Navarro Independent School District
Greetings Navarro Class of 2024 Families,
We have compiled this list of upcoming events and activities for the Navarro Senior Class of 2024. We will continue to add details and updates to this list as they come available, so keep checking back.
Seniors final week schedule
Monday, May 20 - Seniors released at 10:30 am (if Senior has completed all finals)
Tuesday, May 21 - all Seniors will either be attending the Fiesta Texas Field Trip (if they have already register) or will be at school all day
Wednesday, May 22 - Seniors released at 10:30 am (once Senior Walk and Class pictures are over)
Thursday, May 23 - Seniors released at 10:30 am (after decision day activities are complete)
Friday, May 24 - MANDATORY Graduation Practice starting at 9:30 am
See below for more details on all of the upcoming events and activities. If you have any questions, please reach out to Navarro High School at 830-372-1931
Memories are made here and we are excited about the memories we will make together in 2023-2024!
Important Announcement/Update made on May 9, 2024
Change in Senior Trip and Senior Walk Days…
Late in the afternoon of May 8th, Senior Sponsor Mrs. Limmer was notified by Six Flags that they made "an operational decision” to close Six Flags on Wednesday, May 22nd. In addition, other amusement parks were closed that day including SeaWorld and Schiltterbahn.
Thus with the help of NISD Transportation, the Elementary Campus, the Intermediate Campus, and the Junior High campus, the senior trip will take place Tuesday, May 21st to Six Flags and Senior Walk will take place Wednesday, May 22nd.
Times will remain the same for each of these events.
Thanks for your understanding in this switch to make sure our seniors have the trip they asked for and still enjoy their Senior Walk.
All of these changes have already been updated in this list of activities.
Senior Class Shirts are Still Available
UPDATE - We are now sold out of shirts for the Class of 2024
Senior Class Shirts are still avaiable for $10 each. Email jessica.limmer@nisd.us or come by room 205 for a shirt. Payments can be cash or check to NHS Class of 2024
May 10th - Deadline to Order Class of 2024 Group Picture and Graduation Pictures
Checks: make payable to Tyler Pearl Media.
Apple Pay or Zelle: 210-632-4146, Paypal: Tylermichaelphotog, Venmo: @Tpearlstudios
May 10th - Deadline to turn in Project Graduation Permission slips
More information about Project Graduation listed below. Please know, Project Graduation is a program run by parent volunteers.
Senior Academic Awards and Scholarship Night
Seniors who are receiving academic honors or scholarships will be recognized with a dinner and ceremony at the Seguin Guadalupe-County Coliseum. Top 10 percent will also be recognized and students will receive their honor cords, if applicable.
Dinner and Scholarship Announcements for the Navarro High School Class of 2024
Tickets are $15 and may be purchased May 8-10 with Mrs. Snow at the Navarro Front Office (Cash or Check made payable to Navarro High School). Seniors who receive an invitation delivered at school will not need to purchase a ticket.
Senior Academic Awards and Scholarship Night
6:00-8:00 pm
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 06:00 PM
City of Seguin - Coliseum, South Austin Street, Seguin, TX, USA
Class of 2024 Spirit Week
Please join us as Seniors have one last dress up week. Make sure your attire is still in dress code.
Senior Exams
Senior exams will be taken in class the week of May 14-17. Any exams not completed that week will be given on Monday, May 20, 2024.
CTE Industry Signing Day
Industry Signing Day Ceremony
Join us for Navarro ISD's CTE Industry Signing Day in collaboration with the Seguin Economic Development Corporation. Parents can check in starting at 9:30 AM with a driver's license, and the ceremony begins promptly at 9:45 AM. This event celebrates high school students entering in-demand career pathways, whether they're pursuing industry certificates, apprenticeships, internships, or postsecondary CTE programs as part of Texas Career Signing Day, a statewide initiative.
Students participating in the ceremony will be notified and receive invitations from the Navarro CTE Department.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 09:30 AM
Navarro Event Center
Pep Rally
We will have one last pep rally of the year on May 16 during tutorials in preparation for the evening Powder Puff Game.
Powder Puff Football Game
Powder Puff Football Game
Come watch the Senior girls take on the Junior girls in a game of flag football. Tickets are $5 cash at the gate.
***Please note, this game was originally scheduled for 5/15/2024, but had to be moved to Tues, May 21 at 6:30 pm due to weather precautions.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 06:30 PM
Erwin - Lee Field, Link Road, Seguin, TX, USA
Senior Trip
After four years of hard work, seniors will celebrate with a trip to Six Flags. Students don't need a ticket if they have paid class dues.
Dues must be paid, May 10 to attend. We will meet in the event center at 8 a.m. and will likely return at 4 or 5 p.m. Students must ride the bus with their classmates. Six Flags is a non-cash facility, so bring a debit card or credit card if you'd like to buy souvenirs. Lunch is included in the ticket.
Senior Trip
Details? Times? Dues?
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 07:00 AM
Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA
Senior Walk & Class Picture
Make sure your gown is without wrinkles. Hang up your gown at least a day ahead of time and/or steam it.
Caps and gowns are needed on this day. Please wear something comfortable underneath (shoes, especially) because we’ll be walking quite a bit this day.
Caps cannot be decorated.
We will take your graduation picture shortly after arrival at the Event Center.
- The senior walk will begin after the senior picture at intermediate campus, then the elementary, junior high then high school. This will give time for parents to assemble at the high school at 9:30 time mentioned below.
Parents (Updated)
- ALL parents need to check in at the Event Center starting at 7:45 am to sign in (please have Drivers License with you ready at check in). This will allow you access to follow the Seniors during the Senior Walk.
- If you arrive after 8:30 am, please sign in at the Navarro High School Front Office (please have Drivers License with you ready at check in) and you will be able to wait to see the Senior Walk through the High School.
- Badges will need to be turned back in at the High School front office at the conclusion of the walk.
Questions, please reach out to Clay Scarborough at 830-372-1931.
Senior Walk
Students will arrive in the Event Center for a class picture, and will then continue to other campuses. Students must be in Caps and Gown to participate.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 08:00 AM
Navarro Event Center & High School
Checks: make payable to Tyler Pearl Media.
Apple Pay or Zelle: 210-632-4146, Paypal: Tylermichaelphotog, Venmo: @Tpearlstudios
Powder Buff Volleyball Game
Powder Buff Volleyball Game
Come watch the Senior guys take on the Junior guys in a game of volleyball.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 07:00 PM
Navarro Event Center
Decision Day
Students will announce their decision to attend college, career, or trade school. Wear a shirt for your school or career of choice. The event will be live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/NavarroPantherEvents, but is open to families that would like to attend live.
Event Center
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 08:30 AM
Navarro Event Center
Graduation Practice
This is a mandatory event for students to participate in Graduation.
Students will rehearse graduation at 9:30. Ladies, wear your shoes to practice in and make sure they're comfortable. Students will also get their 7 tickets (in case of rain ONLY). The rain plan is Jackson Auditorium.
Graduation Practice
Graduation practice will begin at 9:30 am.
Friday, May 24, 2024, 09:30 AM
Meet in High School Event Center
Graduation Ceremony
Graduates will arrive at 7:00 pm at the High School Event Center for dress check and to line up.
Erwin-Lee Stadium gates open at 7:00 pm for Families and Guests to start taking seats.
The Graduation Ceremony will begin at 8:00 pm.
We will also have an indoor viewing area with a livestream set up in the High School Cafeteria.
Access to Handicap Parking will be located at:
The North Side of the Stadium (scoreboard side) on both the Home and Visitor Side
The Annex Parking Lot
Graduation will be live streamed
- Please note, the live stream for this year's graduation will appear at the Navarro Panther Events YouTube channel. You will see the Graduation Live Stream appear in the list of videos once the broadcast goes live which will be just shortly before graduation begins at 8:00 pm
Senior Graduation Guidelines:
Sunday best or business casual.
No colored hair, visible tattoos, facial hair or facial piercings.
No heritage stoles, pins, homemade stoles and chords.
Must be in school dress code.
Males must be in slack or jeans.
Approved regalia is from:
National honor society, National Technical Honor Society, UT On-Ramps, Military, official school-sponsored stoles, honor cords received from the school.
No Decorated Caps.
Only school sponsored cords and sashes allowed.
No Heritage stoles, chords, pins, or medals, homemade chords and stoles.
Students and guests cannot have alcohol or tobacco products on school property at graduation or any other time.
Friday, May 24, 2024, 07:00 PM
Erwin - Lee Field, Link Road, Seguin, TX, USA
Checks: make payable to Tyler Pearl Media.
Apple Pay or Zelle: 210-632-4146, Paypal: Tylermichaelphotog, Venmo: @Tpearlstudios
Project Graduation 2024
Project Graduation was conceived in Maine over 25 years ago after 18 teens lost their lives in drug and alcohol related crashes following high school graduations. The event was so well received that it was quickly adopted by other high schools throughout the nation – including Texas.
This is a totally self-supporting program sponsored by the parents and the community; we receive no funding from the school budget. Because of the enormous undertaking – there are several opportunities to become involved. There are several fundraisers in process and several committees in need of volunteers. We would love for you to join us! This is a true graduation gift for our teens.
Project Graduation
- Buses will leave Navarro High School for Pedrotti’s Ranch on May 24 th at 11:00 pm. We will NOT wait for anyone who arrives late.
- Seniors must be at school starting at 10:15 pm no later than 10:45 pm for bag checks.
- All graduating Seniors are invited and highly encouraged to participate. No guests are allowed.
- Seniors must be present the entire night to collect a designated amount of cash. (Specific concerns please contact Jodi Koenig 830-708-9484)
- Seniors MUST ride the bus from school to Pedrotti’s Ranch and MUST ride the bus from Pedrotti’s Ranch back to the school.
- All students must fill out a medical release form (included in this packet)
- All forms must be returned to the drop box in the office by Friday, May 10, 2024 by 4pm.
- Every purse, wallet, bag, pockets, etc. will be checked prior to boarding the bus. NO TOBACCO PRODUCTS or VAPES of any kind and ABSOLUTELY NO MEDS or anything appearing to be meds allowed. This would include prescriptions, Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, cough medicine, or lozenges, breath mints, birth control pills, etc. They will be discarded: that is, thrown away. Leave them at home. If you or your parents have any questions regarding this rule, please call Mr. Scarborough at 830-372-1931.
- Anyone caught breaking these rules at any time will forfeit their cash gift and parents will be called to pick them up.
- Seniors will return to Navarro High School at approximately 5:00 am – 5:30 am, where they will receive CASH. Please ensure your child has transportation home upon arrival!
- Please remember, Seniors, that you must participate all night following all of the above rules in order to collect your CASH.
- Parents with specific concerns, please contact Jodi Koenig 830-708-9484.
Friday, May 24, 2024, 10:15 PM
Pedrottu's Ranch (All Seniors MUST take Project Grad bus to and from school to the event)
Message from Project Grad Coordinators:
Project Graduation: Friday, 5/24/2024
10:15-10:45pm- arrive in front of HS
We will LEAVE at 11pm SHARP- no waiting or exceptions~
12Midnight: arrive at Pedrotti's Ranch in Helotes, TX
12a-4a: food/games/more food/FUN~~~
4am- load buses to return to school
5am- arrive at school- hand out graduation envelopes!!
HOME! Congratulations to all of our Graduates!
We are PROUD of you and love you all!
Questions or Concerns
Navarro High School: 830-372 -1931
Navarro Central Office: 830-372-1930