Board of Education Meeting RECAP
HHCS Board Recap - Special "Work Session" Edition
The Huber Heights Board of Education met last night, October 24, for a regular Work Session. This session focused on the HHCS Five-Year Forecast and the Redistricting Process. Due to the high level of interest in these topics, we are providing a special "Work Session" recap to keep you informed.
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A Quick Look
- Five-Year Forecast Preview
- HHCS Redistricting Project - Public Information Session
Key Items
- Mrs. Rucker provided an overview of the five-year forecast process, factors influencing the forecast, and projected revenues, expenses, and cash balance for the next five years. View the presentation. Highlights include:
Uncertain state funding due to two biennium budgets happening during the life of the forecast
Phasing out of ESSER funding, which places certain staff back in the general fund expenses
Enrollment trends increasing staffing requirements, particularly in certain subgroups
Salary and benefits for staff, especially with upcoming negotiations and yearly uncertainty of health care premium increases
The forecast projects a positive cash balance throughout. However, the district is projected to deficit spend each year. This means revenue is anticipated to be less than expenditures, eroding our cash balance further each year.
CropperGIS facilitated a Public Information Session regarding the HHCS Redistricting Project. Please visit for a comprehensive resource on all aspects of the project.
View the Public Information Session presentation. Highlights include:
The Public Advisory Committee provided guidance for criteria the district should focus on during this process in May. These include:
Balancing elementary student enrollment across buildings
Maintain diversity and equity among buildings
Maximize transportation efficiency
Minimize impacts on students and families
Utilize major roads and natural boundaries when possible
Make every effort to establish contiguous zones when possible
Account for future growth in the district
Proximity to the closest school
The committee reconvened in September to review the options and provide feedback prior to the maps being made available to the public.
The Internal Planning Team utilized these criteria in option development throughout the summer months. Fourteen options were created, and the two presented adhered to as much of the criteria as possible.
Please click the links below:
Options A and B Table Plot - Enrollment Impacts
Feedback opportunities were provided in an open question/answer format with the Board of Education.
- Please complete the Public Information Session 2 Survey to provide feedback for the Public Advisory Committee and Board of Education. The survey is open through November 3.
Upcoming Board Meeting Dates
- Regular Business Meeting - November 14, 2024, at 6 p.m., in the Studebaker Board Room
- Joint Session of the Board of Education and Huber Heights City Council - November 21, 2024, in the Studebaker Board Room