Principal Zeman's Notes
May 10th, 2024
Student Behavior
With the number of days of school dwindling, we have noticed an uptick in disappointing and some inappropriate behavior amongst our students such as destroying apples (mashing them and spreading them in halls and in the restrooms), throwing food, not picking up after themselves, and lack of respect for others and our building. Please reiterate with your students the importance of ending the school year strong and in a positive way. We have a lot of fun activities planned for the end of the school year and would hate for students to miss out due to poor choices and decisions made that they would later regret. We appreciate your support and look forward to ending our school year on a positive note.
Students of the Week
Tip/ Article of the Week
Help your child maintain motivation and momentum (MS Parents Newsletter)
As the school year winds down, middle school students tend to get a bit restless and start daydreaming about the summer break. But summer isn’t here just yet.
Remember: The last few weeks of school are just as important as the rest. It’s vital for middle schoolers to be in school and stay focused so they can finish the school year strong.
To motivate your child to keep working hard:
1. Stick to routines. It’s easy to get wooed by warmer temperatures and more daylight. If you find yourself letting your child put off schoolwork longer and longer and stay up later and later, it’s time to get back on track. Morning comes as early as ever, and if your middle schooler doesn’t get enough sleep at night, it will be difficult to focus during class.
2. Show your interest. By this point of the school year, families are pretty familiar with what goes on at school. However, don’t stop asking about it. Let your child know that you care and still want to hear about assignments and classes.
3. Maintain expectations. Remind your child that if grades begin to slip near the end of the year—or if your child stops completing assignments—there will be consequences. The thought of missing an anticipated event or activity may inspire your child to buckle down.
Upcoming Events
May 14-15: FAST Testing
May 16: Grade 6, 7, 8 Choir Concert Zabee Theater- ERHS
May 17: Student Council, WEB, Honor Society Field Trip
May 22: 8th Grade College Fair
May 23: Grade 6, 7, 8 Band Concert Zabee Theater- ERHS
May 27: No School - Memorial Day
June 4: Talent Show / Yearbook Distribution
June 5: Last Day of School / Grade 8 Field Trip to Valleyfair