Reardan Weekly
January 31, 2025
We are building a digital archive to honor all Reardan graduates who served in the military, our Hall of Fame. We'd like to feature veterans from any branch of service and for any period of time. If you are a Reardan alumnus who served or have a family member who did (living or not), please contribute their information to our Hall of Fame. Email their name, graduation year, branch of service, years served, and a picture to Andrea McLaughlin (amclaughlin@reardansd.net) or JoLynn Ray (jray@reardansd.net).
Elementary Highlights
100-Day Fashion Show
Tune in on Friday, February 7th, for our 100-Day Fashion Show! This annual event for TK, kindergarten, and 1st-grade students will be livestreamed on the district’s Facebook page.
TK–1st grade parents, please help your child decorate a shirt with 100 items.
Winter Updates
Please Send Your Child with a Coat!
As temperatures drop, please make sure your child comes to school with a warm coat each day. When the weather is freezing, students without a coat may have to miss recess or will be given a coat to wear from our lost and found.
Cold & Flu Season Is Here!
We are in the heart of cold and flu season and want to keep our students as healthy as possible. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Encourage Hand Washing – Remind your child to wash their hands often, especially before eating and after coughing or sneezing.
- Keep Your Child Home If They’re Sick – If your child has a fever, vomiting, or other flu-like symptoms, please keep them home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours without medication.
- Cover Coughs & Sneezes – Teach your child to cough or sneeze into their elbow or a tissue.
- Get Plenty of Rest & Eat Well – A healthy diet and good sleep help strengthen the immune system.
P.I.E. Updates:
Save the Date: Daddy-Daughter Dance will be held on Saturday, February 8 in the Commons. Please follow the Reardan P.I.E. Facebook page for more information.
P.I.E. will be selling candy grams for Valentine’s Day! A P.I.E. volunteer will be on-site Thursday and Friday to sell them in person, and they are also available for purchase via Venmo. Keep an eye out for a flyer coming home in your child’s backpack with more details!
Thank you RECAP, Reardan Title 1 program, and P.I.E. for a fun math night! Each student walked away with a prize, along with a delicious taco dinner provided by P.I.E. Be on the lookout for our next Family Engagement Night.
On January 30, our 4th and 5th-grade students had the opportunity to attend EWU Kids Day! They cheered on the EWU women's basketball team as the team secured an overtime victory against Idaho State. This special event welcomed 4th and 5th graders from across the area, giving them a chance to experience a live college basketball game for free. Students also received some fun EWU swag to remember the day!
Middle School Highlights
Our Middle School Boys’ Basketball Team is off to a great start. The boys are working hard to achieve excellence and having fun while building their teamwork skills. Stop by and watch their next home game on Wednesday, February 12th against Kettle Falls.
Middle school students are also having fun participating in morning challenges. This week Mr. Anderson handed out “Would You Rather” cards to students as they came into school. Students and staff had some great conversations while working on SEL standard #6, Social Engagement. At lunch this week there was also a competition to see who could do table laps while balancing an apple in a cup on their head. We appreciate Mr. Anderson so much for taking the time to help our students focus on fun social activities.
Semester grades and report cards will come out on Monday, February 3rd. Did you know that one of the biggest indicators of student success is attendance? Students who miss even a day or two a month can often fall behind and struggle to catch up. It is so important to ensure that unless students are truly ill, they are at school each day. We appreciate you contacting the school attendance line to excuse absences right away. You can either call 509.381.1312 or email attendance@reardansd.net Below is our middle school current attendance data–this is a good starting point for a conversation with your child.
MS and HS WDFY students are busy at work on their chosen projects. They chose their groups and various topics around healthy youth and are now busy creating multimedia presentations that they will use to reach out and educate other students here in Reardan and beyond as some of them will post on social media through our WDFY and RECAP channels. We are proud of the participation of our students.
Finally–February’s Character Trait is Honesty. In keeping with this theme, our students are challenged to be honest in following the school electronic device policy. This means cell phones are stored in lockers and out of site during the school day. Students with no cell phone violations and no major office referrals will be eligible to attend the February end of the month PBIS reward activity.
Maintenance staff playing basketball with the students this morning. The kids loved it!
High School Highlights
Dear Parents,
We’ve had a great start to the second semester! This week, we implemented MTSS to provide extra support for students who need it.
As we continue to focus on attendance, we truly appreciate when you notify us if your student will be absent. If your student is out for an extended period, please provide a doctor’s note if they’ve been seen in a clinic.
Additionally, we are forming a Principal Advisory Committee to discuss our current cell phone policy, and future classes at Reardan, and provide constructive feedback to the principal. If you’re interested in joining, please email me at jray@reardansd.net or call 509-796-2701.
Thank you for your continued help in improving our daily attendance!
Best regards,
JoLynn Ray - Principal
Senior Justin Lebret volunteering to help teach reading with Elementary Students
Students making ribbon skirts and shirts in Salish class
Senior Spotlights
Senior Spotlight: Bryson Flaa
Plans After High School:
"My goal is to continue racing dirt bikes and compete in a professional race. I also plan to pursue an electrician apprenticeship."
Favorite Memory of High School:
"Playing Call of Duty until 2 a.m. with Rysen and Aiden during the FFA State Convention."
Advice for Younger Students:
"Do the work your first two years of high school—it makes the rest so much easier!"
Teacher/Staff Member Who Made an Impact:
"Rychelle Wagner had such a positive influence on my school years. She always checked in on me, brightened every day, and went above and beyond by letting me keep pigs in her barn and teaching me how to be competitive in showing them."
Congratulations, Bryson! Best of luck with your dirt bike racing dreams and electrician apprenticeship! #SeniorSpotlight #Classof2025 #FuturePro
Senior Spotlight: Preston Winn
What are your future plans?
I’m going to college in Wyoming to study ranch management and compete in rodeo. I’m excited to move to a new area and experience something different!
What is your favorite high school memory?
What advice would you give to younger students?
Don’t get behind! It helps so much when you just do the work as soon as you get it.
Which staff members made a difference for you?
- JoLynn Ray – Always helped me catch up on schoolwork when I was behind.
- Roxanne Sisis – Helped me through my struggles in math.
Good luck in Wyoming, Preston! We know you’ll do great in ranch management and rodeo!
Options Program Highlights
Outdoor School
There is still time to sign up for Outdoor School starting in February on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month for grades 4-8. It's going to be a blast! Sign-up here or use the QR code.
Enrichment Classes
Third quarter enrichment classes start back up on February 4th. If you have not signed up yet please do so here ASAP. Don't miss out on the awesome classes lined up.
- As the colder months settle in, please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for outdoor activities during cold weather. We strive to provide students with fresh air and playtime outside whenever possible. Please send your child with a warm coat, gloves, a hat and other necessary winter gear to help them stay comfortable and safe during recess and outdoor activities.
- Please make sure that children are not bringing toys, stuffed animals, etc to school. It is a distraction to them and others.
Athletic Department
Basketball, Cheer, Winter Pep Band Sr Night: Saturday 2/1
‘Underdog’: Jakari Singleton hopes to make music for Reardan at State B
Our very own Jakari was featured in the Spokesman-Review yesterday. You can check out the article here. Way to represent Reardan!
Transportation Highlights
Route 5: Jacobs (Horse Bus)
Driver: Judy Samek
Favorite animal: Horse (which she loves to ride).
Favorite color: Purple
Dream vacation: Alaska
Hobbies: 2 kids, 4 grandkids, 6 horses, 5 dogs, 6 chickens, 1 turkey, and 1 guinea.
Route facts: Average of 25+ students ride every day for a total of 64 miles round trip.
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”
Counseling Corner
Attention Juniors and Seniors!
Hello from SCC,
Here are some upcoming events:
- Medical Assistant Information Session, Monday February 10th, 6:00-7:00pm Virtual Meeting via Teams
- Allied Health Informational Lunch, Thursday, February 13th, 11:30-12:30pm, Building 9, Room 003. ***This is not for prospective students, it is an information session for counselors, CTE teachers and community partners only.***
- BAS Respiratory Care Information Session, Thursday, February 20th, 3:00-4:30pm In Person and Zoom, Building 9, Room 203, Zoom Meeting ID: 596 019 1916 Passcode: 449156
- Radiology Technology Information Session, Wednesday, March 5th, 2:00pm and 6:00pm, Building 7, Room 133
- Solder Night!, Monday, March 10th, 4:00pm and 5:30pm, Building 1, Room R214, Learn how to solder with our electronics faculty.
- Allied Health Information Session, Tuesday, May 6th, Building 9, Room 003, in the morning. More information to come.
- Trade Program Discovery Day and Registration Event, Wednesday, May 21st, 8:30-12:00pm, Building 5, The Gym.
The SCC Financial Aid Office is hosting two days of FAFSA assistance!
Each of those days will have two sessions available – one day session and one evening session!
Our staff will be available to answer financial aid questions, help creating FSA IDs, and assist with submitting FAFSA’s®
Nutrition Services
The Reardan-Edwall School District does not endorse any activities or opportunities from groups not directly connected to the school district.