Fayette Central Week at a Glance
Week of Aug. 17-21
Fayette Central Elementary School Mission:
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Dates to Remember
Bus Duty: AM- Car Line-Hale/Bertsch PM-Front- Thompson/Lucas
Pledge- Miss Long
Richer Principle- Respect
Monday Aug. 17:Birthdays- Lillian Whited (16); Jaxon Shanes (16); Addy Daniels
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
10:00- Fire Drill- Slow for Social Distancing
2:15- Dismissal Begins
Tuesday Aug. 18:
Birthday-Bella Koonce
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
11:00- Move in Conference- Mrs. Day/Thompson-McCarty- Mrs. McKinney cover if needed
2:15- Dismissal Begins
Wednesday Aug. 19:
NWEA Window Opens- Test in Rooms if have devices
Birthdays- Kooper Huffman; Leland Brawner; Emma Poe
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
8:20-Case Conference- Mrs.Strong/Miss Long-McCarty- Mrs. Smith cover if needed
2:15- Dismissal Begins
3:00-504 update-Mrs. Faulkenberg,Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs.McCann, Mrs. McCarty
Thursday Aug. 20:
Birthdays- Shane and Mikyah Major
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
2:15- Dismissal Begins
Friday Aug.21:
Birthday-Brooke Padgett(22)
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
2:15- Dismissal Begins
To Do:
1.- Practice PBIS Expectations- Turn in slip- Thank-you 3rd grade
2. Explicitly practice classroom expectations
3. Work on Safe Schools Videos
4. Turn in Schedule
5. September Newsletter- Lauren and Nikki
6. Turn in Lesson Calendar
Upcoming Dates
Sep. 3: First Grade Vision Check
Sep. 7: Labor Day
Shout Out:
Shout OUt to: Mrs. Faulkenberg for our new cafeteria signs.