KOHS College & Career Newsletter
For all up to date college and career information
Klein Oak High School Counseling Team
Stay Calm...Be Positive...Work Hard...Dream Big
Counselor Contact Information
Lead Counselor - Ms. Allison Wallace Email
A-B - Mr. Christopher Lockett Email
C-D - Ms. Karina Barrera Email
E-G - Ms. Pilar Ertl Email
H-K - Ms. Tequila McMillan Email
L-Mc - Ms. Rachel Shol Email
Me-Mi and IB - Ms. Elizabeth Bowling Email
Mo - P - Ms. Tiffany Sosa Email
Q-Sim - Ms. Veverly Spurlock Email
Sin-T - Kirstine Benoit Email
U-Z - Ms. Alexis Wilson Email
College and Career - Ms. Jennifer Shock Email
Graduation Advisor - Ms. Celavi Longoria Email
Junior Jump Start Presentations
Class of 2022 - Important Information
TSIA Practice Website
The University of Texas at Austin - Automatic Admissions Policy
Senate Bill 175, passed by the 81st Texas Legislature, allows The University of Texas at Austin to limit automatic admission to 75 percent of the university’s enrollment capacity designated for first-time resident undergraduate students.
The University has determined that it will automatically admit all eligible summer/fall 2022 and spring 2023 freshman applicants who rank within the top six percent (6%) of their high school graduating classes, with remaining spaces to be filled through holistic review. This remains unchanged since the last school year. A letter from University President ad interim Jay Hartzell is attached to this correspondence.
SAT/ACT Test Dates
Additional College Planning Programs
New University Information
New University of Texas Major
Are your students interested in a human-centered approach to data, information and technology? Encourage them to select Informatics as their first-choice major when applying for Fall 2021 freshman admission to The University of Texas at Austin!
Informatics is the study, design and application of computer and information technology from a user-centered perspective and for the first year ever, our School of Information, or iSchool, is offering two undergraduate degrees in this cutting-edge field — a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science. Students will be able to select from six major concentrations: human-centered data science and user experience (UX) design, or, coming soon, social justice informatics, health informatics, cultural heritage informatics, and social informatics.
Students will learn to extract meaning from data, design effective information experiences, and evaluate the impacts of new technologies on individuals, organizations and society in one of the premier research and education information programs in the nation. They can change the world as one of our first undergraduate informatics majors!
For more information, contact MiSchelle Edwards: mischelle.edwards@austin.utexas.edu
Engineering Academies
Remember- You can apply for scholarships at ANY TIME! There are scholarships for everyone.
Please check out the links below for important info and updates!!!
Email: kocollegeandcareercenter@kleinisd.net
Website: https://kleinoak.kleinisd.net/counseling/scholarship_and_financial_aid
Twitter: @kohs_ccc
Dual Credit Information
Jennifer Shock
KOHS Counselor
Email: jshock1@kleinisd.net
Website: www.kleinisd.net/counseling/dualcredit
International Baccalaureate Program (IB)
KOHS Counselor
Email: ebowling1@kleinisd.net
Website: https://kleinisd.net/teaching_learning/advanced_academics__gifted___talented/international_baccalaureate_program