Lion Tracks: Back-To-School
Issue 44 • Summer 2024 • Published Annually
Students Return On Friday, August 23
Students in grades TK-4 will report to their teacher's classroom, while students in grades 5-8 will report to their homeroom. Students in grades 9-12 will report to the high school auditorium.
School Start & Dismissal Times
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, school starts at 8:10 a.m. and is dismissed at 3:15 p.m. On Wednesdays, school starts at 8:10 a.m. and is dismissed at 2:15 p.m.
4-Year-Old Preschool
The first day of classes for 4-year-old preschool is Tuesday, September 3. The morning session runs from 8:15 to 11 a.m., and the afternoon session is from 12:30 to 3:15 p.m.
Open House
A separate preschool open house is scheduled from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, August 29.
Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024, 05:00 PM
1010 South Greene Street, Rock Rapids, IA, USA
Onward Lions!
I love our school song, especially its first two words: Onward Lions!
Onward inspires us to focus on each days' opportunities and challenges, while using the lessons of the past to inform our thinking and actions today.
The second word - Lions - reminds us that we're never alone. Whether we were victorious or fell short of our goals, the fact that Lions is plural signals that our family, friends, and those we attend school with are there to support, encourage, and celebrate you.
As we embark upon the 2024-25 school year, I encourage each student, staff member, family, and Central Lyon community member to remember the power of the first two words of our school song: Onward Lions!
New Faces for 2024-25
Please join me in welcoming our new staff members for the 2024-25 School Year:
- Alayna Bus - 7-12 Family Consumer Science
- Davis Duistermars - 7-12 Agriculture & FFA Sponsor
- Riley Folkens - Preschool
- Danielle Grooters - Kindergarten
- Ashley Klaassen - 9-12 English Language Arts
- Reagan Whitehill - 5-12 Special Education
We hope to see you Tuesday, August 20, for open house and we are looking forward to the first day of classes on Friday, August 23.
Onward Lions!
Brent Jorth, Superintendent
Highlights from Secondary Principal Mr. Engleman
Welcome Back
As we prepare to embark on another school year, I am pleased to welcome back our students, families, and staff to what promises to be an exciting and enriching academic journey. The start of each school year marks the beginning of a fresh chapter, bursting with opportunities, new experiences, and limitless possibilities.
While we take pride in our past successes, this new year presents us with the chance to build on those achievements, set new goals, and challenge ourselves to reach even greater heights—both individually and as a community. With the support of our dedicated faculty and staff, I am confident that our students will thrive in a safe and nurturing learning environment, where they will be encouraged to push their limits and achieve excellence.
Central Lyon has always been, and continues to be, a remarkable place to work, learn, and grow. I am excited to have all of you back and eager to see what we will accomplish together this year.
Dates/Events to Remember
Tuesday, August 20th TK-12 Open House 5:00-7:00 PM
- 7-12 Students & Families - Please stop in to drop off school supplies, talk with teachers, say “hello” to your principal, drop off any medications, or just look around.
- 7th Grade Students & Parents – You are encouraged to attend our 30-minute welcome back event in the high school auditorium at 6:30 PM. Those that attend will be presented with our technology information that will expedite your child’s use of a school-issued computer.
- 9th Grade Students & Students New to Central Lyon - you have the opportunity from 5:00-7:00 PM to take a tour of the high school and meet staff with the support of a student guide. Student council tour guides will be stationed in the high school commons.
- Doors will open at 7:45 AM, with the school day officially starting at 8:13 AM.
- Students in grades 9-12 will first meet in the high school auditorium to start their day.
- Students in grades 7-8 will begin their day in their homeroom (1st scheduled classroom).
First Practices for 7th & 8th Grade Fall Sports
- Football – Wednesday, Aug 21st @ 3:15 – Team Meeting & Equipment Handout
- Cross Country – Friday, Aug 23rd @ 3:45 – Practice in George
- Volleyball – Friday, August 23rd – Team Meeting / Monday, Aug 26th – 1st Practice
Points of Emphasis for 7th-12th Grade Students
- Attendance - ensuring that students attend school and participate in all their classes is a top priority for everyone at Central Lyon. Regular attendance allows students to fully engage in valuable classroom discussions, interactive learning activities, and hands-on experiences, all of which play a significant role in their academic success. Consistent attendance also helps students develop crucial life skills such as time management, responsibility, teamwork, and problem-solving—skills that are often missed when students are not present in the classroom. Moreover, regular school attendance fosters the development and nurturing of friendships among peers. These social interactions boost a child's confidence and sense of belonging within the school community, contributing to their overall involvement and well-being. It is vital that your student attends school whenever possible and remains for the entire day. If you have any questions or concerns about school attendance, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
- Academic Integrity - at Central Lyon Schools, we have and will continue to place a strong emphasis on academic integrity, recognizing it as the foundation of a trustworthy and honorable learning environment. Upholding academic integrity means committing to honesty, responsibility, and fairness in all academic endeavors. As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent, we stress the importance of using these tools ethically and leveraging them to enhance learning while ensuring that all work remains original and reflective of the student’s own understanding. We are committed to instilling these values in our students, making academic integrity a priority in all aspects of their education.
- High Expectations - just like years previously, Central Lyon students will be challenged across a broad spectrum of areas, including academics, athletics, fine arts, co-curricular activities, and more. The knowledge and skills they acquire will be rigorous, engaging, and directly applicable to their future endeavors. Beyond academic content, we place a strong emphasis on developing essential “employability” skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, punctuality, time management, accountability, and teamwork. These skills will be woven throughout our programs, ensuring that students are well-prepared for life beyond the classroom. We couple this comprehensive learning with high expectations, both academically and behaviorally. At Central Lyon, we pride ourselves on being the best, and achieving that means giving our best effort at all times, with the understanding that accountability is key. Our expectations for our students will be high, but we are confident that their achievements will be even higher as a result.
As the year unfolds, we will undoubtedly face unique challenges, but we will also have many opportunities to celebrate our students' successes. With a professional and dedicated staff, I assure you that we are prepared to meet these challenges head-on and are committed to working closely with our families to support our students' learning and development. At the same time, we are equally eager to be present and celebrate the numerous accomplishments and achievements of our talented youth as they progress toward their goals.
At Central Lyon, we are excited to begin another year and to partner with our exceptional students, families, and communities. This year promises to be a great one, and together we will continue to uphold and build upon the strong tradition of what it means to be a Central Lyon Lion.
Jason Engleman, 7-12 Principal
A Note from Elementary Principal Steve Harman
I would like to welcome all our new families and students to the Central Lyon School District. After a great summer, I hope all students are excited for the start of the 2024-25 as the teaching staff is planning a great year for all grades and students. Here’s a preview of items that parents/guardians should be discussing with your children attending Central Lyon.
Elementary Schedule for 2024-25
Central Lyon recorded some incredibly high student marks from our standardized testing periods last year (FAST and ISASP) as compared in years past. Families will notice continued schedules where mandates are implemented to support the State of Iowa Initiative where 90 minutes of reading instruction and 60 minutes of math instruction are aligned. Central Lyon will continue striving for these two academic blocks to occur with zero interruptions as much as necessary. The district will now be able to align and utilize resources such as Title I, Special Education, English Language Learning, and Talented and Gifted with common times of instruction.
In the afternoon, students see partake in reading interventions, math centers, Social Studies/ Science, and other curricular options. Math centers will give each teacher the opportunity to work with students in small group settings to enhance number sense and basic math facts for all students.
5th & 6th Grade Schedule 2024-2025
Grades 5-6 schedules offer a schedule where students visit separate classrooms for each subject of math, science, reading, language arts, and tech ed. These schedules also include an intervention period and flex periods where homeroom sections focus on areas to improve the opportunities of learning in reading, writing, math, science, and STEM. Band is available for both 5th and 6th graders, while Choir with Mrs. Langholdt begins in 6th grade as another opportunity.
Teachers in grades 5 & 6 utilize the on-line program Canvas to share schedules and assignments. Families should utilize Canvas to locate due dates, extra copies, and even study guides for assessments. The focus of these classrooms moves to work/ project completion by each student. Central Lyon wants this group of students to aspire to do their best each day. Those who fall short of the mark, have opportunities to participate in programs such as the After School Program starting in October through April and daily lunch work sessions where extra teacher assistance is available.
Character Strong & PBIS:
PBIS also supports our relationship building initiative. Central Lyon is in its 6th year of implementation of PBIS with solid strategies for both Tier 1 & Tier 2 support. Tier 1 provides common expectations for both students and staff. By establishing common expectations we are able to build a unified vocabulary amongst staff members along with a cohesive theme received by the students.
Tier 2 of PBIS has been enhanced in the past year to include a Check- In/Check-Out process that provides students with adult mentors, and a SAIG (Social Academic Instructional Group) for students who can be provided specific lessons to support positive behavior while at school. Both Tier 1 & 2 focus on the positive interactions between students, as well as interactions between staff and students. It is our hope that PBIS creates a positive learning environment where all students feel welcome and want to succeed. Our families can expect their students to use the language of PBIS at home too. If you would like to learn more about PBIS, don't hesitate to contact me or your students' classroom teacher.
Open House: Tuesday, August 20
All the staff join me in welcoming back students for the 2024-25 school year and want to share the message of how many good things are going to occur. Students and families are invited to meet the teacher, tour the classroom, and prepare the locker space for the 1st day of school. Please join us at the Open House from 5-7 pm on Tuesday, August 20.
Steve Harman, Elementary Principal
News from the Lunchroom
Breakfast and lunch provide a strong foundation for learning at Central Lyon. We encourage all students to join us each morning for a healthy start to their day. Breakfast will continue to be FREE for all students during the 2024-25 school year.
A combined breakfast and lunch menu is available each month on our website, www.centrallyon.org. You'll find the Lunch Menu button on the homepage under QuickLinks.
Reminders from the Nurse's Office
Families are encouraged to check out the Health section of the school's website to download forms that need to be completed prior to the first day of school: Central Lyon’s website > Health > Forms/Requirements.
Parents are reminded the following immunizations and screenings are required of students:
- Kindergarten — dental screening, vision screening, lead test, and the following immunizations: 5 doses of DTap, 4 doses of Polio, 3 doses of Hepatitis B, 2 doses of MMR, and 2 doses of Varicella, or a valid exemption certificate
- 3rd Grade — vision screening
- 7th Grade — 1 dose Tdap and 1 dose Meningitis
- 9th Grade — dental Screening
- 12th Grade — 2 doses of Meningitis
Buy Your Tickets for Ball Games on Bound
Central Lyon fans should buy their Single Game Tickets & Season Activity Passes by using Bound.
All Siouxland Conference Schools now charge $7 for single admission, including district football. To purchase your tickets in advance go to www.gobound.com/ia/schools/centrallyonrockrapids/tickets or scan the QR Code in this article.
Central Lyon offers adult, family, and senior citizen activity passes. To purchase your pass use the same website and QR Code in this article.
Family Athletic & Activities Pass ................................. $200
Adult Athletic & Activities Pass ................................... $100
Senior Citizen (65+) Athletic & Activities Pass ........... $50
Student Athletic & Activities Pass ............................... $50
Student-Athletes Upload Forms to Bound
Student-athletes in the 7th Grade need to register on Bound in order to upload their Athletic Physical and Concussion Forms. This will allow students, families, coaches, and Central Lyon's athletic trainer to have 24/7 access to each student's medical history.
To register on Bound go to: www.gobound.com/ia/schools/centrallyonrockrapids and click on the Registration button. Otherwise, use the QR Code in this article.
On the Central Lyon Website
The Central Lyon website, www.centrallyon.org, contains a lot of information and resources.
The Parent Info section holds information related to:
- Annual Notices
- Handbooks
- Inclement Weather procedures
- School meals and their related programs
- Transportation routes
Central Lyon Community School District
Website: https://www.centrallyon.org/
Location: 1010 South Greene Street, Rock Rapids, IA, USA
Phone: (712) 472-2664
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CLlions
Twitter: @CentralLyon