Spartan Spotlight
August 2024
Spartan Families,
Welcome to another exciting school year at Fargo North High School! We are thrilled to soon welcome our students back and are eager to embark on a year filled with learning, growth, and achievements. As we start this new school year, we want to highlight the importance of "Spartan Pride." This embodies our commitment to excellence, respect, and community spirit. We encourage every student to take pride in our school, our community, and in themselves, striving for their best in all their endeavors.
This year, we have a range of exciting activities planned, leading up to the first day of school on Wednesday, August 28th. For our incoming 9th graders, families have been notified with an assigned date and time for 9th grade orientation which will be held Monday, August 12th, Tuesday, August 13th, and Wednesday, August 14th. This orientation is a fantastic opportunity for our new Spartans to become familiar with the school and its offerings. If you have not received the information or have any questions, please contact Nikki in our Counseling & Career Center at 701-446-2412. Upperclassmen (incoming Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) will need to pick up their class schedules, PLDs, and have their school pictures taken on Wednesday, August 7th from 8 am to 3 pm. Please ensure these dates are noted in your calendar.
We are also excited to announce our "Back 2 School" event on Monday, August 26th from 4 pm to 7 pm for all students and families. This event will provide an excellent opportunity for attendees to meet their teachers, walk through their schedules, and attend breakout sessions on various important topics such as PowerSchool and EBR grades, NCAA eligibility, Vaping education, Choice Ready and Scholarship qualification, and Cell Phone usage in school. Plus, we will be grilling free hot dogs for everyone to enjoy.
We ask all Parents/Guardians to complete their student’s annual registration forms and make any necessary fee payments online before the orientation/registration dates mentioned above. These steps can be accessed through the Parent/Guardian’s Powerschool account. Additionally, I encourage all Parents/Guardians to discuss with your student the importance of:
Attending school daily, punctually, and prepared to learn.
Utilizing the support available during Spartan Period, which is held every Monday – Thursday from 8:05 – 8:40 am. This is a valuable time for students to seek additional help from their teachers.
Participating in extracurricular activities, whether in sports, fine arts, or clubs. Involvement helps build a sense of community and fosters personal growth.
Travis Christensen
Start of School Information
Annual Online Registration Instructions
Parents/guardians of all Fargo Public Schools students must verify family information, complete annual student information updates and make fee payments online before the registration days in August. Online access can be found on the Fargo Schools PowerSchool site. We ask you to register your student ASAP. Students will not receive their class schedule and/or personal learning device (PLD) at registration until the online registration process is completed. If you do not have access to the internet stop in our Counseling & Career Center and we will provide you with a computer with internet access.
If your student is new to the Fargo Public School District, you will need to complete the online student enrollment by following the steps below.
1. Complete online registration.
2. Call the school counseling office at 701-446-2412 to set up appointments, create PowerSchool account and provide the following documents:
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of Immunizations
All students in grades 10 -12 will complete their registration on Wednesday, August 7 between 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Commons.
Freshmen parents were mailed a letter with an assigned date and time for orientation to be held Monday, August 12, Tuesday, August 13 or Wednesday, August 14. If you didn’t receive a letter or misplaced it, please contact our Counseling & Career Center at 701-446-2412.
We again remind all parents/guardians of students in grades 9 - 12 to complete the online portion of registration prior to your assigned registration date.
To do before students come for Registration:
- Parent/Guardian completes the annual online portion of registration. *Must be done before the registration days above.
To do at Registration
- Pickup your 2024-25 class schedule.
- Checkout your Personal Learning Device (PLD) if you signed the online contract.
- Have your school picture taken for a new student ID and other school related publications. Please dress appropriately. A Scherling Photography online order form is available if you wish to order pictures. Picture retake day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4.
- Order a Homecoming t-shirt.
- Pickup your student parking permit.
- 2023 - 2024 yearbooks will be distributed.
- Register for membership to PTSA and/or Booster Club.
- Find your locker and classrooms.
United Way School Supply Drive/Backpack Pickup
If your children are in need of supplies, attend one of these distribution dates to receive a backpack and school supplies.
Location: FARGODOME (1800 N. University Dr., Fargo)
- Thursday, August 1, 2024: 4:30-6 p.m
- Friday, August 2, 2024: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Backpacks and school supplies are available for K-12 students in need who attend school in Cass or Clay counties.
- Event will be a the FARGODOME West parking lot.
Families will be asked to complete a registration form – No need to complete ahead of time. Forms will be available when you arrive or on United Way website.
- Bring a form of ID for each child who will be receiving school supplies, such as a social security card, passport, school ID, insurance card, or report card.
- Families who are unable to attend the distribution events should contact their school as each school will receive a limited supply of backpacks for these circumstances.
For questions, please email unitedway@unitedwaycassclay.org or call 701-237-5050.
Opt-In to Receive Text Messages from Our School
Fargo Public Schools has changed to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year called BrightArrow Mass Communication. Through BrightArrow, FPS will send emails, phone calls and text messages to staff and families to keep them updated on school happenings, emergency situations, and school cancelations.
Please opt-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041.
Immunization Update: 11th & 12th Graders
For the school year 2024-2025, a second dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) is required for students entering eleventh or twelfth grade. Students will need proof of two doses of MCV4 before returning to school in the fall.
Ideally, children should receive one dose of MCV4 when they are eleven to twelve years old and a booster dose on or after their sixteenth birthday. Please schedule with your child’s health care provider or your local public health. Please have your child receive this booster prior to the start of the school year. Also, remember to bring in the documentation of the immunization date to the school.
Back-to-School Vaccine Clinics
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on-time childhood immunizations are essential because they help provide immunity before kids are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. As that protection wears off, teens need vaccines to extend protection. Being up-to-date with immunizations is critical in keeping kids and communities safe and healthy.
Fargo Cass Public Health will hold back-to-school vaccine clinics on August 7, 14, 21 and 27, from 8 am – 4 pm. Fargo Cass Public Health is located at 1240 25th St S, Fargo.
Appointments are required and can be made by calling the Fargo Cass Public Health Clinic at 701.241.1383. Visit Fargo Cass Public Health website for more information.
Medical/School Nurse Information
Students in grades 9-12 can turn in their medical form(s) to the main office. These forms can be found online, you will need to download them to complete and have your student’s physician sign. Remember you will need to have them turned in to the school nurse by the first day of school if medication is to be given. School District Policy dictates that a form must be completed for any student who takes medication during school hours.The nurse will be available for questions August 7 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and August 12, 13 and 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
If the medication is to be administered by the school nurse, the “Medication Administration” form (6720-A) must be completed. If a student wishes to administer and carry their medication with them, a “Self-Administration” form (6720-F) must be filled out. These include prescription meds and over the counter meds such as Tylenol and Advil. All medications brought in must be in the original medicine container.
The “Emergency Care Plan” form(s) (6720 E1, E2, E3 or G) must be filled out for anyone who has a condition which may require more than normal first aid (asthma, diabetes, seizures, allergies, migraines, etc.). This form must be signed by both parent and physician.
The forms can be found by going to www.fargo.k12.nd.us, click on Registration and then click Medication Forms.
Student Photos
Scherling Photography will be taking all student pictures, excluding seniors, during registration.
A picture package order form with prices and ordering information was mailed to your house with the August newsletter OR you may order online. Please select the package option that best suits your needs. This only needs to be completed if you plan on ordering pictures.
- Students should be dressed appropriately. Students will not be photographed wearing sunglasses, hats, or non-school appropriate clothing.
- ALL underclassmen need to be photographed so they have a 2024-25 student ID in their possession.
- Picture make up day will be Wednesday, September 4. Scherling Photography will be here in the morning to take pictures of those students not photographed during registration or any student wanting retakes. If a student is having retakes, their original picture packet needs to be returned to the photographer.
Student IDs
- Seniors will pick up their ID at registration. If no picture was taken last year, a picture will be taken at registration.
- All underclassmen will be photographed during registration for a 2024-25 student ID. Underclassmen will receive their new ID during the first days of classes.
The first ID is free. Should a student lose their ID they should come to the main office, there will be a $5.00 replacement charge.
Senior Pictures
Senior pictures should be emailed to our yearbook adviser at fnhyearbook@fargoschools.org. Pictures are due by April 1, 2025. A $10.00 late fee will be accessed on pictures turned in after that date. No pictures will be accepted after May 1, 2025.
Any senior photos submitted to the Laconian yearbook committee must meet the following regulations:
- Vertical orientation.
- 300 resolution (required for digital photos).
- In accordance with the school district’s weapons policy (Policy 5355), no weapons of any kind.
- Must follow school dress code with the exception of school issued uniforms.
- Domesticated house pets are allowed.
- Only single-subject photos.
- No accessories or props condoning or promoting illegal activity.
- Deadline for senior photos must be met.
Yearbook editors have the right to refuse any pictures deemed inappropriate. Students will be asked to provide another picture if requirements are not met or if picture is inappropriate.
Letter Jackets
Tom Glynn, MECA Sales Representative, will be here during registration on Wednesday, August 7. He will be available to size each student and to answer any questions. Please bring award letter and any patches with when placing an order. His contact information is: 651-341-2840 or email tglynn@mecasportswear.com. Please review this order form for pricing.
Lunch Accounts
Students are offered a daily breakfast and lunch meal provided through the USDA’s National School Lunch Program.
Students must have the funds available at the time of purchase either in their lunch account or in cash. Funds can be added to the student’s lunch account on-line through PowerSchool or by placing a check in the box located outside the kitchen.
- Breakfast meals are $1.85
- Lunch meals are $2.95
- Adult breakfast meals are $2.75
- Adult lunch meals are $4.00
- Milk may be purchased for $.45 per 8 oz carton.
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application
Households may apply, on an annual basis, to qualify for either free or reduced-price school meals. The application is the Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application. The preferred method for households is to complete and submit an on-line application at www.EZMealApp.com.
In addition to receiving free and reduced price meals, households can receive additional benefits including:
- Waived band rentals, activity fees, exam fees, and others
- Increase funding to the district for educational programs through Title 1 funding, foundation aid, e-rate for technology grants, and others
If you need assistance please visit the Nutrition Services website or call 701-446-1152.
Students, who bring their lunches, as well as those who use the cafeteria facilities, will eat in the commons. Since two-thirds of the school remains in session during lunch, students should remain in the Commons until class time and should not go into the academic hallways. Students are requested to keep the eating areas clean. Throw all trash in the proper containers.
The 2023-2024 yearbooks will be distributed during August registration in the school store. Students must have paid for a yearbook prior to the end of this past school year. Graduated seniors are able to pick up during registration or in the main office after registration.
Students can purchase a copy of the 2024-2025 yearbook for the low price of $50 until December 1, 2024. After that date the cost for a yearbook will increase to $60. The “Laconian” is a full-color book with memorable stories, eye-catching photos, and cutting-edge graphics
Student Parking
Student parking is available in our south and northwest lots. The cost for a parking permit is $40 and is required to park in these lots. The replacement cost for a lost parking sticker is $5. Parking permits purchased online can be picked up during registration at the bookkeeping window in the main office.
Students are allowed to park without a permit if they park in the Coliseum lot closest to 17th Avenue.
$40 - Whole Year
$30 - Starting November 1st
$20 - Starting 2nd Semester
$10 - Starting March 25th
Building personal will issue tickets to those who park illegally, park in staff reserved parking areas or our visitor parking lot. Signage is posted in all lots. Permits are to be placed on the vehicles back window, driver’s side only.
- If you have a valid parking pass and drive a different vehicle on a given day, the other vehicle must be registered at the securtiy check-in desk to avoid any ticket.
- Disputed tickets should be brought to the Main Office.
School Supplies
Each student is responsible for their own school supplies. Individual teachers inform students what is required for their class. As projects and assignments are assigned, students may need to purchase special materials. To start we recommend students bring pencils/pens, spiral notebooks, college ruled paper, pocket folders, and 2” binders.
Calculators - Algebra 2 & Above Classes
The Fargo North Math Department wants to remind students and parents that for math courses Algebra 2 and above, which includes College Algebra and Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics and AP Calculus that a graphing calculator is a required course material.
The recommended calculator is a Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE , but any calculator in the TI-83/84 family will be supported by classroom instruction.
Parents are encouraged to get involved by joining PTSA. When parents get involved, the child that benefits the most is yours. The first meeting is Monday, September 23 at 5:30 pm in room 102.
If interesting in becoming a member payment can be made online through SchoolPay. Contact fargonorthptsa@gmail.com with any questions.
Spartan Booster Club
The North High Booster Board is a group of North High parents who raise money to help support all North High activities. The Board’s funding guidelines state that money should be spent in ways that will benefit the greatest number of North High students.
To become a member please visit the Booster Club webstite, complete this form or stop at the Booser Club table during registration. Payment can also be made online through SchoolPay.
Activity Information and Start Dates
Fall Practice & Special Meeting Dates
Below are the startup dates for our fall activities, as set by the North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA). In addition, we have listed any special meetings scheduled by a coach. Please call or email the coach with any questions or concerns you may have.
Physical & Concussion Forms
Prior to participating in NDHSAA sanctioned athletic activities (including practice), the student must have on file with the school a current NDHSAA approved physical, dated April 15, 2024 or later and concussion form. The physical forms are available for download from the NDHSAA website. Physicals should be completed before the first practice and either turned into the main office or uploaded to PowerSchool.
When completing your student’s online registration there will be a question asked if your student is participating in a sport. If yes, you will be directed to the required online concussion and HIPPA forms to sign electronically. Please complete these forms before the first practice.
Paper copies will not be accepted.
Co-Curricular Meetings
Freshman students and students new to co-curricular activities (Athletics, Music, Drama, Speech, Debate, Student Congress, DECA, FBLA, Skills USA) are required to attend a Co-Curricular meeting with a parent/guardian prior to being eligible for competition. Dates, times and locations are listed below. North High students should make every effort to attend the meeting held at North High on August 1 at 6:00 p.m. in the theater.
Thu 08/01/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm North HS - Theater
Tue 08/06/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm South HS - Theater
Wed 08/07/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm Davies HS - Theater
Wed 08/14/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm Carl Ben Eielson MS - Hangar
Thu 08/15/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm Discovery MS - Auditorium
Tue 08/20/2024 7:30pm-8:30pm Ben Franklin MS - Auditorium
Upperclassmen (grades 10-12) planning on participating in co-curricular activities are required to complete an online parent meeting with their parent/guardian prior to competition. This has been incorporated into the PowerSchool registration process for each student. When you register your student for the fall you will be directed to view the online co-curricular meeting at the same time.
If students/parents have any questions they should refer to the Student Activitiy Handbook or contact their building Activity Coordinator.
Fee Waivers
If a student is unable to participate in an activity requiring a fee, waivers or other resources are often available to assist. Please complete waiver before first game/activity. The typical guideline used for eligibility is qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Students are encouraged to visit with their counselor if they may qualify or need any assistance.
Activity Fees
A Participation Fee for sports and other activities at the high school level is $50.00 per activity; and the junior high fee is $30.00. Fees for the fall activities are due by the first game of the season.
Activity Passes
A student FPS season activity pass may be purchased for $30.00. The activity pass is good for events at North, South, or Davies, with the exception of tournaments. Activity passes can also be used at plays and musicals.
Adults may also purchase a season activity pass for $75.00 per person or a punch card, which both can be used at North/South/Davies events. The punch card comes with either 5 or 10 punches per card and cost is $25.00 or $50.00.
Tickets purchased at the gate will be as follows:
All students (grades 1 – 12) $5.00
Adults $7.00
Sporting Activity Programs
New this year sporting activity programs will be available via a QR code. Please look for the QR code at the next activity you attend.
rSchool Today—”Notify Me”
North’s calendar software has an awesome feature where the parents can sign up to be notified of any changes made to athletic schedules. Once on the North High home page, open the calendar by clicking on the “North Online Calendar” link. Click on the Notify Me link. Follow the instructions to be reminded of events &/or to be notified of any changes via email or text message. It is a great tool to keep everybody “in the know.”
High School Parent Launch Party
The Bank of North Dakota and local banks and credit unions are bringing you the High School Parent Launch Party being held Thursday, September 5, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Essentia Health Plaza at The Lights, 3150 Sheyenne Street in West Fargo.
It will be a high-energy, fast-paced two hours of entertainment, food, great prizes and lots of answers. Whether your child is heading straight to a career, into the military or some type of education beyond high school, you don’t want to miss this free event to learn more about what your child needs to think about when it comes to money. If your child is on the education track, you’ll get answers on applying for financial aid and avoiding too much student loan debt. If they’re heading straight to the workforce or military, you will learn what they need to know about living expenses, insurance needs and saving.
Learn more and register to attend at bnd.nd.gov/launchparty and follow BND on Facebook to stay up to date on this and other BND events. We’ll see you then!
New Staff
We are excited to welcome the following new faculty and support staff to North High for the 2024-2025 school year.
Jenson Beachy - Special Education
Anne Forthun - Paraeducator
Carly Gaddie - Student Wellness & Family Facilitator
Sara Gross - Paraeducator
Christopher Grunke - Trainer
Aaralyn Morse - Paraeducator
Andrew Nack - Math
Kevin Rittenhouse - Paraeducator
Steven Saville - Math
Michelle Vega - SLPP
Eva Walker - Psych
Val Walker - Math
Counseling Office
ACT/SAT Exam Schedule
The ACT and SAT are college entrance tests required by most 4-year colleges. Students should check with the specific school they plan to apply to for the test needed. These tests are generally taken during the latter part of a student’s junior year and during their senior year.
Register on the websites for the tests at: www.actstudent.org & www.collegeboard.com.
Below are the following test dates and registration deadlines:
ACT Exam Schedule
North High School Code: 350-568
ACT Basic Fee: $69.00 ACT Plus Writing Fee: $94.00
Late Registration Additional Fee: $38.00
SAT Exam Schedule
North High School Code: 350-568
SAT Fee $68.00
Late Registration Additional Fee: $34.00
ASVAB test
The ASVAB test will be held at North High in the spring of 2025 for all juniors. Senior ASVAB retake is on December 4, 2024 in room 102. More information to come.
Junior Class Preview Day
The Counseling and Career Center will be taking the Junior class on a field trip Wednesday, September 25. Students will have the opportunity to visit one post-secondary campus, military facility or work place.
Students will be sent an email to select their first and second choices. Additional details will be provided to students during their classroom visit.
The purpose of the field trip is to help students explore options after high school. While we may not be able to take all students to their first choice school, all students will have the opportunity to see a 2-year school, 4-year school, military option or work place. Be sure to talk with your student about this amazing opportunity to explore post-secondary options.
Dual Credit/AP Classes
Did your student(s) register for a Dual Credit/AP Class for the 2024 - 2025 academic year? If so, there will be an important informational Microsoft teams meeting on August 30 at 8:00 a.m. This meeting will provide students and their parent/guardian information regarding the dual credit and AP process. A link will be provided via email.
Missy DeHaan, from NDSCS, will be available to answer questions about registering through NDSCS for Dual Credit.
Teachers of dual credit courses will be on hand to answer questions.
Counselors will also be on hand to answer questions regarding AP courses and the potential for earning college credit through the College Board AP testing process.
Please contact Mandy Orth Gibney at 446-2416 if you have any questions.
Seniors! Plan Your Future Event
On Monday, October 7, 2024 during periods 6 & 7, senior students will attend a school counselor presentation including ACT score review, post-secondary options and planning, and accessing pertinent information. Seniors and juniors are then given time to visit with college, military and employment representatives that will be present at North High School that afternoon.
Four Year Plan
Parents/Guardians and students can request to meet with a school counselor annually to review, discuss, and revise four year academic plans for graduation. Families can call the counseling office at 446-2412 for an appointment, or students can come to the counseling office to set up an appointment.
College Application Month
October is considered College Application Month. Watch for more details in September.
Notifications for Parents/Guardians
UPDATE for previous E-Alert users. We have a new mass communication system call BrightArrow. If you were previously signed up to recieve newletters etc you will need to go to E-Alerts, enter the email address used and click on the Existing Account button. BrightArrow will then send an email with a link. By clicking on that link, you can update your contact types, phone numbers, and content preferences, as well as view all previous messages.
See instruction for existing users, or setting up a new account.
Stay Connected!
Fargo North has several helpful links that can be found on our webpage at https://north.fargo.k12.nd.us/.
You will find links for:
· Newsletters
· School Calendars
· Daily Announcements
· PowerSchool & SchoolPay Logins
· Student Handbook
· School Menus
· District Forms
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact our school office at 701-446-2400.
Updated Information
You will be asked to update your student’s information when you complete the online registration packet before school starts in August.
We would like to remind you to always keep your student’s information up-to-date! If anything changes during the course of the school year, you will need to log in to your parent/guardian PowerSchool account and make the updates. Should the school need to get in contact with you or your student has a medical related issue, we need to be able to reach you or your emergency contact you or your emergency contact.
Free/Low Cost Insurance
Is your child or another member of your family currently without health care coverage? If you would like information about any of the low-cost or free health coverage programs offered in your state please call toll-free: 1-877-KIDS NOW or 1-877-543-7669.
After School Reminder
We ask that parents make transportation arrangements for students who don’t ride the bus or have their own transportation to be picked up as close to 3:50 p.m. as possible. We lock all doors to the locker bays and academic wings at 4:00 p.m. every day. After 4:00 p.m. students will not be allowed to enter these areas.
Students are asked to wait in the foyer doors to be picked up and not be hanging around in the building after 4:00 p.m. unless they are involved in an after school activity.
Bus Route Schedules
Fargo Public Schools 2024-2025 “Energy Saver” bus route schedules are available on the Fargo Publics schools transportation website. Student busing information will be mailed to families.
Student Messages
During the school day we will call your student to the office for a message only in an emergency situation.
We ask that you please communicate with your student any information they may need for the day, prior to coming to school. (Ex: transportation, appointments, lunch money, etc.) Thank you.
Students are expected to be in their classes every day, except in the case of illness, school related activities, family emergency, or religious observance. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are in school unless a valid reason for absence exists. The Attendance Office asks that a student’s absence be reported by 9:00 a.m. If a student is not accounted for they will be recorded as truant. Please review the attendance policies found in our on-line student handbook.
The Attendance Office may be reached by calling 446-2410 or 446-2411, emailing nhattendance@fargo.k12.nd.us or texting 701-446-8537.
Students will not be allowed to receive any deliveries such as food, flowers, balloons, cookie bouquets, etc. Office or Attendance personnel will not accept such items on behalf of students.
Lockers will be equipped with a combination padlock loaned by the school. Lockers should be kept locked and in orderly condition. Lost or stolen locks will be paid for by the student to whom the lock has been loaned. The charge for a lost lock is $5.00.
Cell Phone Protocol
Students can use cell phones and electronic devices only in the commons, hallways, and locker bays. Upon entering the library or a classroom, all cell phones and all non-school issued electronic devices will be put away unless they are deemed to be educationally appropriate by the classroom teacher. If a student is asked to turn their cell phone over after being found to be in violation, they must comply or face the consequences of insubordination. Consequences/protocol will include the following:
1st Instance: The teacher will have the student place their cell phone/ear buds in a location determined by the teacher and they will be returned at the end of the period.
2nd Instance: The student will give their cell phone/earbuds to the teacher who will deliver the cell phone/earbuds to the office where it will be returned to the student at the end of the school day with parent/guardian notification by either teacher or administration.
3rd Instance: The student will give their cell phone/earbuds to the teacher who will deliver the cell phone/earbuds to the office where it will be returned to the student at the end of the school day with parent/guardian notification by administration. Administration will work with parents/guardians to develop an individual cell phone/earbuds plan.
Bell Schedule
Shuttle Bus Schedule
Upward Bound
Important Contact Numbers
North High Main Office
Main Office - 446-2400
Travis Christensen, Principal - 446-2404
Joshua Andres, Assistant Principal - 446-2499
Amanda Quintus, Assistant Principal - 446-2406
Daniel Shultis, Asst. Prin./Activities Dir - 446-2407
Angela Bartsh, Activities Secretary - 446-2408
Louise Helm, Bookkeeper - 446-2409
Jessica Geir, Administrative Asst. - 446-2405
Stacey Bush - 446-2410
Wendy Peterson - 446-2411
Nikki Brandenburger, Registrar/Secretary - 446-2412
Terri Court (A - E) - 446-2415
Mandy Orth Gibney (F - KL) - 446-2416
Janelle Stahl Ladbury (KM - Q) - 446-2414
Kate Evenson (R - Z) - 446-2417
Carly Gaddie, Student Wellness & Family Facilitator - 446-2456
Tracy Cramer, Career Resource Center - 446-2413
Officer Powell-Calhoun, SRO - 446-2631
Kayla Hiedeman, School Nurse - 446-2486
Chris Grunke - 446-2447
Jordan Wolf - 446-2447
Tammie Schaffer - 446-2517
Dates for Your Calendar
- July 12 - August 6 - Complete Online Registration
- August 1 - North High Co-Curricular Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. Theater
- August 5 - Girls’ Golf & Boys’ Soccer Practice Begins
- August 7 - Upperclassmen Registration
- August 8 - Football Practice Begins
- August 12 - Freshman Registration
- August 13 - Freshman Registration
- August 14 - Cross Country and Boys’ Tennis Practice Begins
- August 19 - Girls’ Swimming & Diving and Volleyball Practice Begins
- August 20 - Ben Franklin Co-Curricular Meeting @ 7:30 p.m. Auditorium
- August 26 - Back 2 School Event 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- August 28 - First Day of Classes
- August 29 - Class Meetings
- August 30 - Virtual Dual Credit/AP Classes Meeting @ 8:00 a.m.
- September 2 - Labor Day - No School
- September 4 - Picture Retake Day
- September 25 - Junior Class Preview Day
- September 30 - Homecoming Coronation
- October 4 - Homecoming Football Game & Dance
- October 5 - Hall of Fame Banquet
- October 7 - Senior Plan Your Future Event periods 6 & 7
- October 7 - P/T Conferences - 4:15 p.m.-8:15 p.m.
- October 10 - Early Out (2 hours)
- October 11 - Vacation Day - No School
- October 14 - Holiday - No School
- October 21 - P/T Conferences - 4:15 p.m.-8:15 p.m.
- October 26 - PSAT Test
- November 11 - Veteran’s Day - No School
- November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
- December 4 - ASVAB Test
- December 20 - Early Out (2 hours)
- December 23 - January 1 - Winter Holiday Break - No School
- January 2 - Classes Resume
- January 6 - 8th Grade Elective Visitation & Activity Night 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
- January 16 - End of First Semester
- January 17 - Staff Professional Development - No School
- January 20 - Holiday - No School
- February 14 - Early Out (2 hours)
- February 17 - Holiday Day - No School
- March 11 - P/T Conferences - 4:15 p.m.-8:15 p.m.
- March 14 - Early Out (2 hours)
- March 17 - 21 -Spring Holiday Break - No School
- April 5 - Prom
- April 17 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - if not, vacation day - No School
- April 18 - Holiday Day - No School
- April 21 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - if not, vacation Day - No School
- May 26 - Memorial Day - No School
- June 5 - Last Day of Classes
- June 8 - North High Graduation - Noon @ FARGODOME
Fargo North High School
Travis Christensen, Principal - 446-2404
Joshua Andres, Asst. Principal - 446-2499
Amanda Quintus, Asst. Principal - 446-2406
Daniel Shultis, Asst. Principal/Activities Director - 446-2407
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/North
Location: 801 17th Avenue North, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2400