The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings November 2 – November 14, 2020
AP TESTING: DEADLINE TO PURCHASE IS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020. All AP students need to make sure they have signed into their account and have enrolled in their AP class sections or exam only sections. Your teacher will give you the join code, so be sure to check with them if needed. For students that do NOT already have a College Board account, you will need to go to College Board to create one. Please make sure you only have ONE account, and you must use your legal name when you register. Starting September 10th, all AP students in yearlong/first semester classes will be able to register for AP exams on the school webstore at See TWHS website at and click on AP Exam Deadline & Ordering Information for more details about deadlines.
If students have any questions, please contact your AP teacher or Mrs. Spears ( in grade level.
The Woodlands High School Proctorio Test Security Information
Proctorio is a Learning Integrity Platform
This course will use Proctorio, a remote proctoring solution designed to protect the integrity of this course’s assessments and chosen by Conroe ISD to be utilized on all campuses. The course instructor will choose the secure exam settings appropriate for this course.
Equity and Fairness
The reason the district chose Proctorio is to make education more equal by giving each student an opportunity to earn the grades they deserve. Our goal is to preserve academic integrity for all of our students.
Proctorio is a trusted platform for remote proctoring because of its commitment to student privacy. Proctorio uses single sign-on through Canvas and only I or the Canvas Course teacher of record at TWHS will have access to your exam data. Proctorio never requires personally identifiable information from students (Password/Access Code Guide) and Proctorio will never sell your data to third parties. Read more about Proctorio’s approach to privacy.
Proctorio only runs as an extension in your browser. This means that Proctorio works within a sandbox and has limited access to your computer system unlike traditionally installed software applications that have complete access to your computer’s hard drive. Proctorio only runs while you are taking your exam. After your exam ends, you may uninstall the extension by right-clicking on it. Just remember, you must reinstall the extension again before starting your next exam.
All student data is kept safe using zero-knowledge encryption, meaning student data is scrambled and unreadable by anyone outside. Even Proctorio cannot see your exam data. Read more about Proctorio security.
Getting Started
Before getting started on your first exam, make sure to follow the instructions in Proctorio’s Quick Start Test Taker Guide for the extension. To verify your computer system meets the requirements, take the practice quiz. This will ensure that everything will run smoothly on the day of the exam.
If after reading the Quick Start Test Taker Guide you have any trouble while using Proctorio, you can reach out to Proctorio. Proctorio support is available 24/7 and can assist in troubleshooting any extension-related issues before, during, and after your exam. You can contact Proctorio support via email at or by starting a live chat by clicking the Proctorio extension’s shield icon.
What if I don’t want to use Proctorio at home?
All exams are available to take on campus. Remote students may contact their teacher and take the exam during their regularly scheduled class. Remote students may also choose to take the exam in the on-campus SCOTS testing room by signing up via link on TWHS main website, or Monday through Thursday between 3:00 and 5:00 in our after school testing center (link to sign up also on TWHS main website).
Proctorio Basics
You must use the current version of Google Chrome. It is best to log in through the CISD SSO. You must download the Proctorio Chrome extension:
Virtual Student Testing Procedures for Proctored Assessments
If students are not able to take a test through Proctorio at home, they have the option of taking their tests on campus on their regular test day.
Option 1: Student can come to their regular class period on test day with the teacher. Please email your teacher prior to the test day, at least 48 hours in advance, so they can have an in-class test prepared for you.
Option 2: Student can take their test on a chrome book in the SCOTS lab located in the Library at senior campus and will use the Sign-up link below to schedule their test, at least 48 hours in advance.
Option 3: Student can take their test on a chrome book after school in a proctored classroom setting and will use the Sign-up link below to schedule their test, at least 48 hours in advance. After school testing will be located in the SCOTS classroom, 212.
Note: All students must take their tests on their assigned test day.
Senior Campus
When filling out the information on the Sign-up genius link, please include the following information in the My Comment section:
1. Student’s Grade Level (10, 11, or 12)
2. Course Name
3. Course Period
4. Teacher Name
Note: 9th grade students that end up on the senior campus for a sport or activity can sign up on this website.
Link for on campus testing for senior campus:
Ninth Grade Campus
When filling out the information on the Sign-up genius link, please include the following information in the My Comment section:
1. Course Name
2. Course Period
3. Teacher Name
Note: This sign up is only for 9th grade students that will be testing on the ninth grade campus.
Link for on campus testing for ninth grade campus:
Evening Homework Help is offered through virtual and in-person sessions on Mondays-Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 P.M. on the Senior Campus for all students 9th - 12th. To participate virtually, please contact your Math, Science, English, or Spanish teacher to access the link through Canvas. In-person sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Math and Science in Room 302; on Mondays for Spanish in Room 226. English is only offered virtually at this time.
Mondays and Wednesdays
5:30-7:30 P.M.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
5:30-7:30 P.M.
Sophomore Guidance Lessons:
The counselors are doing presentations with all sophomores through their World History classes from November 4 through November 19. During these interactive presentations, the students are updating their endorsement selection and four-year plan. In addition, we are having them login to their family connection accounts to learn about different careers through the career interest profiler. Most of the students should have plenty of time to complete their assessments during the class. If not, they were instructed to login and complete the assessment at home. For virtual students, we will have a video-based lesson that will follow the same format as the in-person class presentation.
As COVID cases begin to spike again, we want to remind everyone to continue to be vigilant about wearing a mask that covers BOTH YOUR NOSE AND YOUR MOUTH while at school (unless eating or drinking), or anywhere else in public where you may be in close contact with others. Avoid touching your face, sanitize your hands frequently, and avoid gatherings and riding in cars with people who you do not live with. We need everyone’s help to stop the spread of this virus, especially as we approach holiday season, where there are many opportunities to get together with friends and extended family.
Parents, if someone in your household tests positive for COVID, please notify the school clinic immediately at 936-709-1076 for the Senior Campus or at 832-592-8209 for the 9th Grade Campus, and email a copy of the positive test, if it is for one of our students, to for senior campus or to for the 9th grade campus. Please also call the clinic if your child has been identified as a close contact to someone who tests positive, and is advised to quarantine. Unfortunately, it is not possible to “test out of quarantine”. Even if someone has multiple negative tests, they will still be required to quarantine at home for 14 days if they have been identified as a close contact. The CISD Roadmap to Reopening has a lot of good information, if you have not had an opportunity to check it out.
BOYS BASKETBALL: Boys Basketball will be having tryouts Saturday morning 8-10am at the main campus. Students need to arrive by 7:30am to get checked in. They need to have a current physical in order to tryout and should be passing all their classes. We will have Meet the Players at the main Campus 6:30pm Monday Nov. 2nd. Our first scrimmage will be at the 9th grade campus next Saturday Nov. 7th with Freshmen and JV going from 12-2pm and Varsity 2-5pm.
TENNIS: Congrats to our BI-District Champions with a victory over Aldine Eisenhower 19-0. The team only dropped 4 games to go 9-0 for the season. TWHS is ranked #6 in 6A State Poll. We defeated #8 Katy Seven Lakes 14-5 last Friday in a Play-Off warm up. Next is Area Championship vs Cy-Ranch or Klein Oak.
BOYS SOCCER: Open field for anyone interested in Boys Soccer. Games will be played every Wednesday in November after school on the Senior Campus practice fields. Games will start at 3pm. Freshman interested in participating should ride the after-school shuttle bus to the Senior Campus. Appropriate athletic wear should be worn (workout shorts/ shirt, cleats, shin guards).
INTERACT: Hey Highlanders! TWHS Interact wishes you a happy Halloween weekend! We are pushing our next meeting back to November 9 at 7:00pm in order to let everyone enjoy their night off. It will still be located in the main campus cafeteria and we'll be collecting donations for Angel Reach foster children! Information and sign ups for items can be found in the BAND app. In other news, this weekend the club is volunteering at a run for Love Fosters Hope, another organization that helps foster kids! We hope to see you at our next meeting! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at and check out our website: !!!
STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council has been up to many great things recently! We ended the month of September with a virtual Highlander Strong Pep Rally, filling the halls with our red and green spirit wear. On October 2nd, we hosted our annual Senior Sunrise where we provided breakfast for our senior students to celebrate the class of 2021 and release balloons with future goals written on them for good luck. Currently, we are participating in a donation drive with TWHS DECA to bring in donated duffel bags for foster kids in need.
To bring awareness to students to stay drug and alcohol free, our students dressed up for Red Ribbon Week in superhero attire to “suit up” against drugs, voting for a drug free future with America day, staying too bright for drugs with neon colors, wearing red, and Halloween costumes to say “drugs are scary”. Next week, we will be dressing up for homecoming week! Our themes will include mathletes vs. athletes, dynamic duos, preppy vs. surfer, and western wear for underclassmen with seniors wearing their formal attire. Throughout the month of November, we will start collecting canned foods for Matthew’s Birthday Wish in a competition with College Park to see who will collect the most cans. Students will be bringing cans to either their R2 or G6 class period, and monetary donations can also be made through the school webstore.
We will have our next Student Council meeting of the year on November 9th at 6pm! Our meeting will be face-to-face at the main campus in the cafeteria. If you are not able to meet in person, we will stream our meeting live through our Instagram (@twhsstuco)! Contact Mrs. Gartner for more information about joining Student Council this school year!
SCUBA CLUB: Our next meeting is in person Monday, November 2nd, at 3pm in the Senior Campus LGI. Freshmen can take the activities shuttle bus to the senior campus after school. We will talk about “Confined Water Diving” such as in public aquariums—including with sharks! All students, staff, and parents are welcome to attend—you do NOT have to be scuba certified. Every meeting you attend in person gets your name in a drawing for some nice prizes at our December and May meetings! As a heads-up, our December meeting will be our Christmas Party, with a prize giveaway for those who have attended previous meetings, and we plan to have a guest speaker via Zoom—Jesse Cancelmo, professional underwater photographer and contributing editor of Dive Training Magazine!
FFA: Our next FFA meeting will be on Wednesday, November 11th at 7:00 pm in Room 131. Fundraisers will be due at the meeting!!
FBLA: Registration for Competitive Events is open from November 1 to November 10. If you did not attend the Competitive Events Workshop, but still want to participate in Competitive Events, you need to contact Mrs. Filer ASAP either through email or in person (Room 252 after school). For more information about Competitive Events, see the FBLA Canvas Page. If you are interested in FBLA, but still have not joined; it is not too late. Email Mrs. Filer at
UIL ACCOUNTING: Calling any interested former Accounting students, Mrs. Filer is looking for anyone interested in competing in UIL Accounting. Email Mrs. Filer at for more information.
UIL CURRENT ISSUES & EVENTS: Do you enjoy reading or discussing the news? Do you like learning about events happening all over the globe? We are currently recruiting students in grades 9-11 for UIL Current Issues & Events! We currently meet during advisory on Red Days, as well as a Zoom meeting for virtual students. See Mr. Balluck in Portable 4 at the Senior Campus, or email him at for more information on how to join the team.
STAFF APPRECIATION: This fall the PTO is supporting faculty and staff with Snack Stations in break-rooms at the Main and 9th Grade campuses. Thank you to all the parents who have contributed. Faculty and staff appreciate your ongoing support! If you would like to receive further details and/or be included on the staff appreciation mailing list, please email us at or go to our website to join the PTO Staff Appreciation Committee.
SPIRIT WEAR: The PTO Spirit Wear is selling the last of our “W” masks on the Spirit Wear website. Please note that we do not have any plans on reordering masks this semester.
Markdown alert: The white breathable short and long sleeve “Highlander” shirts are on sale until supplies last. Our Short sleeves are $10.00 with the long sleeves being $15.00.
There are a number of spirit wear orders waiting to be picked up at the Front Desk Office. If you ordered any merchandise a parent or student can receive your order from your designated campus (9th or main).
TWHS PTO Membership drive
This year TWHS PTO plans to use the majority of the Membership Drive funds to help our Main and 9th Grade Campus with PPE to keep our schools open and our Staff and Students healthy. TWHS PTO purchased the sneeze guards for the front offices as protective PPE.
Please JOIN the TWHS PTO at the $20 level or more if you are able.
TWHS PTO supports many diverse needs at our school. While TWHS has many outstanding booster clubs which support our students' extra-curricular activities, PTO is the ONLY parent organization that supports EVERY student at our school.
By joining TWHS PTO, you are directly supporting your student!
For more information about our PTO please click the following links:
Website -
Facebook -
Support TWHS PTO while you shop
Amazon Smile –
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Go to to signup or verify your charitable group each year. The Woodlands High School organization number is DD618.
NUTRITION: Students must have an ID or a copy/image of their meal card to purchase a breakfast/lunch. The meal card can be obtained from Student Access on the homepage. For students on the 9th grade campus, every student is provided one free student ID. Replacement IDs can be purchased on the TWHS Webstore for $6. After purchase, students should bring their receipt to the school to receive their replacement ID.
Free breakfasts and lunches for all students continue through the extension of the Federal Government National Seamless Summer Program. This program is scheduled to run through the end of December or when Federal money runs out
FRONT OFFICE ATTENDANCE: Virtual Students will continue to complete the Daily Attendance assignment for each class according to the RED/GREEN Calendar.
Students who are attending virtual instruction, but have elected to attend one or more classes on campus, must attend on a regular basis for the entire marking period. Students will communicate with their teacher/coach, and this is expected each day for that class. Students at the Senior Campus are expected to check in through Attendance before going to class. Students at the Freshman Campus will enter & exit by the front office entrance. Students MAY NOT loiter in the building after their class is completed, as doing so will result in consequences.
Absences will accrue and all attendance policies will be in effect for all students. Students must be in attendance at least 90% of the time that classes are in session.
To report an absence, please call:
9th Grade (832) 592-8025
10th Grade (936) 709-1233
11th Grade (936) 709-1234
12th Grade (936) 709-1236
A full explanation of policies concerning attendance can be found in the TWHS Student/Parent handbook. The Attendance Office staff will happily answer any questions and assist you with any attendance related concerns. Feel free to call the numbers above at any time. You may leave a message if you call outside of the 7:00 to 3:00 office hours.
Conroe ISD utilizes the School Messenger program to communicate to parents and guardians using email, phone and text messages. Parents and guardians must OPT-IN to receive text messages. If you would like to receive SMS (text message) notifications on your mobile device, please text "Y" to 67587.
Failure to opt-in could result in not receiving timely or emergency text messages from Conroe ISD or The Woodlands High School. For more information, please visit
If you need to update your child's school record with new or additional parent/guardian contact information, please contact the respective campus registrar:
TWHS Main Campus - Greta Champion -
TWHS 9th Grade Campus - Carolyn Czubinski -
Conroe ISD will have a Technology Help Desk to assist teachers, students, parents, and guardians with Canvas, Seesaw, Parent Access, or Student Access. The Help Desk is available weekdays beginning Monday, August 10, from 7:30 AM until 9:00 PM. You may reach the Help Desk by emailing or calling 936-709-7658. Canvas users can also click the 'Help' button prior to logging in for assistance.
SENIOR DUES: Seniors--you can now go onto the TWHS webstore at to pay for your seniors dues. They are $90, but they will go up to $100 on February 1st. Seniors dues help pay for prom, graduation, and the senior picnic. If any questions, please contact Mr. Klapesky in grade level.
ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, November 3 is Election Day and a student Holiday. The Woodlands 9th Grade Campus (Gym 1) is a Polling Location.
HIGHLIGHTED HIGHLANDERS: Several times a year The Woodlands High School and the PTO honor students for outstanding citizenship, achievement, or service. Students are nominated by faculty and staff based on Good Citizenship, High or Unique Achievements, A Random Act of Kindness, Leadership, Excellent Attitude, etc. The “Highlighted Highlanders” receive a certificate and a highlighter recognizing their accomplishment.
Senior campus honorees include Dylan Alvarez, Luke Ashton, Paige Bentch-Pruitt, Rylie Brandt, Jack Clark, Corey Coleman, Kaylee Collura, Robert Curry, Adelaide Danna, Sriram Deevi, Keith Demerson, Dimitri Diniaco, Ali Dougherty, Tim Dziena, Dylan Elmore-Rowe, Makenzie Gordon, Joe Harrison, Jaxon Herrod, Tomas Izquierdo, Jordan Jones, Jett Jordan, Norma Lozano Montemayor, Selah Martinez, Wyatt McGlaun, Adrian Moss, Mahika Peri, Grant Potter, Warner Riggs, Kaitlyn Schack, Jakson Sewall, Anna Shotts, Leena Stephens, Sloan Steward, Stephen Stubblefield, Leah Tison, Jamie Tucker, Weston Tuttle, Emily Van Alphen, Isabella Van Schermbeek, Kristopher Vega, and Bradley Warren.
Ninth Grade honorees were Diana Almazan, Luke Ogburn, Nathan Kimmel, Addison Morvent, Isabella Llaguno, Elizabeth Petropulos, Iker Rodriguez Oregon, Maria Daniela Salas Castro, Caleb Blythe, Kendyl Burgess, Alayah Samuel, Luca Guerra, Josh Minger, Michael Mitchell, Ethan Sharkowicz, Micah Shapiro, Seth Dykstra, Aubrie Edmondson, Italy Gomez, Paola Lugo, Peyton Reeves, Jaxon Clough, Olivia Gerber, Alexander Engdahl.
LIBRARY NEWS: 9th Library- Be sure to view the Spooktacular Reads slide show on the Library's Canvas, and then stop by the library or place on hold the books you want 🎃
Required reading for English is available for purchase through the Web Store (School Cash Online).
Purchasing English required novels, Animal Farm and To Kill a Mockingbird, through the Web Store supports the teachers with needed materials. Extra copy purchases of either title is a welcome donation. When donating a copy, fill the teacher's name field with the word DONATION.
THE WOODLANDS HIGH SCHOOL ART TRUST: We are looking for students to join our club! No art experience necessary. Have you ever noticed the 49 works of art by established Texas artists that are permanently displayed in the hallways at school? This is The Woodlands High School Art Collection and the works have been selected and purchased by our students. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the Homecoming Dance has been cancelled and that is how we receive the funds to buy and add pieces to our collection each year. Since we won’t have the funds to add new pieces this year, we want to focus on digitally showing off our collection. We want to try and make videos or slideshows of each of the 10 sections we have displayed around the school. No video experience needed, we will learn this together! If you are interested, please see Ms. Rock, room 121 or email her at
We will have our first meeting for information and planning on Thursday, November 5th, at 2:45 PM in room 121.
The Woodlands High School Art Trust (TWHSAT) a 501(c)3 organization, was established in 2011 to help maintain, conserve and display the student-selected, student-purchased collection of established artists at The Woodlands High School. The vision for the TWHS Art Trust is to see the art collection grow each year and to have it extend through the hallways of the high school. Students use funds from their Homecoming Dance to purchase the art works. TWHSAT fundraises for the preservation and permanent display of the art works. Consider helping with that funding and show your support for The Woodlands High School Art Trust by joining our "One Hundred Friends of Art." Our goal is to have 100 arts supporters make an annual donation to support our cause. Donations are tax deductible and start as low as $10!! Visit our website to make a contribution:
Other than the public sculptures around The Woodlands, this is the ONLY permanent collection of art available to the public. It is seen by THOUSANDS of people every day. Please consider supporting this unique collection that sets us apart from other public high schools and strengthens our goal of being one of the best high schools in the state and country.
For more information on The Woodlands High School Art Trust please visit our website or contact Susan Cosculluela at
JROTC: Our first Airman of the Quarter competition of the 2020-2021 school year was held on Wednesday, October 28th and Wednesday, October 29th. Congratulations and good job to all of the nominees. The winners were Paul Zeyer from E Flight for the Upperclassman AOQ and Bryce Walles from A Flight for the Freshman AOQ! The winners receive a promotion and an Achievement Ribbon for their uniform. Congratulations and outstanding job!
The Kitty Hawk Air Society Induction Ceremony was held Thursday, October 29th. Congratulations to all new members!
Our Corps is organizing a donation drive for the US Marine “Toys for Tots” program now through Friday, November 20 to help bring the joy of Christmas to less-fortunate children. Cadets are encouraged to bring new, school-appropriate toys and school supplies to their flight. This is a great opportunity to give back and demonstrate one of our Core Values—Sevice Before Self.
The Red and Green Day Parade will take place on Wednesday, November 4 at the Woodforest Stadium from 5:30-6:15pm. Selected JROTC cadets will perform demonstrations, but all cadets and parents are welcome to attend!
There will be a flag raising/lowering tutoring session for interested upperclassmen on Thursday, November 5th from 2:45-3:15 pm, held by our Senior Enlisted Advisor, C/SMSgt Isa Devia Luna. This is a great opportunity give back to the school and honor our Nation’s flag!
Our next District Orienteering Meet is Saturday, November 7th at the Mitchell Preserve, Flintridge Trailhead. Cadets competing are expected to arrive at 8 am. This meet is a “Sprint-O” (come to Orienteering Practice to learn what that means and how to orienteer). All interested cadets are welcome to compete and possibly earn their Competition Ribbon!
NOTE DATE CHANGES: Our next Booster Club Board Meeting is Tuesday, November 10th, in the Senior Campus JROTC Classroom. The next general Booster Club Meeting is Tuesday, November 17th, location to be determined.
The Woodlands High School Calendar
November 2- November 14, 2020
Monday, November 2, 2020
Tennis Regional Quarter Finals
Highlanders for the Environment 3:00 Room 312
Scuba Club Meeting 3:00 LGI
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 226
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Student Holiday
Lady Highlander Basketball Scrimmages 3:00 TWHS
Volleyball @ Oak Ridge 4:30/6:00 Oak Ridge High School
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
UNICEF Meeting 6:30am LGI
Models United Nations Meeting 3:00 LGI
Red/Green Parade 5:00 Woodforest Bank Stadium
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Art Trust Meeting 2:45 Room 121
Theatre Thespian Meeting 3:00 Auditorium
Freshman Football Red/Green vs Oak Ridge 4:30/6:00 TWHS
Freshman Football White @ A&M Consolidated 5:00 A&M Consolidated High School
JV Football Red/Green @ Oak Ridge 4:30/6:00 Oak Ridge High School
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 302
Friday, November 6, 2020
Science NHS 6:30 am LGI
JV Swim/Dive vs Grand Oaks & Oak Ridge 4:00 CISD Natatorium
Volleyball vs Grand Oaks 4:30/6:00 TWHS
Varsity Football vs Oak Ridge Homecoming 7:00 Woodforest Bank Stadium
Lady Highlander Basketball @ Tomball Memorial 7:00 Tomball Memorial High School
Saturday, November 7, 2020
SAT Test 8:00 am TWHS
Varsity Swim/Dive vs Grand Oaks & Oak Ridge 9:00 am CISD Natatorium
Boys Basketball Scrimmages 12:00 TWHS 9Th Grade Campus
Volleyball vs Klein 2:00 TWHS
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
Choir Region Rehearsals & Concert @ Klein High School
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 226
Student Council Meeting 6:00 Cafeteria
Interact Meeting 7:00 Cafeteria
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Cross Country Region 2 Championship @ Jesse Owens Memorial Complex, Dallas
Volleyball @ Conroe 4:30/6:00 Conroe High School
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 302
Varsity Lady Highlander Basketball @ Westfield 7:00 Westfield High School
JROTC Booster Club Meeting 7:00 ROTC Classroom
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
UNICEF Meeting 6:30 am LGI
Model United Nations Meeting 3:00 LGI
Freshman Football White @ Grand Oaks 3:30 Grand Oaks High School
Freshman Football Red/Green @ Grand Oaks 4:30/6:00 Grand Oaks High School
JV Football Red/Green vs Grand Oaks 4:30/6:00 TWHS
FFA Meeting 7:00 Room 131
Thursday, November 12, 2020
JV Lady Highlander Basketball Tournament @ Grand Oaks High School
Evening Tutorial 5:30 Room 302
Varsity Football @ Grand Oaks 7:00 Woodforest Bank Stadium
Friday, November 13, 2020
Lady Highlander Basketball @ Kingwood Park 4:00 Kingwood Park High School
Volleyball vs College Park 4:30/6:00 TWHS
Varsity Boys Basketball vs Alief Elsik 7:00 TWHS 9th Grade Campus
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Model United Nations 8:30 am LGI
Varsity Boys Basketball vs Eisenhower 2:00 TWHS
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Location: 6101 Research Forest Drive, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: @TWHSCISD