tuesday at 9a.m. There will be a small parent section as well. Parents may check in at the front office starting at 8:25a.m. Please let us get students settled into class first.
- 6th grade wear WHITE
- 7th grade wear BLACK
- 8th grade wear ORANGE
- Mums/Garters - These are allowed on Tuesday, for game day only. They need to be reasonable and not pose a distraction to instruction. That means no flashing lights and loud bells. Thank you for understanding that our priority for students is a distraction free learning environment.
- Dance - Tickets for the dance go on sale starting Monday during all lunches and will run all week. If you are a member of the PTA, the ticket is $3, if you aren't a member of the PTA, the ticket is $5 per student. In addition to that, we will be selling temporary tattoos for $1 that can be worn on October 15th for the Hubbard Spirit dress up day. Each ticket and tattoo bought will give the student one vote they can use to choose what teacher they want to participate in a fun and messy game during the pep rally. The 6th grade dance will be immediately after school in the cafeteria from 4-5:30pm. The 7th/8th grade dance will be from 6-7:30pm with tickets being sold that week during lunches. The theme for that day is 80's and neon!
Leaving Early - If you are picking your child up early from school please do so by 3:15 p.m. We do not allow students to be checked out after 3:15 p.m. since this could hamper our dismissal procedures and ability to retrieve multiple students before the bell. The front office is closed between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m.
Important Upcoming Dates
NEXT WEEK - Homecoming week!
Monday, October 14th - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 15th - Homecoming football pep rally at 9a.m. and games at Rose Stadium
Wednesday, October 16th - PSAT test day for 8th graders (closed campus to visitors)
Friday, October 18th - Homecoming dance at Hubbard. 6th grade 4-5:30 and 7/8th 6-7:30 in the cafeteria.
Wednesday, October 23rd - Your Future Is Now 5-7 at the CTC. Visit the Hubbard table for a VIP pass or Hubbard sticker!
Thursday, October 24th - All-District Choir/Orchestra at Tyler HS
Join our PTA! (and buy some SWAG!)
Do you want some awesome Hubbard spirit gear to show the community you support our campus? Go to the PTA website and purchase some now!
--------------------This PAST week--------------------
Parent Tech Night
If you missed our parent tech night, you can still check out the resources below!
8th grade STUCO Club
What's this about ducks?
These ducks are popping up everywhere....including my office!
VR Head set PD Fun
Art and Theater
Our Art classes pitched in and helped create some stage sets for our theater!
Tin Can Cafe
The Tin Can Cafe class had two great learning opportunities this week including fruit and SLIME!
Peer Observations
Teachers can learn from TEACHERS by doing peer observations. This week, our teachers visited each other's classrooms to see the awesome things they each do and to replicate in their own classrooms.
--------------------NEXT week--------------------
Homecoming = October 15-18
The MUCH anticipated homecoming week is October 15-18th. There will be a pep rally on Tuesday at 9a.m. for all students in the competition gym with a small section for parents. Parents will need to check in by 8:45a.m. in the front office. The dance will be on Friday after school. For 6th graders it will be 4-5:30 and for 7th/8th 6:00-7:30pm in the cafeteria. The theme days are in the flyer below.
Choir Fundraiser - Popcorn Sale
Attention Huskies! Beginning next Tuesday after school, the Choir will be having a popcorn concession stand until 4:15. Popcorn is $2.50 a bag or 2 for $5. The concession stand will be located on the outside of the building near the Choir Room Exit door.
TISD Youth Basketball
It's time to register for the Tyler ISD Youth Basketball League. Registration starts Monday, October 7. Use this link to register by October 25.
--------------------TWO weeks away--------------------
Your Future Is NOW!
This is a great opportunity for middle and high school students to see the variety of programming our district provides. We will have teachers and current students doing demonstrations and hands-on activities with our guests. It will be a great night and any student that shows up will receive a VIP pass to use on a day of their choice! Find Mrs. Fancher and Ms. Norris at the Hubbard table to check in!
Legacy Basketball - October 23rd
Coach Barber/Smith at Tyler Legacy are excited about the upcoming basketball season! They wanted to share information with you all about our Red Raider Madness happening October 23, 2024 at Legacy. This will be a great night to kick-off the basketball season with door prizes and games to showcase the Boys and Girls Basketball programs at Legacy!
Future Red Raiders
Athletics has approved the Future Red Raiders shirt for free admission for our K-6th grade Future Red Raiders with a paying adult. This admission is to all home games at Legacy for Basketball, Baseball, Soccer and Softball but does not include playoff games. The price of the shirt is $10 so this shirt pays for itself if a student attends 2-3 events. This store will close October 23rd and shirts will be delivered to Hubbard for distribution.
--------------------ONGOING GOODNESS--------------------
Rose City Readers
"The 10 Book Genre Challenge has begun! Can you read 10 books from 10 different genres by Spring Break? You can earn a badge for each genre you complete and join the library celebration if you complete the challenge. Grab your badge tracker from the library or an RLA teacher and let the reading journey begin!"
Dads on Duty
Tutorial Schedule
Important Contacts
John Smiley - Principal -
Melissa Martin - 8th grade AP -
Jimmie Williams - 7th grade AP -
Carli Fite - 6th grade AP -
Eleni Fancher - Counselor A-L -
Sarah Norris - Counselor M-Z -
Rhona Meads - Math/Science master teacher -
Katherine Bozick - RLA/SS master teacher -
Tom Pino - Media Technology Specialist -
Diana Garcia - receptionist -
Maria Lengua - attendance -
One last thought...
Hubbard Middle School
Location: 4400 Copeland Road, Tyler, TX, USA
Phone: (903)262-1560