Irish Gifted Academy
Week of February 2nd, 2025
Hey IGA Family!
What an incredible week it has been! Our students engaged in meaningful learning experiences, and we made lasting memories—especially with our snow day! Our elementary students took full advantage of our recent snow fall by participating in hands-on, science-based activities exploring the properties of snow, temperature changes, and even the science behind snowflake formation. Students were also able to enjoy smores, snowcones, and a snowball fight! It was a fantastic way to integrate real-world learning into the classroom! Thank you to Mrs. Devaney and her team for making this a memorable experience for our students and families!
Looking ahead, we have some exciting events on the horizon:
🔬 Elementary Science Fair – This Thursday, our young scientists will showcase their innovative projects at the local mall. We invite families to come out and support our students as they present their hard work and discoveries!
🏅 Middle School Science Fair – Congratulations to our students who placed first or second in our middle school competition! This Friday, they will advance to the next level at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville. We are so proud of their dedication and excellence in scientific exploration!
📌 Open Enrollment – It’s that time of year again! Open enrollment has begun for students looking to join our school family for the upcoming academic year. If you know families interested in registering, please share the information. See the links and images below for details.
We are looking forward to another exciting week at one of the best places your child can be! Together, we continue to learn, grow, and create meaningful experiences for our students.
With Heartfelt Gratitude,
Mr. Taylor
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Irish Gifted Academy Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year Now Available!
Here in Dublin City Schools, we pride ourselves on providing families with #ThePowerOfChoice. A shift from the traditional pull-out model of providing gifted services, the Irish Gifted Academy began in 2019 and serves children in an all-day PROGRAM that is technology-rich with a project-based curriculum. Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are open NOW - Monday, March 3rd.
Application: https://drive.google.com/.../1c1hQEZZOpo8txh4fF.../view
Mr. Taylor, IGA’s Principal, has created this short video to explain the process. A few important points he mentions are:
- If you have a rising Pre-K student, please do NOT complete an IGA application. Instead, your family will complete the traditional Pre-K application, which opens during Dublin City Schools' Early Bird Enrollment on Saturday, February 22nd.
- If you have a rising Kindergartener, your family will complete the application in its entirety minus the student questionnaire found on page 6.
- If you have a rising 1st - 8th Grader, your family will complete all components of the application.
- A helpful checklist to ensure the application is completed in its entirety is located on page 4 of the packet.
- Applications can be hand delivered or mailed to the Irish Gifted Academy, Attn: Matt Taylor at 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA 31021. They can also be emailed to matt.taylor@dcsirish.com.
- If you have any questions about the IGA, please email matt.taylor@dcsirish.com.
- And, if you would like for your child to attend one of our five SCHOOLS for 2025-2026, mark your calendars. Dublin City Schools’ 2025-2026 Open Enrollment will be kicking off on Saturday, February 22nd. Our Early Bird Enrollment will provide families with the opportunity to register their child (Pre-K through 12th Grade) without having to take off work. Then, we’ll begin our traditional in-person enrollment at Central Registration starting on Monday, February 24th.
Have a Rising Pre-K Student? DCS Staff Members Can Secure Their Slots TODAY!
Dublin City Schools’ 2025-2026 Open Enrollment will be kicking off on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:00 AM - NOON at the Irish Gifted Academy Middle Grades Gym. Our Early Bird Enrollment will provide families with the opportunity to register their child (Pre-K through 12th Grade) without having to take off work. Then, we’ll begin our traditional in-person enrollment at Central Registration starting on Monday, February 24th.
As we begin planning for the upcoming school year, it has been our practice to give DCS staff members top priority in choosing which Pre-K program they would like their child to attend. All our Pre-K programs are FANTASTIC! So, we would like to provide DCS staff members with the ability to pre-register their child for Pre-K before anyone else. To secure a Pre-K slot at Hillcrest Elementary, the Irish Gifted Academy or Susie Dasher Elementary for the 2025-2026 school year, please email holli@dcsirish.com and josh@dcsirish.com as soon as possible.
Once you’ve expressed interest, you will have until Wednesday, February 12th to complete this Pre-K packet and provide copies of your child’s:
Certified Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Immunization Records (On Georgia Form 3231)
Eye, Ear, and Dental Certificate (On Georgia Form 3300)
Proof of Residence (ie. utility bills, home insurance policy, rental/lease agreement, property tax record)
Proof of Medicaid or Food Stamps (Only If Applicable)
Completed packets and required documentation can either be emailed to holli@dcsirish.com and josh@dcsirish.com or hand delivered to Central Registration at 1405 West Moore Street between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. If you do not complete your packet and provide your required documentation by WEDNESDAY, February 12th your family will not have a reserved spot but will continue to have the ability to register during our Early Bird Registration and beyond.
To take advantage of this perk, please know the rising Pre-K student must either biologically be your child OR you must be able to provide court documentation stating that you have legal custody of them.
Know Someone That's Looking for a New Career? Tell Them About DCS's Career Expo!
According to our families, the #1 reason why Dublin City Schools is their district of choice is our caring teachers, staff, and administrators who consistently go above and beyond for our students!
If you know someone that's looking for a new career that allows them to give back to our great community, please encourage them to join us on Saturday, February 8th from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM at the Irish Gifted Academy Middle Grades Building, located at 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, for Dublin City Schools' Career Expo!
Both full and part-time positions will be available during the Career Expo - including teachers, bus drivers, maintenance staff, school nutrition staff, substitute teachers and administration.
Launching Into Literacy
We're fortunate to have AMAZING community partners, like the Laurens County Library, who are beginning a new literacy club for families with children ages 6 months to 5 years old. Funded by a Dollar General literacy grant, Launching Into Literacy is designed to encourage reading and family engagement.
When families sign up, they'll receive:
- 2 to 3 books,
- Discussion questions and a craft activity for each book,
- Necessary craft supplies, and
- A caregiver guide with quick tips and activities to nurture literacy development!
All at NO COST!
Wondering how your family can participate? Visit the library for more information!
Coming Up...
- Monday, February 3rd: Dublin Middle School Basketball HOME vs. Bleckley
- Tuesday, February 4th: Ribbon Cutting for Irish Healthcare School-Based Health Center at 11:00 AM
- Tuesday, February 4th: Dublin High School Basketball HOME vs Washington County {JV Boys at 4:30 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Thursday, February 6th: Dublin City Schools’ Elementary Science Fair from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM at the Dublin Mall
- Thursday, February 6th: Dublin High School Tennis HOME vs. Vidalia at 4:00 PM
- Thursday, February 6th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY at Swainsboro {Varsity Scrimmage at 5:30 PM}
- Friday, February 7th: Susie Dasher Elementary School’s Reading Bowl Challenge Winner Celebration
- Friday, February 7th: Homestead Exemption Public Hearing at 12:00 PM NOON in the Dublin High School Auditorium
- Friday, February 7th: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Dodge County {JV Girls at 4:00 PM; JV Boys at 5:00 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin City Schools' Career Expo at the Irish Gifted Academy's Middle Grades Building from 10:00 - 11:30 AM
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin High School Wrestling AWAY at Sectionals @ Social Circle High School
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin High School Irishettes AWAY @ Washington County High School's Heart of GA Dance Invitational
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Treutlen High School {JV Boys at 4:30 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Monday, February 10th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY @ Wilcox County at 5:30 PM
- Monday, February 10th: Round 1 of IGA Amazing Shake
- Tuesday, February 11th: Rounds 2 and 3 of IGA Amazing Shake
- Tuesday, February 11th: Dublin High School Tennis HOME vs. Swainsboro at 4:00 PM
- Tuesday, February 11th: Dublin High School Baseball HOME vs. Toombs at 5:30 PM
- Wednesday, February 12th: Hillcrest Elementary vs. Susie Dasher Elementary School’s Love & Basketball at 9:30 AM in the DHS Gymnasium
- Thursday, February 13th - Monday, February 17th: Winter Break {No School}
- Tuesday, February 18th: Final Round of IGA Amazing Shake
- Thursday, February 20th: Hillcrest Elementary School’s Black History Month Program
- Saturday, February 22nd: Dublin City Schools' Early Bird Enrollment from 8:00 AM - 12:00 NOON in the Irish Gifted Academy Middle Grades Building
- Monday, February 24th: Dublin High School Black History Month Program at 1:00 PM
Click Below to Access Our FY25 Student Handbook
Dress Code Reminder
Attendance Policy
Visit Here to Learn Ways You Can Volunteer at IGA! #BetterTogether
If you are able to assist us in any of the below capacities, please reach out to Mr. Taylor at matt.taylor@dcsirish.com. We are so grateful for the village we have!
- Assist with Check In / Check Out Process for Books in Our Reading Corner
- Assist with Interior Painting / Decor
"Five Houses....One IGA #Family" -- House Background and Information
Isibindi — House of Courage — Language (Zulu) — Country (South Africa) — Animal (Lion)
Altruismo — House of Givers — Language (Portuguese) — Country (Brazil) — Animal (Snake)
Amistad — House of Friendship — Language (Spanish) — Country (Mexico) — Animal (Peacock)
Reveur — House of Dreamers — Language (French) — Country (France) — Animal (Wolf)
Nukumori -- House of Kindness -- Language (Japanese) -- Country (Japan) -- Animal (Dragon)
Altruismo -- House of Givers
Nukumori -- House of Kindess
Isibindi -- House of Courage
Reveur -- House of Dreamers
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Amistad -- House of Friendship
About Us
Email: matt.taylor@dcsirish.com
Website: https://iga.dcs.irish/en-US
Location: 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: 478-353-8450
Facebook: facebook.com/irishgiftedacademy