Centennial Summer Newsletter - 7/25
July 25th, 2024
Dear Centennial Community,
It is my honor and a pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! As we embark on a new academic year, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all our students, both returning and new, along with their families to Centennial Elementary School. It is with great anticipation and excitement that we begin this journey together, with a shared commitment to educational excellence and personal growth.
This school year starts my 9th school year as serving as the principal of Centennial and my 24th year in education, all of which have been in Plano ISD. I believe that a strong public school is the foundation of a thriving community. I am proud to say that I am a third generation public school educator. I have two children, Tate, who will be a college freshman this year at Oklahoma State University and McKenzie who will be a sophomore in high school. Both of my children are products of our own neighborhood public schools.
As we start the school year, I assure you that the well- being, safety, and educational progress of our students remain our top priorities. We have implemented comprehensive measures and protocols to ensure a secure and conducive learning environment.
The staff and I believe that Centennial is a special place for ALL children to learn and thrive. Centennial’s outstanding educators are dedicated to your child’s academic success and overall development. In addition, a large part of our success can be attributed to its active and engaged parents who are involved in the PTA and its various committees. Please consider joining the Centennial PTA and visiting their website to find out more about the programs PTA supports and ways that you can volunteer or become involved.
We encourage you to stay connected with our school by visiting our school website, and following our Facebook page. In addition to these sources of information, you will receive weekly emails every Thursday. Please read our weekly newsletter for important information.
Enjoy the remainder of your summer. We look forward to seeing you on August 9, 2024 for our annual “Meet the Teacher” event. Grades 1-5 are invited to visit our classrooms from 7:40 am-8:40 am and Kindergarten students will meet in the library for “Kinder Kamp” from 8:40 am-9:40 am.
Principal Stewart
Dear Parents and Students,
I hope you have enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating summer break. As the new school year begins, I am thrilled to be returning for my third year at Centennial!
We have been working diligently over the summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. The new enhancements to our school will provide the best possible learning environment for our students.
As I begin this school year, I am reminded of the immense joy I experience year after year when children return to school. It is truly rewarding to hear the laughter in the hallways and see the smiles in the classrooms.
This year, my professional goal is to continue to support Mrs. Stewart’s vision, which is to maintain a safe and secure school environment while also promoting a culture of high academic standards in every classroom.
Parents, as we embark on this school year, I encourage you to approach this school year with positivity and flexibility. You are an invaluable partner in the educational journey. Your participation and partnership with our school is the catalyst for the success of our school.
Students, I encourage you to embrace challenges, set goals for yourselves, and dedicate yourselves to achieving those goals with focus and determination.
Teachers, your unwavering dedication to education is commendable. As you begin this school year, find inspiration in the innocence of our students. Your tireless efforts to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences for your students do not go unnoticed. You all are amazing! Without you, our students would miss opportunities for mentorship, purpose, and nurturing. I am honored to work beside all of you.
Let's make this school year a remarkable one!
Ms. Page (formerly Ms. Davis)
- July 8 - Skyward Family Access portal is now available -
- Register for an account here - https://parentportal.pisd.edu/SubmitPortalRegistration
- Need help? - https://www.pisd.edu/FamilyAccessHelp
July 18 - VOLY sign up/background check application open for 24-25 school year - https://plano.voly.org/ In order to volunteer for school activities, you must complete a VOLY background check application. This application must be completed for each school year.
Starting July 22 - 2024-25 Annual Registration opens at 9am. Complete/update your child's emergency information in Skyward Family Access - https://www.pisd.edu/annualregistration
August 1 - Join PTA - membership sign up starts.
August 5 - Student schedules/Teacher Assignments released in Skyward Family Access - You must complete/update your your child's emergency information in Skyward Family Access in order to access this info.
August 8 - Centennial New Student Porch Visits
August 9-11- Tax Free Weekend - more details here
August 9 - Sign-up Centennial - 7:15am - 10am in the gym
August 9 - Meet The Teacher Grades 1-5 - 7:40 - 8:40am
August 9 - Kindergarten "Kinder Kamp" - 8:40 - 9:40am
August 10 - Kindergarten Meet Up, 9:30am - Parkwood Green Park
2500 Parkwood Blvd (near Target) Details and RSVP here
⭐August 13 - First Day of School:⭐
Front doors will open at 7:25am. Parents can walk their children to their classroom on the first day of school only. *New this year* The school day will end at 3:00pm.
- August 14 - Second day of school:
Students walk to class by themselves. We have adults prepared to help students to class.
- August 16 - PTA Welcome Meeting/Newcomer Coffee at 8am:
Please join us in the library for a general PTA meeting where we will go over upcoming events and how parents can get involved. Membership is not required to attend this meeting. - August 22 - WATCH DOGS Kick Off Meeting - 6-7pm Centennial Gym, pizza and refreshments will be served
Please click here to RSVP - https://www.punchbowl.com/parties/9aca61aba304d87480cb
🟢 🟢 🟢 NEW THIS YEAR! 🟢 🟢 🟢
✅ ✅ ✅ https://www.pisd.edu/annualregistration ✅ ✅ ✅
Please reference this handout for additional info
If you need additional assistance, please contact the Plano ISD help desk by phone at 469-752-8767 or by email at familyaccess@pisd.edu
Plano ISD is implementing Skyward Family Access for parents and students for the 2024–2025 school year. Skyward Family Access will be available for families and students in July 2024.
Please register for your Skyward Family Access account so you can access all of your child's school information. You will not be able to access your student's schedule/teacher assignment until you register!
- Register for an account here - https://parentportal.pisd.edu/SubmitPortalRegistration
- Need help? - https://www.pisd.edu/FamilyAccessHelp
Schedules will be released through Skyward - https://portal.pisd.edu/p/portal on August 5th for all students enrolled in Plano ISD. Released schedules will display all courses a student is taking and not just the homeroom course. For campuses that are still finishing the hiring/onboarding processes for some of their teachers, the schedule information that parents receive may not be final. Additionally, some elementary campuses may not have yet finalized the full schedules for students in departmentalized grade levels.
Please keep in mind:
- Schedules accessed through Skyward Family Access are preliminary only. Due to enrollment fluctuation and resultant staffing shifts, teacher assignments may change between now and the first day of school.
- Schedules will show multiple teachers and include all content areas. This information is also preliminary because the balancing of classes is an ongoing process as student enrollment continues.
- At Centennial, Kindergarten students are initially assigned to homeroom class alphabetically by last name. Students will receive their permanent homeroom assignment after school has started. This process will be fully explained at the "Meet the Teacher/Kinder Kamp" event on Friday, August 9th at 8:40 a.m. in the library.
If you know of a new Centennial student or incoming kinder student, please ask them if they have enrolled. Our kindergarten enrollment numbers are very low. Please have them visit the pisd.edu/enrollment and enroll.
Annual registration for returning students and kindergarten students who have already enrolled will open on July 22nd at 9am in Skyward Family Access. Student schedules will be release on August 5th district wide.
Click here to see the list of School Supplies needed by grade
Questions? Please contact Shilpa Gupta Antani, schoolstore@centennialpta.net
Plano ISD meal prices and menu information can be found on the Food and Nutritional Services (FANS) website.
Meal Benefits
Families who may qualify for meal benefits are encouraged to complete a federal meal application for free and reduced-price meals. The 2023-24 meal application may be completed through School Café by logging in to your account, or by creating a new account.
Meal Payments
Online payments are accepted through SchoolCafé. Cash and checks are also accepted during the school day at your child's campus.
Get the App!
The SchoolCafé apps for both iOS and Android are now available for download. They're free to install and they make your favorite features even easier to use. Download the SchoolCafé app today.
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/schoolcaf%C3%A9/id1134802301
GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schoolcafe.app&pli=1
We are excited to inform you that significant construction renovations are underway at Centennial Elementary, thanks to the successful bond election. These improvements are designed to enhance our school's facilities, ensuring a better learning environment for our students.
Here are the key updates and improvements happening:
Safety and Security Updates
new fence with locked pedestrian gates
Fire Safety Updates
Fire Alarm
Sprinkler System
Electrical Panel Replacement
Digital Marquee
New graffiti resistant partitions in student restrooms
Repair Paving at Entrance
Kitchen Renovation
While construction is ongoing, there may be some temporary adjustments to our daily routines. Here are some temporary adjustments:
Parking Lot Closure:
During the construction period, the school's south parking lot will be a construction zone, therefore it will be closed to students and visitors to ensure the safety of all. Any available parking spots will be required to accommodate staff parking.
Plano ISD Transportation:
We strongly encourage eligible bus riders to consider using school transportation to and from school daily. This will greatly minimize the amount of traffic on the campus. To find out if your address is eligible for busing, please visit the district transportation webpage.
Lunch Visitors and menu:
Due to construction in the cafeteria, we are unsure of our ability to accommodate lunch visitors. After the first two weeks of school, we will assess cafeteria space for lunch visitors and notify parents of availability. During construction, there will be a limited lunch menu. More details will be available closer to the start of school.
Chain link fence and locked gates:
A new 6 foot fence with locked pedestrian gates will be installed around a majority of the perimeter of the school. The gates will allow all students and staff to leave the fenced area, but will limit the ability for visitors to enter our campus “yard” from outside the gate. Visitors will still be allowed to access our playground and field after school hours via the auto gate across our fire lane. We do ask that visitors do not prop the locked gates open while visiting the campus.
General Reminders:
Please adhere to the safety signs and follow the guidance of the construction crew and school staff during this period.
With limited parking, we anticipate a longer carpool line. Carpool is the busiest between 7:30-7:40 am. You are encouraged to drop your child off at school between 7:00-7:15 am. Our gym is open and breakfast is served at this time.
We understand that these adjustments may cause some inconvenience. Parents can assist us by having their children ride the bus (if eligible) and arriving at school before 7:25 am. We appreciate your cooperation, understanding and patience as we work to improve our school facilities. The safety and well-being of our school community are our top priorities, and these measures are necessary to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
Welcome to the wonderful world of reading! For the 40 Book Challenge you may use books located at the Centennial Library or the Plano Public Library. Fill out the attached form and turn it in to the Librarian by Friday April 11, 2025 by 3:00pm.
Late logs WILL NOT be accepted. The summary should be one or two sentences in the student’s own handwriting.
Summary Examples:
Good – “A boy and his dad write postcards to each other while the boy is at summer camp” Poor – “I really like this book.” “This book is good”
Books #1-10 – EASY (Picture) – Spine label E
Books #11-15 – BIOGRAPHY – Spine label Bio
Books #16-20 – NONFICTION – Spine label 001-499
Books #21-25 – NONFICTION – Spine label 500-799
Books #26-30 – POETRY – Spine label 811s
Books #31-35 – HISTORY/CULTURE – Spine label 900s
Books #36-40 – FREE CHOICE
Books #1-10 – FICTION – Spine label FIC
Books #11-15 – BIOGRAPHY – Spine label Bio
Books #16-20 – NONFICTION – Spine label 001-499
Books #21-25 – NONFICTION – Spine label 500-799
Books #26-30 – POETRY – Spine label 811s
Books #31-35 – HISTORY/CULTURE – Spine label 900s
Books #36-40 – FREE CHOICE
The Dads of Great Students WATCH D.O.G.S.® program is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations designed and developed by educators, experts and parent & guardian volunteers over more than two decades.
Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures serve on campus for one day or many each year under the leadership of a program coordinator and the guidance of a school principal or designated administrator. Our program speaks directly to those caregivers and guardians who are statistically less likely to come onto campus to volunteer. We have brought millions of volunteers onto campuses who use our model, tools, and support.
There are two primary goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S. program:
- To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.
- To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.
Membership is free and such a fun way to be a part of your child's day. Membership is a two part process:
- Complete a volunteer application and background check
- Sign up for a volunteer slot via special link, which will be available August 22nd, after the WATCH DOGS kick off meeting (Info below).
- Returning WATCH DOGS need to also complete these forms
Questions? Please contact Abeezar Shipchandler, watchdogs@centennialpta.net
If you purchased a 2023-24 yearbook and need to pick it up please email Ginnean Sinclair - ginnean@gmail.com to make arrangements.
We still have a few 2023-24 yearbooks left - if you would like to purchase one for $35 (cash or venmo)
please email Sweta Arroyo - arroyo.sweta@gmail.com
Brag tags are a part of our school's reward system and the kids LOVE them! They are small tags that teachers, staff and PTA pass out to students to mark different achievements.
Returning students please keep your cable ring and brag tags so you can continue to add to your collection. If you need a new cable ring, please let your teacher know!
New students can pick up a new cable ring and brag tags at Sign Up Centennial on August 8th (during Meet the Teacher) or during the first week of school from their teacher.
Centennial Elementary website: https://www.pisd.edu/centennial
Centennial Elementary facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentennialPISD/
Centennial PTA website: https://centennialpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Centennial PTA facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentennialElementaryPTA
Centennial PTA instagram: https://www.instagram.com/centennialelementarypta
The Plano Public Library is here to support learners! We have five locations throughout the city and many resources that can be accessed from home including:
- Libby: downloadable e-books, audiobooks, and magazines
- Kanopy: streaming movies and shows for all ages
- GALE Databases including Nat Geo Kids for research and photos for projects
All of these services are completely free, visit planolibrary.org to register for a card.
Also, visit our online calendar to find free events for all ages including our celebration of all things STEAM coming this fall!
¡La Biblioteca Pública de Plano está aquí para apoyar a los estudiantes! Tenemos cinco bibliotecas en la ciudad y muchos recursos que se puede acceder en línea, incluyendo:
- Libby: libros electrónicos, audiolibros y revistas descargables.
- Kanopy: streaming de películas y programas para todas las edades
- Bases de datos GALE que incluye Nat Geo Kids para investigaciones y fotografías para proyectos escolares.
Todos estos servicios son completamente gratuitos; visite planolibrary.org para registrarse para obtener una tarjeta.
Además, visite nuestro calendario en línea para encontrar eventos gratuitos para todas las edades, incluyendo nuestra celebración de STEAM que llegará este otoño.
2609 Ventura Dr, Plano, TX 75093
(469) 752-0700