WWJH Extravaganza!!!
Extravaganza Information
More Details
Wednesday, Aug. 7th, 11am-1pm
This is an opportunity for New students to WWJH to tour our campus, pickup schedules, and receive additional information about the extracurricular organizations & student clubs that are offered at WWJH.
*Current WWJH students are welcome!
*Students are not required to attend.
*Student schedules will be available online through Family Access Aug. 7th.
Information Tables Available:
Athletics/6th grade PE (physicals/dress out requirements)
8th Grade DC Trip Information
Bus transportation Info.
Kindness Club
Student 2 Student (S2S)
Student Council
Destination Imagination (DI)
Cheerleaders- (spirit items)
Booster Club- (Wyllie gear)
PTO Info.
School Nurse (shot records, daily medications, medication forms)
Website: https://www.wyliebulldogs.org/Domain/13
Location: 4010 Beltway South Abilene, TX
Phone: 325-695-1910
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WylieWestJuniorHigh/