Riverwood Elementary
11800 SW 44TH ST Yukon, OK 73099
Back to School Parent Newsletter
Welcome Back!
We are looking forward to another great year at Riverwood Elementary School. You will see several new faces this year at Riverwood Elementary School. We believe that this exceptional staff of new and returning teachers will help your child flourish and grow.
We strive daily to provide a safe, engaging and challenging learning environment for your child and we appreciate the partnership that we have with our families and community.
Our mission: Riverwood Elementary is a safe and positive place to grow. Students, families, and staff are challenged and empowered to reach their greatest potential. We are lifelong learners who strive to better our community.
Vision: We will be compassionate toward every student and nurture their individuality. We will challenge students to be creative and pursue their passions. We will empower students to be confident and successful.
Goals: Encourage, Engage, Empower
We would encourage you to visit our school website, Riverwood Elementary, throughout the year to stay informed regarding activities and resources that are available. In addition, we will be utilizing a variety of notification methods during this school year.
- School Messenger – please make sure all contact information is accurate.
- Email – if you would like to receive email notifications, please make sure that you have a current email on file.
We’re so grateful and thankful for the opportunity to be a part of your child’s educational journey.
The district calendar can be found on-line at MPS Calendar (PDF) - Mustang Public Schools
Jessika Hill
Principal, Riverwood
Mike Barrick
Assistant Principal, Riverwood
Enrollment for all Mustang schools will be online and can be found at Enrollment - Mustang Public Schools
Residency Verification Day
Residency Verification Day is August 9th, 11:00 am-7:00 pm
Verification Day is in person this year at RIVERWOOD Elementary.
All students, even those who turned in pre-enrollment forms in the spring must verify residence. No teacher will be assigned until residency has been verified. Please bring a current utility bill (July or August) in the parent/guardian's name and a current driver's license or state issued ID.
Acceptable proofs include:
Gas bill
Water bill
Warranty deed statement
Ad-valorem tax statement
Mortgage statement
Lease agreement-lease agreement MUST list all occupants of residence, including children.
Phone and cable bills will not be accepted.
How do we know who our teacher is?
We know how exciting it is to hear from your teacher!
You will be notified via email or phone call prior to Open House on August 16th.
If your phone and email is not up to date please contact the RIVERWOOD OFFICE
If you have not heard who your child’s teacher is by 8:00 AM on August 16th, please contact the school office on that morning and that information will be provided for you!
OPEN HOUSE - August 16, 2022
Open House/Meet the Teacher is Tuesday, August 16th at the following times based on the student last names:
Elementary Open House- Aug. 16th
A-H 2:00-2:45
I-P 3:00-3:45
Q-Z 4:00-4:45
Make-up 5:00-5:45
Your child may meet their teacher and drop their school supplies off during this time.
Important items given at Open House:
- Dismissal tags that all families need even if students are not car riders.
- FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL stickers. Your child will wear their first day of school sticker to school on August 18th.
- School forms and information.
- Backpack tags for dismissal information.
Information on bus routes, before/after school care, lunch accounts, PTSO memberships and school shirts will be available during open house.
What will Open House look like and will I get to meet my child’s teacher?
On August 16th, students will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and drop off their school supplies. This is always an exciting time!
Parents will need to pick up and complete their child’s packet from their teacher. It will include:
Dismissal tags will be given to all families even if students are not car riders. Tags will be used if your child needs to be a car rider, picked up early through the office, etc. Every family will be assigned a number.
School forms and information.
Information regarding bus routes may be found at elink.mustangps.org
Be sure to uncheck the box next to “Authenticate using Network Credentials.”
Enter the username of mustang, and the password is guest.
Choose grade, house number, street, and zip code
Click on Find school/transportation info
Route numbers and drivers will not be available until August 10th.
Dates to Remember
August 9, 2022 RESIDENCY VERIFICATION DAY 11:00 - 7:00
August 16, 2022 OPEN HOUSE
August 18, 2022 FIRST DAY
September 5, 2022 Labor Day- NO SCHOOL
September 15 & 16 , 2022 Professional Day/Collaboration Day- NO SCHOOL
October 12-14, 2022 FALL BREAK- NO SCHOOL
Meal Prices for 2022-23 Student Breakfast - $2.25 Student Lunch -$3.25
Enroll in “My School Bucks” to monitor your child’s lunch account and deposit money. Every family needs to complete the “Free and Reduced” Lunch application.
CAR RIDER TRAFFIC - Please enter Riverwood Campus from the west on 44th (no left turns).
First Day (Week) Dismissal Procedures
Arrival & Dismissal Information
At Riverwood, SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY! We have over 750 students who go home each afternoon several different ways (bus riders, car riders, daycare, etc.). Our main goal is to keep each child safe by making sure they are dismissed per their parent’s instructions to a location with appropriate supervision.
CAR RIDER TRAFFIC - Please enter Riverwood Campus from the west on 44th (no left turns).
Please refrain from blocking driveways (Riverwood, Central, Neighborhoods, etc). Thank you for your help and understanding in this matter.
Please do not leave your car unattended in the car rider line.
Refrain from parking and allowing students to walk across the parking lot.
Follow the correct path and wait in line to drop students off.
Students MUST exit the vehicle on the RIGHT SIDE ONLY for safety purpose
As you enter the school driveway, we ask that you please have your son/daughter ready for release, pull up as close as possible to the car in front of you in the car rider line.
Please refrain from using cell phones and other distractions that may take away your attention from being observant. This will allow us to get more cars into the driveway and a steady flow of traffic.
As you leave the school driveway, please be careful and cautious of traffic on the connecting streets
Dismissal Reminders
CAR RIDER TRAFFIC - Please enter Riverwood Campus from the west on 44th (no left turns).
Please pull as far right in the car rider lane (and on the shoulder) to allow traffic to pass (if needed).
Please refrain from blocking driveways (Riverwood, Central, Neighborhoods, etc). Thank you for your help and understanding in this matter.
Please allow our buses to enter and exit the campus.
Please do not leave your car unattended in the car rider line.
Please refrain from using cell phones and other distractions that may take away your attention from being observant. This will allow us to get more cars into the driveway, more students released, and a steady flow of traffic.
As you leave the school driveway, please be careful and cautious of traffic on the connecting streets.
Follow dismissal procedures - Safe ID card hung on the rearview mirror for easy and quick reference.
Refrain from getting out of your vehicle.
Please be patient and courteous as both parents and students learn the procedures. The process does move quicker as everyone learns and follows the procedures.
If your child needs to go home a different way than usual, contact the Riverwood Office. If a need arises throughout the day for you to change your student's dismissal plan, call the school office by 1:30. It takes a considerable amount of time to dismiss our entire student body and the last hour of the school day is by far our busiest time. The later we get the information, the greater the likelihood a miscommunication could occur. Again, our students' safety is our #1 priority - please help us by being as prepared as possible.
Thank you for the continued understanding and patience during arrival and dismissal.
Car Rider (SAFE ID Dismissal Program) Car Tags
Riverwood Transportation Map
MPS Buses Are Safest Way To School
Mustang Public School’s buses are the safest way to get to and from school each day. Statistics from the School Bus Information Council show that buses are safer for students than airlines, passenger trains and passenger cars, which have the highest injury rate.
Mustang’s bus drivers go through strict training, which includes written tests as well as driving instruction and a driving test. New bus drivers will have a minimum of 15 hours on-the-road training with Mustang transportation department staff before they begin transporting children. Training is provided in-house.
Besides the benefits of safety, when more students ride the bus it significantly reduces congestion around the schools. It is also means a gas savings for parents.
Routes - To access route information, simply go to elink.mustangps.org. Be sure to uncheck the box next to “Authenticate using Network Credentials.” Then enter the username of mustang, and the password is guest.
If your address is NOT populating in the finder, please call our district office for assistance at (405)376-2630.
As always, we appreciate your patience with our team each year as our school district continues to grow and new neighborhoods are established.
Safety - Please take a moment to review this to view an Infographic on Oklahoma Bus Laws. Drive Safely!
From Board Policy #5155
(Mustang's Policies and Procedures)
Riding a school bus is a privilege. Student safety is our main priority and rules that are enforced at school also apply on the bus.
The following rules and regulations shall govern the conduct of school bus passengers:
- Students should be at their bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the time the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Bus drivers will have the same authority over pupils while riding buses as the teachers have while the pupils are in school. The bus is an extension of the classroom.
- All students must be seated in their assigned seats
- The noise level on the bus must remain at a low quiet voice level to enable the driver to hear emergency and train signals. Therefore, passengers must not shout, sing or otherwise cause any disturbance that may distract the driver.
- School bus windows must remain closed unless the driver permits them to be opened. When windows are open, students are not allowed to throw objects from the windows or extend any part of the body through a window.
- The use of tobacco or electronic cigarettes or the consumption of food or beverage is not permitted on school buses.
- No glass containers are allowed on the bus.
- No balloons are allowed on the bus.
- Any passenger who defaces or vandalizes a school bus in any way shall have the bus riding privilege suspended. No suspended student shall be permitted to resume the bus privilege until all damages for which the student was responsible are paid.
- If a student is denied transportation for any reason, the parent(s) must be notified. The bus driver shall not put a child off the bus other than at the student's regular stop without written parental permission.
- Horseplay is not allowed in or around the bus.
- Students must keep all objects out of the aisle.
- Students should never tamper with the emergency door or windows of the bus.
- Be respectful and courteous to the bus driver at all times.
- Proper conduct at the bus stop is expected. Parents should be aware of the children's activities and behavior at the bus stop.
- No profanity will be allowed.
- Technology center transportation will be provided for students to and from the technology center. Students who do not desire to ride the bus may provide their own transportation by completing a Parental Permission form. The form may be picked up in the Front Office of the Mustang High School. Permission may be granted when the completed form is turned in to the assistant principal.
Conduct on the bus will be strictly enforced according to the District’s Policy and Procedures Handbook. The bus riding is a privilege and may be lost due to inappropriate conduct.
Riverwood Elementary School Hours
School building is open for drop off at 7:15 a.m.
Classes start promptly at 7:40 a.m.
Dismissal begins at 2:35 p.m.
School Hours: 7:40 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.
First Bell: 7:30 a.m.
All student should be in the process of entering the building.
Tardy Bell: 7:40 a.m.
All students should be in their classrooms ready to start the day.
(All students who are tardy must be checked in, by a parent, at the office)
All students must be picked up at or before 2:50.
Health & Medication
Health & Medicine
Parents must complete a clinic form in order for prescription or non-prescription medication to be administered at school.
You must get the Official School Form from the school nurse for all prescription and non-prescription medicine and return it with the medicine. The nurse or the principal’s designee will be the only individual allowed to give medicine. If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you immediately. If we cannot reach you, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided.
Riverwood Parent Information
Students are not to bring any toys, including toys that look like “fake” weapons, electronic games, cameras, etc. to school without permission from the teachers or administrator.
Students will follow all playground rules and procedures established by the individual teacher(s) and/or principal at each school site. Children should be dressed appropriately for outdoor activities. Outdoor activities such as recess will take place unless there is inclement weather; wind chill of 32 degrees or less, or heat index of 100 degrees or more.
Riverwood Elementary
Email: hillj@mustangps.org
Website: http://www.mustangps.org/riverwoodelementary_home.aspx
Location: Riverwood Elementary School, Southwest 44th Street, Mustang, OK, USA
Phone: (405) 256-5200