SMA Weekly Newsletter
September 19, 2024

🙏 First Masses of the School Year
We had a fantastic week starting with the 9 AM Mass on Catechetical Sunday, where our teachers received a special blessing for their vital role in shaping our children’s faith formation. The 8th grade bake sale was a hit, marking a bittersweet moment as one parent described it—a "first of many lasts." The students raised nearly $500 to support special activities in their final year at SMA. Our next Academy-sponsored Sunday 9 am Mass is: October 20th at 9 am (bake sale hosted by 7th grade).
On Tuesday, we held our first whole school Mass led by our Student Council, featuring our dedicated altar servers and the SMA choir, composed of students from grades 3 to 5. We celebrated the induction of the 2024-2025 Student Council, who received a special blessing from Fr. Ignatius. It was heartwarming to see students enjoying the Mass alongside their big and little buddies. Our next whole school Mass is: October 16th at 8:30 am (hosted by 3rd grade).
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter and for your invaluable partnership with SMA. Whether you’re volunteering, donating, tutoring, praying, or spreading the word about our wonderful school, your support means so much to us. We truly appreciate you!
~ Mrs. Miller
👉 St. Martin of Tours App Tutorial of the Week
Where do I buy tickets for fun school events like Movie Night Friday 9/20?
Log in to the SMA app and click on SIGN-UP NOW. Then click on the top choice: Movie Night. This will lead you to the ticket purchase page. Enjoy the show!
😇 Volunteering Opportunities
Have you seen the VOLUNTEER icon on the SMA app? You can volunteer around campus, for the Fall Festival, during lunch/recess, or in your child's classroom. Needs come up often and are added to the SIgn-Up Genius located at the top of the Volunteer Page. These needs are time and treasure needs.
Reminder: We also allow donations that will benefit the entire school to be used for volunteer hours upon collection of receipts. The dollar amount for all families is $20 per hour and must be recorded in FACTS by the donating volunteer to earn credit. Receipts must be turned in to the office in an envelope with the family name clearly written on the front (Pg. 11 of SMA Family Handbook).
Thank you for your support!
🦃 Update from the PTG: Save the Date for the Super Hero Turkey Trot 11/15/24
Super Hero Turkey Trot 2024 - Information will be emailed home soon!
- Fundraiser to finish field restoration (shade) and improve technology/cameras
- 99Pledges accounts per family (not per student)
- Top 3 fundraising classes will choose a superhero to join us on the track for the Turkey Trot!
- Fundraising prize levels, iPad Air & Universal Studios Family Pass raffle, and auction for Advent program pews and parking
- Half-day event with BWATT Entertainment
- Games & traditional 8th-grade picture with years of walkathon/turkey trot shirts
- Families welcome!
- The annual 8th grade t-shirt design contest has begun! Drawings on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of white paper are due in the office by Friday, 9/27/24.
Seeking Sponsors for SMA's Annual Turkey Trot!
- Otter Pops (all natural) approximately $50 - purchase & drop off between now and 11/14/24
- Metal water bottles with engraved SMA logo - $2,000 monetary donation
- Your company's logo on the back of the Turkey Trot t-shirt - $500 monetary donation (several spots remaining)
THANK YOU to our 2024-25 sponsors below!
Contact business@stmartinoftoursacademy.org to become a sponsor.
⏰ Chess Club - Last Call for Volunteer Leader
Would your student be interested in joining a chess club at SMA?
Would you be interested in being a leader?
Please let the office know or reply to this email if you or your student are interested!
We have a donor interested in providing chess boards. We just need a leader (over age 18 and cleared through CMG).
🌟 Fr. Ignatius' Installation Mass - Saturday 5 pm w/Cardinal McElroy
🙋🏽 Important Reminders
- Hot Lunch orders are due 9/26 via FACTS by the end of the day.
- Fr. Ignatius needs altar servers! Pick up an application in the office (ages 8+ and received First Communion).
- Field Grand Opening - MONDAY! Following 8 am morning assembly.
- 10/2/24 Fall Sports Afternoon Pep Rally 🏈🏐
- 10/4/24 Feast of St. Francis Blessing of the Animals in front of school 11:30 am
- 10/7/24 Next BYOC (Bring Your Own Coffee) with the Principal (Grades 3-5) K-2 parents who missed the first coffee are also welcome. NEW! Earn 1 volunteer hours when attending BOYC with the Principal
- 10/11/24 NO SCHOOL - Professional Learning Day Diocesan-Wide
⛪ Prayer Requests
Ray Wilson
07/12/1947- 09/13/2024
Beloved Father to Nikki Paredes and Grandfather to Antonio Paredes
📣 Upcoming Events
10/4/24 Feast of St. Francis - Blessing of the Animals
After school bring your pet(s) or have your student bring a photo of your pet(s) to be blessed by Fr. Ignatius.
Learning for All Open House
We partner with Learning for All to provide services on campus for students. Click here for more information .
Sip & Paint Fundraiser
10/16/24 following the 6 pm annual State of the School
Sign up here!
$47 per person. $15 goes back to SMA. Free childcare available for Academy students (limited spots).
Contact Info
St. Martin of Tours Academy
Main Office: (619) 466-3241
Email: info51@stmartinoftoursacademy.org
Website: www.stmartinoftoursacademy.org
Location: 7708 El Cajon Blvd La Mesa, CA 91942
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmartinoftoursacademylamesa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stmartinacademy/