Westside Unified
...Serving the Unique Needs of All Learners
What Are Unified Activities?
What is Westside Unified?
Activities designed for the partnering of students with and without an intellectual disability.
What Can I Do?
When your building is hosting a Unified Activity we encourage you to consider volunteering.
Also, you can help in identifying positive peer role models. Work alongside your Special Education Team to partner students that would attend in support of a student with a disability.
All educators are an important part of developing a culture of inclusion.
Who Participates?
Both students with and without a disability. Unified Activities is a program of Special Olympics Nebraska focused on supporting students with intellectual disabilities however all students can participate in the spirit of developing inclusive practices across our schools and community.
When Do Events Happen?
Typically monthly, hosted at the various schools across our district. Information about Unified Activities is sent to schools for inclusion in newsletters and other building communications.
OUR FIRST EVENT OF THE NEW YEAR! Westside Unified Float in the Homecoming Parade
On Monday, September 23rd, we will gather at Rockbrook Elementary to help design and decorate the trailer. We'd like to invite families for some fun that evening from 5:30pm - 7:00pm to put together our Circus Float, decorate a t-shirt to show your support for Westside Unified, an opportunity to learn the song "This is Me" in sign language, and help decorate shirts and make posters to explain what Unified and Inclusion mean.
If the kids get a little wiggly they are welcome to play on the playground weather provided.
Westside Unified Float Design
Monday, Sep 23, 2019, 05:30 PM
2514 South 108th, Omaha, NE 68144
Westside Homecoming Parade - With Unified Marchers
Even if your child did not participate in float design, they are welcome to join us for the parade.
Please also RSVP if your child would like to be part of the parade.
(If your child will participate in both you will need to complete the form twice. This helps us know how many to expect at each event and to see positive peer partner students.)
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2019, 06:30 PM
8701 Pacific St, Omaha, NE 68114
Westside Community Schools - Unified Activities
The mission of the Westside Community School District, as an innovative educational system, is to ensure academic excellence and to serve the unique needs of all learners.
Westside Community Schools will relentlessly pursue innovative educational ideals and promise to personalize learning for every student. We invite the challenge of developing a community of learners who embrace a broader, richer definition of success.
Email: higginbotham.garret@westside66.net
Phone: 402-390-6475
Facebook: https://facebook.com/WestsideUnified
Twitter: @WestsideUnified