The Dolphin Whistle
January 27, 2021 Issue 22
Dear Parents,
It has been an interesting month and the students have been asking great questions about what is happening in the world around them. It is important that students are interested and want to have conversations about their community and country and equally important that they ask questions and learn to objectively evaluate all information they are hearing. This skill of evaluating sources is actually a California Common Core Standard and using real life examples is the best way to learn. I trust that at home you are also encouraging your child to ask questions and form opinions so they become confident and responsible members of society.
Part of responsibility is also completing school assignments! Please pay special attention to your child's work on Wednesdays. They are to attend the check-in meeting with the teacher each morning and then complete ALL assignments and submit them by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. If you need assistance with how to look in Google Classroom and SeeSaw to determine if your son/daughter has completed all of their Wednesday work, we are happy to help.
As always, if your family is affected by Covid, please let us know and we can find ways to assist you.
Best Regards,
Theresa Lambert
Principal Mariano Castro Elementary
cell number (831)206-9522
Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 - Diaper Distribution, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - Parent Training - Building Academic Vocab
Thurs. January 29th, 2021 - 5th Gr. Info Night
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - ELAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday, February 12,2021 - End of Trimester 2 ( Minimum Day)
Monday, Feb 15, 2021 - Feb 19, 2021 - Winter Break ( No School )
Register now! Parent workshop: How to Build Academic Language with Kate Kinsella
Virtual presentation on January 27 at 6:00 pm
Hosted by Huff, Landels and Jose Antonio Vargas elementary schools
Register: http://mvw.sd/kate
Presenter Kate Kinsella, Ed.D. will talk about:
• After school conversation tips to use with children to encourage thoughtful responses
• Strategies to help increase students' academic language and listening skills
Kate Kinsella, Ed.D., is a teacher educator at San Francisco State University and a highly sought after speaker and consultant to school districts throughout the United States regarding development of academic language and literacy across the K-12 subject areas. Her 25-year teaching career focus has been equipping children from diverse backgrounds with the communication, reading, and writing skills to be career and college ready.
For more information, please visit http://drkatekinsella.com/about-us/
Better Together: Poverty in America Awareness
January is Poverty in America Awareness Month and in the time of Covid-19 and the economic fallout, talking about issues surrounding poverty has never been more important. Words matter and our students know more than we often give them credit for. Talking about poverty with kids is not only possible, it's important. Explore the resources provided in this infographic (attached or viewable at https://www.mvwsd.org/bettertogetherMVWSD) to find an approach to talking about poverty that is most appropriate for your student(s). Ultimately, your conversations should reinforce that when it comes to making a difference in the world and caring for others in our community, we are #BetterTogether.
Fifth Grade Parents: Middle school info night on Jan. 28
Crittenden and Graham both will be welcoming 5th grade families to an Incoming 6th Grade Information Night on Thursday, January 28 at 5 p.m. held on Zoom. Each site will host its own information night, and parents will receive an email from their students' assigned school with meeting login information.
This is a great opportunity to learn about our Middle Schools’ academics, a chance to meet our staff, and learn about the exciting opportunities your incoming sixth-grader will have at Crittenden or Graham.
Please contact Crittenden ((650) 903-6945) or Graham Middle School ((650) 526-3570) if you have any questions.
If you have a district hotspot that you’re not using anymore...
Please return it to our technology department at our district office. Due to changes in individual circumstances and needs, we need every hotspot for families and students in need. If you have a non-working hotspot, please bring that back as well. Thank you in advance!
MVEF News: Virtual Gala Planning Has Begun
Save the date - March 6, 2021!
We wish we could be together with you! Nonetheless, the MVEF gala committee is hard at work ensuring that our Virtual Gala on March 6th will be a fun evening even in the midst of Covid19 concerns. Stay tuned for details!
Preschool Enrollment for 2021-22:
Families who are interested in enrolling their 3 or 4-year-old in part-day or full-day preschool next year should submit an application to the preschool office by February 5th. Please see https://www.mvwsd.org/preschool for more information or contact the preschool office at 650-526-3560 or prekenrollment@mvwsd.org.
Parent University: Digging Deeper into Supporting Reading Comprehension at Home
Join us on Tuesday, January 26th, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. for “Digging Deeper into Supporting Reading Comprehension at Home (K-5 Families)”
Members of MVWSD Instructional Team will share takeaway strategies to support your child's reading comprehension, connections, and applications at home.
Wondering how to support your child with their Reading grade level standards and curriculum?
What questions should I ask to build my child's reading comprehension?
What does standard progression look like over grade level spans?
Takeaways to support your child who is reading above grade level
Learn new ways to enrich, deepen, and create a joy for reading
Zoom Registration: http://mvw.sd/MlaSK
In order to make this interactive webinar most meaningful for you, please send your questions beforehand to Interim Director, Swati Dagar via this Google Form by Friday, January 15th.
Spanish interpretation will be provided.
Link to flyer is here.
The MVLA Speakers Series presents “Raising Antiracist Kids: The Power of Intentional Conversations About Race” with Nicole Lee on Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | Live Online
Raising antiracist kids is imperative in today’s society, yet most of us are not well-equipped for the challenges of talking with our kids about race and racism. Join us for an engaging discussion with Nicole Lee, diversity, equity, and inclusion expert, as she shares research about the impact of talking - or not talking - to our kids about race and sheds light on common discomforts and misconceptions causing parents and other caregivers to avoid these important conversations.
Audience: Parents, caregivers, and educators
Register: To register for this free event at https://mvla2020-21-nicolelee.eventbrite.com
Afterschool activities and programs (including free) are on InPlay
Even during COVID, there are fun and educational afterschool programs for kids happening now. Spring break camps are coming up, too. MVWSD partners with the non-profit InPlay to help you find the perfect fit for your child and for your family. Hundreds of programs, including those that are FREE and reduced cost, are nearby and online and can be found through this free, searchable website. Check out http://MV.inplay.org
“Keeping the Dream Alive” College and Career Readiness Virtual Event: Feb. 1-Mar. 31
SCCOE’s Parent Engagement Program will present the “Keeping the Dream Alive” College and Career Readiness Virtual Event for 6th – 12th grade students and their parents. From February 1 to March 31, students will be able to access the “Keeping the Dream Alive” website to participate in interactive activities, webinars, and more to learn about college and career options.
Visit the "Keeping the Dream Alive" event website at parentengagement.sccoe.org for more information and students can currently pre-register at http://bit.ly/KTDARegistration.
Author Talk with Ben Clanton on Feb. 8
The Mountain View Public Library will be hosting a live Zoom talk with Ben Clanton, author and illustrator of the Narwhal and Jelly books. The event will be held on Monday, February 8, from 4:00-4:30 pm. Register at https://mountainview.gov/librarycalendar.
MV Library Valentine’s Celebration
The Mountain View Public Library and CHAC Family Resource Center are sponsoring a free Valentine’s Celebration for families with young children on Friday, February 12, on Zoom. Please see the attached flyer for details and registration.
February CAC Events
Happy New Year! SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. We are ALL having learning challenges right now, and CAC and LCC are here to help. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email selpa1cacinfo@gmail.com or check out www.selpa1cac.org
We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children may have during distance learning: Try a Sensory Diet
February 1, 9 am- General Parent/Community Meeting
with Special Ed. Directors & Staff, Zoom at 9:00 am for LCC and 9:30 am for CAC. We will be planning for the year, discussing upcoming programs and discussing distance learning and learning challenges. For our agenda, please join our Google group, https://groups.google.com/g/selpa1cac. For the Zoom link for this meeting, email selpa1cacinfo@gmail.com or sign up on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/general-cac-meeting-tickets-135550478129