Northridge May Board Report
May 24, 2024

Message from the Superintendent
Dr. Michael recognized three retiring teachers: Jean Davis, Dave Gunn, and Pam Paisie. She thanked them for their dedication and commitment to the Northridge community and its students. She wished them well in their retirement, noting that they will always have a home as Vikings.
Dave Gunn
23 years at Northridge
Jean Davis
22 years at Northridge
Pam Paisie
26 years at Northridge
She also recognized Kim Garee, a teacher and first-time published author, whose book "Pressed Together" was released on May 1. The cover art was designed by Northridge alum Addie Stewart. The Superintendent commented on the wonderful partnership between a teacher and a former student. View the book and cover art here.
Lastly, Dr. Michael, along with Mrs. Warren, shared a presentation on Northridge High & Middle Schools Career Pathways Audit. Conducted by the ESC of Central Ohio, the audit assessed current college and career programs, identified strengths and areas for improvement as well as pinpointed barriers to student access. The report highlighted the need for industry-recognized credentials, work-based learning ecosystems, and enhanced career preparation. Recommendations include integrating credentials into existing classes, creating pre-apprenticeship programs, and developing a systematic approach to career exploration from grades 6-12. The audit aims to ensure students are well-informed and have access to high-demand career paths. The full presentation can be found here.
Student Report on Life Skills
Northridge High School students Ben Aamodt, Treven Angus, Taryn Eblin, Brooke Romano, and Lyla Stockberger, along with their advisor Kim Garee, presented their research on the importance of a Family Consumer Science program at NHS. Their research, which included both quantitative and qualitative methods, concluded that a life skills course is essential for preparing students for independence. The students proposed options for incorporating such a course into the curriculum, emphasizing its value in teaching basic life skills and overall readiness for life after graduation.
Treasurer Update
Treasurer and CFO Britt Lewis presented the Northridge Local School District's five-year financial forecast, outlining the district's funding sources and financial projections from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028. The district’s revenue is generated primarily through local real estate taxes (59.6%) and state funding (34.4%), with additional support from federal sources. The forecast projects a steady revenue growth of 2.1% over the next five years, driven by consistent local tax collections and state funding increases. However, expenses are expected to grow at an average rate of 3.4%, emphasizing the need for close monitoring to ensure they do not exceed resources. The district successfully renewed the emergency levy in May 2023, which is crucial for maintaining financial health. While the ESSER funds will be exhausted by the end of FY 2024, future state funding remains uncertain beyond FY 2025. The district aims to maintain a healthy fund balance, with a focus on conservative operations and strategic financial management.
Stadium Construction Update
The stadium is progressing rapidly. The Superintendent announced a ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for August 12, with more details to follow. The turf field is complete, the grandstands are built, and the scoreboard is up. Current work includes finishing the concession stand, site finishes, concrete walkways, gravel under the grandstands, fencing, and play clocks. The project is nearing completion.
Board Business
Preschool Calendar Adjustment: The Board voted to amend the current 2023-24 preschool calendar to make the last day of preschool Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
Psychologist Contract Adjustment: The Board voted to approve the Psychologist contract adjustment to the same 3.5% increase the teachers and classified staff received. This 3.5% increase supersedes the current contract language of the 1.5% annual increase and is exclusive to the school year 2024-25.
New John Deere Gators: The Board voted to approve the purchase of three John Deere Gators at the State of Ohio pricing. The District is trading in two John Deere Gators (that have been used for maintenance/athletics) and receiving a credit of $21,000. Two of the new John Deere Gators will be used for maintenance/athletics while the small John Deere Gator will be two-wheel drive and have a flatbed to be used by the athletic training staff.
Administrative Office Renovations: The Board voted to approve a resolution authorizing an agreement with EMOD to renovate the district office building including entry decks and ramps, security doors, siding, roof, etc. by making necessary improvements to maintain its functionality. Much of the roof damage was done during a Spring tornado and needs urgent repair.