Future GRJH Parent Newsletter
Hello Future Glen Rose Junior High Family! I would like to take this time to introduce myself as we begin this junior high journey together. I am Randall Caldwell, Principal at GRJH. I am a 1997 graduate of Glen Rose High School and I am enjoying being back home in Glen Rose. What an exciting time to be a Tiger as we look forward to the 2025-26 school year. Thank you for partnering with us as we work together to make this a successful school year. I went to the Intermediate campus Thursday and was able to spend time with your 5th grader. Below you will see what your student will be bringing home in their folders. Schedule selection will begin next week and the paperwork will be due back to your home room teacher on February 21st. Please reach out to us with any questions that you may have during the process.
Attendance Procedures
Daily attendance is vital to the success of your student at GRJH, please make every attempt to be at school every day. However, If your student has to miss class for any reason, please contact the office.
Please bring doctors notes, or other documentation, to the office within three school days. Texas state law requires a student to be present for 90% of a class to receive credit. Those who fall below this mark, will be required to "make-up" time after school hours or during Saturday school.
Glen Rose Junior High School
Mr. Caldwell, Principal- caldra@grisd.net
Mrs. Hall, Assistant Principal- larrje@grisd.net (Campus Behavior Coordinator)
Mrs. Herron, Counselor - herram@grisd.net
Mrs. Williamson, Nurse- willla@grisd.net
Phone: 254-898-3700