Springmill STEM Family Newsletter
Nov 4

Principal's Message
Hello STEM Families!
We had a great time with you at our Literacy Night this week! It was nice to see the families sharing activities and eating dinner together (walking tacos were a big hit!).
Science has shown that starting and ending Daylight Savings Time causes physical changes in our bodies, but we keep doing it for some reason. For today, telling time by the sun actually helps ease into the time change. If students were going to bed after dark before, wait until just after dark today.
This Friday we are going to participate in National STEM day! We will be doing STEM activities and problem solving all day!
I hope your family has been able to enjoy this weather. Although it is supposed to get up to the 70s Monday and Tuesday, it takes until late afternoon and our recess times start at 11:30 - and it can still be quite chilly. Please make sure students are wearing Ohio's fall uniform - LAYERS!
Cara Will
Building Principal
Springmill STEM Elementary
P.E. Footwear Update
In phys ed, students are very active, running and playing for 45 minutes. Because our gym is unique (uneven floors), having appropriate footwear for PE is very important. We have had several students twist ankles and trip and fall because they are wearing Crocs. At this time, students will no longer be able to participate in PE if they do not have appropriate gym shoes. This will mainly affect K, 1st and 2nd right now, but next semester 3-6 graders will have PE and it will be the same.
Appropriate Gym Shoes: tennis shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, converse, etc.
Shoes not appropriate for Gym: Crocs, sandals, books, flip flops, slippers
*students that do not have gym shoes will not participate in the class
October PBIS Students of the Month
What's Happening!
Friday November 8
National STEM Day!
Monday November 11
STEM Only 2 hour delay
Thursday Nov 14
Picture Retakes
Thursday Nov 21
Parent Teacher Conferences
November 27 - 29
Thanksgiving Break
Monday December 9
STEM Only 2 Hour Delay
What's happening at STEM?
Literacy Night Photos
Cooking with Chef Michael
10 of our 6th graders had the opportunity to join 10 6th grade students at RSAA for a cooking class. These students had to fill out an application, get references and sit for an interview team. The 10 chosen students had a great time cooking chicken fettuccini alfredo!