Falcon Flyer
Fall Creek Intermediate - January 19, 2025
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
- January 20 -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
- January 22 -- 8-9 AM Coffee with Superintendent Mapes at Schoolhouse 7 Cafe
- January 23 -- 5:30 PM Girls Basketball Game at Carmel Dad's Club
- January 27 -- 1:15 PM PTO Meeting
- January 28 -- 5:30 PM Girls Basketball Game at Hamilton Heights Middle School
- January 31 -- 6-8 PM Glow Party
- February 1 -- FCI Indy Fuel Fundraiser Night
- February 6 -- 6-7:30 PM Family Resource Night for ENL Families
- February 25 -- 6:30 PM 5th Grade Parents Creating Positive Relationships Meeting
- March 4 -- FCI Pacers Game Fundraiser Night
Interested in learning about the future of HSE Schools? Join Superintendent Pat Mapes at Schoolhouse 7 Café for an informal discussion and learn about the great things happening across the district on Wednesday, January 22 from 8 a.m.-9 a.m. at Schoolhouse 7 Café (12125 Cyntheanne Rd, Fishers). No registration is required – just stop by to hear updates, share your thoughts and ask questions.
Your partnership is valued!
We understand that you want the best for your child and truly value the partnership we have with you in supporting your child’s education. If ever you have concerns regarding your child’s progress, behavior, or any classroom-related matter, we encourage you to initially reach out to your child's teacher. Here’s why:
Teachers Have Direct Insight
Teachers are with your child every day and have the most immediate understanding of what’s happening in the classroom. They can provide specific details about your child’s academic performance, behavior, and classroom experience, allowing for a more informed and timely response.Swift Resolution at the Source
Often, teachers are able to address and resolve concerns directly in the classroom. By discussing the issue with them first, you allow for a quicker resolution without needing to escalate matters unnecessarily.Collaboration for Success
When we work together, we create the best possible environment for your child. Open communication between parents and teachers helps ensure that we are all on the same page in supporting your child’s needs. By reaching out to the teacher first, we foster a spirit of teamwork.Lines of Communication
We work to have processes in place to ensure that issues are addressed efficiently and effectively. Teachers are often the first point of contact for many concerns. By following this process, we can resolve issues more effectively and with less disruption.Preventing Escalation
Most concerns can be addressed and resolved at the classroom level. When parents engage with teachers first, it helps keep situations from escalating unnecessarily. If the issue cannot be resolved through teacher-parent communication, the teacher will be happy to involve administration for further support.
Our teachers are here to help, and we trust that they will always work with you to find solutions that are in the best interest of your child! If, after working with the teacher, you feel that the concern has not been addressed, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Similarly, if there are issues with transportation, please feel free to discuss these with the driver of your child's bus for many of the reasons above. Of course, if you have further concerns, please reach out to me to collaborate on a resolution.
On another note, as you know through a Parent Square notification from Mr. Williams, he will be joining the staff of Geist Elementary in a Special Education teaching capacity beginning this semester. We wish him well and are currently in the process of interviewing for a new Assistant Principal. We will update you as appropriate.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education.
Kim Day
FCI Principal
Student Handbook Feedback
Every year, we gather input from various stakeholder groups about possible revisions to our Student Handbook. Please consider reviewing our current Student Handbook https://www.hseschools.org/about/student-handbooks and offering feedback for enhancement; these suggestions could be revisions, removals, or additions. If you have suggestions, please feel free to indicate those in the 2025-26 Intermediate Student Handbook Feedback form. All feedback is due by Friday, January 24. Thank you for your assistance in this important process!
Creating Positive Relationships Program
5th grade Parent Night - Creating Positive Relationships
Bethany Jones from Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) is hosting a Parent Seminar for FCI 5th grade parents on Tuesday, February 25 at 6:30pm in the FCI cafeteria.
CPR curriculum is NOT taught in the 5th grade. Instead, the parent information session is offered to support conversations at home.
At the parent support meeting, strategies will be given to parents on how to begin conversations that help your child navigate the changes that occur physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially during puberty. While this evening is designed for 5th grade parents specifically, all parents are welcome.
6th grade Creating Positive Relationships Instruction
Lessons will be held beginning 3/17-4/3 during PE Rotations
Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) is a Human Sexuality curriculum developed to build character in young people, empowering them to develop healthy relationships, benefitting their communities and society. The curriculum focuses on teaching students the basics of puberty and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s); personal relationships; physical, emotional, social, and mental health; love vs. crush; and media/technology impact on relationships. This year, the Creating Positive Relationships curriculum will be taught by FCI’s physical education teachers to all 6th grade students during PE rotation beginning at the end of February through the end of March and completed prior to spring break.
Any family that intended to opt-out and not wish for their child to participate in the CPR curriculum must have logged into Skyward and completed out the custom form for CPR. If no response is received prior to the start of CPR instruction, your child will participate in the Creating Positive Relationships curriculum during the February/March timeframe at FCI.
A webinar is available that explains our 6th grade lessons on the Creating Positive Relationships website: https://www.cpr4teens.org/parents/webinar-info/
Should you have questions or concerns about CPR, please contact your child’s PE teacher for more information.
Body Safety
Over the past few years, there has been an increased awareness of the importance of child sexual abuse prevention in educational settings. In 2018, the state of Indiana passed a law requiring all public, charter, and accredited private schools to provide child abuse prevention education to students in kindergarten through 12th grades. As part of our commitment to creating a safe and nurturing environment for our students, we have partnered with the Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide to provide Child Lures Prevention training at our school.
This evidence-based program provides basic abuse prevention education to students. Students will learn anatomically correct names for private body parts, basic body safety rules, how to recognize common tactics – or lures – abusers use to manipulate their victims and be encouraged to talk to their trusted adults if they have a safety concern. It is essential that we empower our children with knowledge and tools to protect themselves from potential harm.
The child sexual abuse prevention training will be presented in an age-appropriate manner and delivered in a sensitive and supportive manner. Throughout this program, students are encouraged to view the information like a fire drill – “just in case” information. Indiana Center for Prevention staff has been carefully trained to handle the subject matter with the utmost care and professionalism. Please visit www.indianaprevention.org to view a brief video for parents outlining the basics of the program.
As partners in your child's education, we highly value your involvement in this initiative. We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is crucial to reinforcing the lessons learned during the training. Therefore, we encourage you to discuss the subject with your child at home and reinforce the importance of speaking up about any uncomfortable or concerning situations.
Please be assured that the safety and well-being of your child are of the utmost priority to us. We are dedicated to creating a school environment where every student feels safe, respected, and supported.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the child sexual abuse prevention training, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide. We are here to address any inquiries you may have and to collaborate with you in fostering a secure and positive learning environment for our students.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in this important endeavor.
Contact information:
Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide
Director of Programs: Megan Banet
Email: megan@indianaprevention.org
Phone: 317-759-8008 ext. 101
If you wish to opt your child out of the Body Safety presentation, ensure you indicate so by 1/31 in Skyward forms. (6th grade presentation 2/4 - 5th grade presentation 2/5)
Order the 2024-2025 FCI Yearbook Now, through March 14
Yearbooks are now on sale. You may use the paper form (more found in the front office) and return it filled out with $20, or you can go online to order this school year's book!
yearbook ID code: 14521425
It is important that you use your child's name that is listed in Skyward along with their SOAR Teacher to facilitate distribution of the yearbooks.
Congratulations to our two design cover winners, Amaya Joki and Landry Wright!
Amaya Joki - Front Cover Winner
Team 5-7
Landry Wright - Back Cover Winner
Team 5-6
Counselors' Corner
6th Grade Lesson
Mr. Kozloski will be starting another round of 6th grade classroom guidance lessons this week. This visit will be focused on the transition to junior high and career exploration.
5th Grade
Week 17
Unit 3: Empathy and Kindness (SS)
Lesson 12: What’s the Problem?
Students will be able to use empathy to identify problems in their community and the people affected
In this lesson, your child will use empathy to identify problems in their school community and think about how these problems might affect other people. This is an important first step toward making positive change in the community.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child what problems they see in your neighborhood that affect other people. Point out how empathy helped them notice those problems.
Week 18
Unit 3: Empathy and Kindness (SS)
Lesson 13: A Different Point of View
Students will be able to describe different points of view to build empathy for the people affected by a community problem.
In this lesson, your child will practice building empathy for different groups affected by a community problem. Learning more about each group’s point of view will help them find solutions that can work better for everyone.
Try This at Home:
With your child, think about a problem in your community and make a list together of what you could do to learn more about someone else’s point of view. If possible, try out one of your strategies.
6th Grade
Week 17
Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions (SS)
Lesson 15: Emotions and Your Brain
Students will be able to describe what happens in their brains when they feel a strong emotion.
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how different parts of their brains play a part in managing their strong emotions.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to teach you about some of the different parts of the brain and how they manage emotions. Look up a picture or video of the brain and learn some more!
Week 18
Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions (SS)
Lesson 16: How Emotions Affect Your Decisions
Students will be able to describe how strong emotions can influence the decisions they make.
In this week’s lesson, your child will analyze how strong emotions can influence their decision-making abilities, as well as how those decisions can affect their relationships
Try This at Home:
Ask your child what sorts of things trigger strong emotions in them. Ask them how you can show support when those things happen.
January Meeting Date and Time Change
The PTO meeting, originally scheduled for Tuesday, 1/28, at 1:00 PM will now meet at FCI on MONDAY, JANURAY 27 AT 1:15 PM.
Thank you!
January Staff Appreciation - Stock the Staff Lounge
Thank you for donating all of the great goodies, sweet and healthy choices, too! All of these great snacks helped power us through the 'longest' month of the year.
Pacers Night
- Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
- Time: During the Pacers vs. Houston Rockets game
- Special Feature: Check presentation at center court during halftime
Order Online:
- Purchase tickets at Pacers Tickets.
- Share the offer with friends and family to help raise funds for the school.
- A portion of every ticket sold supports the school.
- Participate in a FUNdraiser for prizes!
2025 Glow Party: Let’s GLOW Crazy!
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Fall Creek Intermediate
Admission Details:
- Online: $20.00 (plus fees) available until 9:00 AM on the day of the event
- Admission at the door: $25.00 (cash only)
Live DJ, music, games, photo booth, face painting, glow-in-the-dark hair spray
Glow items and concessions for purchase
Capacity: Limited to 400 students; sign up early!
Signup: my.cheddarup.com/c/2025-glow-party
Volunteer: Volunteer Sign-Up
FCI Activities
Indiana Math Bowl Competition
Fall Creek Intermediate will be participating in the Indiana Math Bowl Competition. This academic team is open to all 5th and 6th grade students. Math Bowl requires students to be quick and flexible mathematical thinkers. Students will work in teams to quickly answer a variety of math problems based on Indiana State Standards for grades 4-7. In the 2025 competition, the content areas of focus are geometry and measurement.
Math Bowl tryouts will take place on Wednesday, February 19 before school or Friday, February 21 before school.
See the attached information and permission sheet for more information and to sign up.
Intramural Volleyball
Learn to play volleyball with your friends!
Permission slips are due by Feb 19. Only 38 students per grade will be chosen to participate due to space constraints.
Choir meets Mondays and Wednesday before school. See the attached form to sign up.
Performance for families will be Monday, Feb 10 at 6:30 PM.
FCI Connect - Starts 12/4
Free! 8:10-9:00 a.m. on specific days listed on the form.
Please complete & turn in the bottom half of this form and return asap!
Listen to morning announcements and read upcoming newsletters for information on our school's activities.
Lost & Found
Radon Poster Contest
January was Radon Awareness Month, and I’d like to take a moment to highlight some important facts about radon. Radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas produced by the natural decay of uranium in the soil. It can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation, and it is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. In Indiana, approximately 1 in 3 homes tested have radon levels at or above the EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L. Learn more here.
To help raise awareness of radon’s health risks, the Indiana State Department of Health, in partnership with the American Lung Association, is hosting the annual Indiana Radon Poster Contest. We are inviting Indiana citizens ages 9-14 to create posters that will educate the public on radon and encourage others to test their homes.
For the past several years, HSE students have participated in this contest and helped spread awareness about radon through their artwork!
We need your student’s help to bring this message to life! The 2025 Indiana Radon Poster Contest is a fun, educational opportunity that could also lead to some exciting prizes. A state committee will select the top three posters, and the winners will receive:
- 1st Place: $200
- 2nd Place: $150
- 3rd Place: $100
If your students wish to participate, please submit their posters to the main office by March 3. We will send these to the HSE Central Office to be sent to the American Lung Association by the March 15 deadline.
Thank you for helping us raise awareness about this important issue!
We're Hiring!
Here at FCI we are always looking for great people to sub in classrooms, the main office, and to fill in as support staff. If you are interested, please apply to be a substitute. https://www.applitrack.com/hamiltonse/onlineapp/
Preparing Our Kids for Success
Preparing Our Kids for Success
Rob Evans, Facilitator, Coach, and Founder of Parenting Solutions, LLC
One-time, 2.5-hour virtual session, offered free to parents/guardians, registration required (funded by Fishers Health Department)
REGISTER HERE! (choose one of the dates listed below)
Thursday, November 14th 6-8:30pm (Register by 11/8!)
Tuesday, January 28th 6-8:30pm (Register by 1/22!)
Thursday, March 20th, 6-8:30pm (Register by 3/14!)
This 2.5-hour truancy intervention parent class is “Trauma Informed” and specifically designed to help school districts support parents in intervening in absenteeism, truancy, and school performance. Like all Parent Project® programs, this class is based on cooperative learning norms, activity-based instruction, and uses behavior modification techniques. When parents engage in getting their children to school and support learning in collaboration with teachers and school officials, attendance and grades go up.
Preparing Our Kids For Success helps parents:
- Rekindle their dreams and wishes for their children;
- Better understand and recognize the signs of trauma;
- Recognize the necessity of creating structure for children;
- Identify effective strategies for getting kids to school;
- Discuss successful methods to increase home/school communication;
- List strategies for improving school performance; and
- Implement the Homework Assignment Sheet, or use an online homework information system.
Attendance Matters
General Attendance Times
9:15am - 10:45am – Tardy (not counted against attendance)
9:15am - 12:45pm – Period 1
12:45pm - 3:55pm – Period 2
2:30pm - 4:00pm – Early Dismissal (not counted against attendance)
In the Community
Hamilton County 4-H
We at Purdue Extension Hamilton County are excited to share with your students about all the opportunities available through the 4-H Program. You may use the following or the attached pdf. Thank you for all you do to support 4-H and all of our wonderful Purdue Extension Programs!
“Don’t be caught in the cold! We encourage all families to enroll in 4-H by January 15. Participants must re-enroll every year. 4-H is an informal educational program where youth “learn by doing.” Anyone in grades 3-12 can learn life skills such as cooperation, leadership, decision-making, responsibility, and more through hands-on projects in more than 60 different subject areas.
Youth in grades K-2 may enroll in Mini 4-H. The 4-H Program is a great opportunity to develop a hobby, experience camp, make new friends, and promote family togetherness.”
For more information, contact the Purdue Extension Hamilton County Office at 317-776-0854 or visit puext.in/hamco4h.
Enroll online at in.4honline.com.
The Youth Development North team is so excited to be hosting the 2025 World Fair!!
Come enjoy food, crafts, and culture from around the world. You will not be disappointed! We are expecting nearly 800 people to join us for this FREE community event. Please save the date and join us on Saturday, March 1st at Fishers High School. Feel free to share with your family, friends, neighbors, etc. The more the merrier! See attached flyer and coloring sheet for more details.
**Want to get involved? Ask your Site Director for more details!**
Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you in March for the 2025 World Fair!!
The Youth Development YMCA
Lauren Skelton Program Director – Before and After School C 317-554-1683
Youth Development – North
YMI is seeking mentors for the 2024-25 school year.
YMI mentors are matched with a student who they meet with on a weekly basis for roughly 30 minutes. Matches talk about life, work on projects, and play games.
Ready to learn more?
Visit our website at www.ymionline.org or scan the QR code and fill out the Interested in Mentoring form. We will answer all your questions and help you get connected.
Mudsock Youth Athletics Information
Updates from Mudsock Youth Athletics:
Sign Up Now - Early Bird Spring Sport Registration is Open!
Get ready for an action-packed spring! With 9 sports to choose from, there’s something for every skill level and interest. Early bird registration is now open at myathletics.com and runs through January 31st. Sign up for baseball, softball, soccer, boys and girls lacrosse, rugby, boys volleyball, pickleball and track & field. Explore detailed season information here and secure your spot today!
Spring Program Scholarships Available:
Interested in spring program scholarship opportunities with our leagues? Families who are on free or reduced lunch within the district can apply for one per season per child and must apply and be accepted during our open registration period. For spring sports these dates are January 1st – January 31st. Email info@myathletics.com.
Help us create a safe and positive environment for participants, parents, guardians, coaches and referees. When you register with us in 2025, you will sign the following agreement. Just think of the difference we can make TOGETHER.
What's Happening @ the Creek
- No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21, rot I
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 4:00-4:50pm - Science Bowl Practice
- 4:00-6:00pm - Girls' Basketball Practice
Wednesday, January 22, rot I
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 8:10-9:00am – VEX Robotics Club
- 8:15-9:00am -- Student Council Meeting
- 8:15-9:00am – Choir
- 9:30am-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip, Teal Block 1
- 4:00-6:00pm - Girls' Basketball Practice
Thursday, January 23, rot I
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 9:30am-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip, Symons Block 1
- 4:00-4:50pm - Science Bowl Practice
- 5:30pm - Girls' Basketball Game at Carmel Dad’s Club
Friday, January 24, rot I
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 8:10-9:00am - Science Bowl Practice
- 8:15-9:00am - Girls Who Code, 5th Grade
- 9:30am-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip, Crane Block 1
Monday, January 27, rot F
- 8:10-9:00am – VEX Robotics Club
- 8:15-9:00am – Choir
- 1:15-3:00pm – PTO Meeting
- 4:00-6:00pm - Girls' Basketball Practice
Tuesday, January 28, rot F
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 9:30-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip – Johnson Block 1
- 10:40am-1:00pm – 6th Grade Study Trip to ISO
- 4:00-4:50pm - Science Bowl Practice
- 5:30pm - Girls Basketball Game at Hamilton Heights Middle School
Wednesday, January 29, rot F
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 8:10-9:00am - FCI Connect
- 8:10-9:00am – VEX Robotics Club
- 8:15-9:00am – Choir
- 9:30-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip – Johnson Block 2
- 4:00pm – Science Bowl Competition
- 4:00-6:00pm - Girls Basketball Practice
Thursday, January 30, rot F
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 9:30-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip – Coffman Block 1
- 4:00-6:00pm - Girls Basketball Practice
Friday, January 31, rot F
- Fishers Fire Department Safety Lessons
- 8:15-9:00am – Girls Who Code, 5th Grade
- 9:30-3:30pm – 5th Grade Field Trip – Coffman Block 2
- 6:00-8:00pm – Glow Party
Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver
Hamilton Southeastern Schools is seeking public input on a Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver. To learn more about this waiver, how it will be used by the district, and to provide public comment please visit hseschools.org/publicnotices and click on IDOE Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver.
R.A.V.E. Review
Do you know of an HSE staff member who deserves a shoutout? Someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Give them a R.A.V.E. Review and share your appreciation! It’s simple to do - just complete a quick online form here: hseschools.org/rave.
You can send as many reviews as you’d like throughout the school year.
R.A.V.E. stands for Recognizing All Valuable Employees, and it’s our way of celebrating the incredible staff who make Hamilton Southeastern Schools a fantastic place to learn and grow.
Snack Attack Program is Back
FCI is pleased to announce the return of the Snack Attack program for those students in need. This program, supported by the Fishers Youth Assistance Program, is designed to provide students a little extra nourishment for the weekend until they can receive a hot meal at school on Monday.
Here's how the program works: Your student will receive a small sack of food to be taken home over the weekend. The sack is filled with individually wrapped snacks such as granola bars, fruit cups, pop tarts, peanut butter/crackers, Goldfish crackers, etc. The type of snacks will vary each week. Please let us know if your child has a peanut allergy as he/she will receive a special bag of peanut-free snacks.
There is no cost to you or the school. To be part of this free program, you must sign up your family online. https://forms.gle/qQ2GgbD32C66Dhfg7 or have questions, please contact FYAPFood@gmail.com.
For more information on the Fishers Youth Assistance Program please visit their website at https://youth-assistance.squarespace.com/fishers.
School Front Office Details
Attendance Phone: (317) 915-4228
Main Office Phone: (317) 915-4220
School Hours: 9:15am-4pm
Office Hours: 8:45am-4:30pm
Office Email: fci-general@hse.k12.in.us
Important Safety Reminders
- Office Entry - When you ring the buzzer for entry, remember that the office staff will ask you your name, intent, child's name/homeroom to ensure those that enter FCI should enter.
- Photo ID - Please have photo ID such as your driver's license ready for identification purposes.
- Door 1 entry - All visitors must enter via door 1 regardless of time of day. Please do not come in the cafeteria door with students before school.
- Bus lot - Do not enter the bus lot prior to bus arrival or while buses are in the lot.
- Drop-off - Please make all attempts possible to have your child exit your vehicle on the side of the curb. Exit the opposite side and walking in between cars is not safe.
Late Arrival Drop-Off
Students must be accompanied into the building and signed in by parents/guardians any time after 9:15am. Students should not come in by themselves.
Early Dismissal
Please notify the school in advance of an early dismissal. You can send a note in with your student or call the front office. At pick up, parents must come inside the building to sign out their child. Parents must ring the buzzer and indicate that they are picking up their child. Photo ID is required to be provided to office staff every time students are signed out. We will not release your child to anyone other than the legal guardians listed in Skyward without written or verbal permission.
Transportation Changes
If the child is aware of how they are going home in the afternoon, no note or call is needed. However, if there is a change during the day the student is not aware of, please call the office (317) 915-4220 by 2:30pm to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal.
FCI Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures
Please ensure that you are staying within the cones during drop-off and pick-up. This means patiently waiting in the "zipper" lines as well as not going around the cones at the ends of the aisles regardless of time of day. Students should also exit & enter vehicles on the side nearest the curb.
Additionally, when entering and exiting our parking lot, please be extremely cautious. This is why it is suggested that all travel northbound to both enter and then when exiting our parking lot. Doing otherwise, makes it challenging to enter & exit across the traffic on Olio especially with the traffic into and out of Fall Creek Junior High.
You may NOT park and get out of your vehicle to get your child from the curb at dismissal. If you need to get your child early, you must bring your driver's license into the office to check out your child
All of our practices are constructed for the safety of our students & families! Let's remember that our children are watching! We can set the good example! Thank you, Falcon family!
Safe Visitor Badges
Per HSE Policy, visitors and volunteers must have their Safe Visitor Badge scanned by office staff to check-in to the building.
If you do not have a Safe Visitor Badge, please find the directions to apply for one listed here https://www.hseschools.org/departments/school-safety under Visiting and Volunteering.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tobi Fields at 317-594-4100.
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information. Mental Health & School Counseling - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Information
All students in HSE Schools deserve to come to school free of fear and to feel safe to be their authentic selves. Discrimination of any type is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated at HSEHS Schools – this includes sexual harassment (Title IX) and discrimination based on disabilities or race (Titles II and VI).
If students ever experience any type of harassment, we ask that they report this immediately to an administrator, school counselor or trusted adult. Beyond reporting directly to building officials, HSE Schools has an entire support system in place for filing concerns and complaints, which can be located on our District website. Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Statement - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
All About FCI
Assistant Principal - Mr. Marc Williams (mwilliams@hse.k12.in.us)
Email: FCI-General@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://fci.hseschools.org/
Location: 12011 Olio Road Fishers, IN 46037
Phone: (317) 915-4220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fall-Creek-Intermediate-Falcons/536020973132615
Twitter: @FCI_Falcons