Saints Calling
North Clackamas Christian School
August 25, 2024
We are excited and ready to welcome 300 students (PreK-12) to NCCS for the new school year. We give an extra special welcome to our 30 new students and their families. We believe God has brought us all together and we praise him for his many blessings. Our staff is looking forward to seeing you in the new school year!
During the summer, much has been accomplished on campus. A brief list of some tasks include:
- New lockers for students in 7-12th grade, and for the 5th and 6th grade (outside classrooms)
- All new flooring installed for the secondary 200 building
- Fresh interior paint for the 200 building and in the front school lobby
- Added interior lighting added in the 200 building
- Remodel work to add an adult bathroom in the main building
- Installation of sewer line to the preschool building, connection to plumbing
- Installation of camera system in the gym to livestream events
Thank you for reading the monthly newsletter, as it is a significant source of communication from the school. We aim to combine necessary messages within the newsletter in order to reduce the amount of separate emails needing to be sent out during the month.
Our prayer for 2024-25 is for God's continued blessing to be on our school and that in all we do we will honor Him. It is a blessing to partner with Christian parents, raising our students as disciples for the Kingdom. May God be pleased with our efforts!
PLEASE read the BTS Communication with details for the new school year.
- Parent/Student Handbook
- Student Medication at School
- Expectations for Appearance
- School Calendar
- Supply Lists
- Parent/Adult Volunteer Process
Back to School Night is a family event scheduled for August 29th from 4-6pm. Please join us for this significant welcome back event. We will begin with a group gathering for the Board of Directors and administration to address all in attendance and then provide introductions of the entire staff. This is also an opportunity to meet teachers, pick up textbooks and locker assignments, fellowship with new and returning families, pick up elementary dismissal numbers, drop off medication, and take care of required school forms, before the first day of school.
If students are not able to be at the event, they should instead plan to take care of their supplies and other tasks on the first day of school. Staff will assist students and parents on the first day of school, Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 8 am, in the office, as needed.
Office Hours
As of Aug. 19, the office is back to the regular open hours, 8am-3:45pm. However, during staff inservice days, Aug. 26-30, our office will be closed Monday and Thursday for necessary training.
Attention: The gate code has been updated to 513.
Summertime around NCCS!
Summer Fellowship
Connected Community
Worship Music
Thank you Amanda, Dan & Matt
Mulino Ramage Farm
Thank you Ryan Ramage
200 Building Updated
Floors, paint, lockers and lights
A fresh look!
Thanks Porters and Fulchers for working on our new lockers!
Class of 2004
Reunion hosted @ NCCS
Security Fencing
Thanks parent volunteers!
Playground Maintenance
Thanks student volunteers!
Preschool Plumbing
Getting it done!
Fireworks Fundraiser a Success!
Thank you to all the parent and student volunteers who ran the 4th of July fireworks stand in support of NCCS athletics. Especially a huge thanks to Mitch Hiebenthal, NCCS parent, who organized this event. Also, we appreciate the community support from those who made purchases. The group raised $12,000 for our school!
NCCS Mission: We equip graduates to apply Biblical truth as disciples of Christ.
School Theme 2024-25 "LOVE IN ACTION"
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:9-21
New Staff in Business Office
We are excited to add Susan Wells to the NCCS Business Office, in the position of Controller. She will oversee financial matters including tuition, financial aid, payroll, accounts payable, and other related areas of school business. Susan is an alumni of NCSS, having attended all 12 years and graduating in 1986. She will work with Susan Van Sickle within the business office where they will continue to provide excellent service to the community.
Susan wants to remind everyone that changes to a FACTS account for tuition payments must be made no later than 48 hours before the due date. FACTS does not allow changes after this timeframe.
New HS Social Studies Teacher
We are thrilled to let you know that we have a new high school social studies teacher! His name is Alan Hopper. Mr. Hopper's educational background includes earning a BA in History and a Masters in Teaching (MAT), as well as obtaining an Oregon Teacher License. He attends New Life Foursquare in Canby. He is a college athlete, who played rugby at OSU. He has served as a substitute for a couple years, as well as played and coached football, rugby, and track. We are excited to welcome Mr. Hopper to NCCS!
Library Staffing Update
We are blessed to have a current staff member and education assistant, Ashley Swank-Goldstein, add to her role as she assumes library responsibilities. She will work with elementary students to check out books and provide supervision in the library afterschool. We appreciate her enthusiasm to take on more hours and responsibilities to support our students at NCCS!
Arrival and Dismissal Notes
School entry gates will be opened at 8:05 am and closed at 8:15 am. It is imperative to your student's success that they arrive on time, ready to learn each day. We know that on occasion something (traffic, over sleeping, rough start at home, etc.) may happen that causes a student to be late, but this should be very infrequent, and and exception to what is expected.
Daily attendance is of high value and a standard we hold to, expecting parents will see to this on a consistent basis. Thank you for making on time, daily attendance, a priority.
HERE are details regarding the process and expectations for arrival and dismissal.
My Hot Lunch Box Returns
We are thrilled to offer the same hot lunch program that we had last year! Click here if you’re new to the program. Existing users will receive a notification from MyHotLunchBox. MyHotLunchBox will continue to serve NCCS with lunch service three days each week, as follows:
- Tuesday - Chick-fil-A
- Wednesday - Noodles & Co
- Thursday - Little Caesars
Parent Orientation Night is September 12, 6-8 pm. This is a parent/guardian only event, not intended for students. Parents will meet with teachers to learn about the class and year ahead and have an opportunity to ask questions. Elementary will have a schedule to provide time with the teacher(s) in the classroom, where each will present their class information. Secondary parents will rotate through a student's schedule to have time with their student's teachers in the classrooms for presentations specific to each. Please make this event a priority so we can set everyone up for a successful year!
STEM Afterschool Program
Journey to STEAM is thrilled to offer an exciting LEGO STEM after-school program for students in grades 1-5 at North Clackamas Christian School. Through engaging activities and creative LEGO builds, your child will explore the worlds of engineering and invention!
Program Details:
- Fall Term: September 23, 2024 - November 18, 2024
- Winter Term: January 6, 2025 - March 17, 2025
- Spring Term: March 31, 2025 - May 19, 2025
- Time: Mondays, 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM
- Location: NCCS Classroom
- Cost: $235 per term
How to Register:
- Visit:
- Or Scan the QR Code in the flyer
Spaces are limited, so be sure to register soon! Give your child the opportunity to dive into STEM learning with fun, hands-on LEGO topics like LEGO Mechanical Engineers and LEGO Modern Inventors.
Don’t miss out—save your spot today! Registration is now open!
Save the Date: JOG-A-THON, SEPTEMBER 20 Information coming soon!
Join Volunteer Safety Team
Last year a group of volunteers joined to form the NCCS Safety Team to serve the school. The team has grown to 20 volunteers, who applied and received training in order to provide a coordinated security effort during school hours. We are greatly appreciative to the team for their dedication.
We are seeking to double the number of volunteers for the team this year. Would you consider joining? If you want to talk with a parent volunteer on the team to get an idea if this would be of interest to you, please reach out to Jake Tenney.
The first step to join the team, is to complete the NCSS Volunteer Application. Please reach out to Susan Van Sickle ( if you would like to complete the volunteer approval process. Once approved, contact Mrs. James to let us know you are interested in being involved with the Safety Team. Next steps, include a team interview and training. Commitment to this team can be one half day a month to more days, as your schedule allows. We pray that more will want to serve through this team.
Korea Trip March 2025
We will take a small group to visit South Korea, March 19-29. Travel arrangements include airfare, lodging, food, a visit to our sister school (VCCS) and tours of several cultural sites! Our guide is NCCS International Education Advisor, Jodi Gill. High school students will travel with Mrs. James and Mrs. Gill for a cultural tour of Seoul. Please click on the image to see the website for this exciting opportunity. Contact Mrs. Gill or Mrs. James for information and registration.
East Coast Trip June 2025
We are excited to offer another East Coast trip to Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and Washington D.C for students in 7th-11th grades, June 16-24, 2025. Mrs. Hardy is the contact for information and questions regarding this opportunity. The next informational meeting is on Sept. 24, 5pm, in the library.
East Coast Informational Slideshow - If you missed the informational meeting, here is the slideshow from that night. Feel free to email Mrs. Hardy with questions.
East Coast Trip Interest Form - If you aren't ready to register, please fill out this form to let me know you are interested.
Registration Link - Create an account and then use the Tour Code and Password to register.
Tour Code: T252041A and Password: 44311
NCCS Portrait of a Graduate
Following the development of a new Mission Statement and Core Values for NCCS, the staff, administration and board are pleased to share our Portrait of a Graduate. This document builds on the mission and values of the school, in order to outline the desired outcomes we pursue. It is our intention to connect these outcomes to the faith-based learning and experiences a student has at NCCS.
Please take a minute to review the Portrait of a Graduate document attached below.
Upcoming College Fair at NCCS
In our efforts to provide information and opportunities to our students for life after NCCS, we are excited to host a college fair again this year on Monday, September 23, 1-3 pm: Clackamas County Christian College Fair, sponsored by NACCAP (an organization that supports Christian schools and colleges). This is for high school students, and all of our 9th - 12 grade will attend. This is a community event, all students in the area are also invited.
As the host school, we want to make this an energetic and welcoming event, and there are a few ways that you can help:
- a few parent volunteers to assist with welcoming and registering the students who attend, as well as the college reps
- provide lunch (i.e. sandwiches, wraps) to the college reps (approx. 20), many of whom will be in the midst of their fall traveling
- promote this with postcards, posters, and yard signs which can go throughout the area; share the information with homeschool groups and youth ministries
Please contact Carmen Moore to help!
Pastries with Parents
Each month administration will host a time of community fellowship for parents of children PreK-12th grade. There will be a time of prayer, a devotional, sharing, learning, and connection, along with some tasty pastries served. We will set aside one Friday of each month to spend this time together. All parents join us Friday, Sept. 13 at 8:15-8:45 am, on the blacktop at the elementary entry for the first Pastries with Parents. Future gatherings will be from 8:15-9:00 am. Put these dates on your calendar and plan to join us:
Sept. 13, Oct. 4, Nov. 8, Dec. 6, Feb. 7, Mar. 14, Apr. 11, and May 9.
Personal Electronic Device (PED) Policy
The policy and procedures for addressing personal electronic devices (i.e. phones, smartwatches, laptops) is found in the Handbook, page 42. Please be sure to review this with your student. We appreciate your support of school policy in this matter. To support the combined effort between home and school, we encourage parents to access the vast resources from Axis (see below).
Local Churches for Those Needing a Place of Worship
Please make church attendance with your family a priority. It is an expectation that NCCS parents and students attend a Christian church. We hope our families are attending a Christian church and are involved in that community, in person. If you are looking for a home church, we encourage you to check out our list of local churches where we already have school families attend.
Foothills Community Church; Eastridge Church; Oregon City Christian Church; Athey Creek Christian Fellowship; Mountain View Community Church; Oregon City Evangelical Church; Canby Foursquare ; Canby Christian Church; New Life Church; The Source Church; Gracepointe Milwaukie ; Grace Chapel; Revolution Church; Oregon City Nazarene; Clackamas Bible Church; Faith Bible Community Church; Rolling Hills Community Church; Willamette Christian Church
Upcoming Events
August 26-30 Faculty and Staff Inservice Week
August 26 MOD Pizza PTF Fundraiser (all day)
August 27 Safety Team meeting, 4-5pm (Library)
August 29 Back To School Night, 4-6pm
Sept. 2 Holiday, Labor Day (Office Closed)
Sept. 3 1st Day of School for K-12 grade
Sept. 6 JH/HS Communitas, All Day
Sept. 9/10 1st Day of School for PreK
Sept. 9 School Board meeting (Library)
Sept. 12-13 School Picture Days
Sept. 12 Parent Orientation (K-12), 6-8pm
Sept. 13 Pastries with Parents, 8:15am (Blacktop)
Sept. 13 Last Day to Order 2024-25 Themed Shirts
Sept. 16-Oct. 4 MAP Testing, K-10th grade
Sept. 20 Jog A Thon (Field)
Sept. 23 Christian College Fair, 10am-4pm (Gym)
Sept. 23 STEM Lego Fall Session Begins
Sept. 24 East Coast Tour Informational Meeting, 5pm (Library)
Monthly Board Reports
Loren Larsen, Chair
Dave Droz, Vice Chair
Stephanie Craven, Treasurer
Substitutes Needed
If you or someone you know is available to sub in our classrooms or office this year, please contact McKenzie Falotico and complete the substitute application . and the Parent Teacher Fellowship page is
We are here for you!
Superintendent/Principal: Sherri James (Ext 101)
Assistant Principal: Rebekah Hardy (Ext 401)
Dean of Students: Carmen Moore (Ext 214)
Office Manager: McKenzie Falotico (Ext 100)
Office Front Desk/Attendance: Beth Woody (Ext. 601)
Business Office Manager: Susan Van Sickle (Ext 202)
Location: North Clackamas Christian School, Sebastian Way, Oregon City, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 655-5961