December Board of Education Notes
December 2023

Meeting Recap
The District 146 Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 11 at the Robert Procunier Administration Center. The meeting began with the recognition of band and choir students who were chosen to participate in the Illinois Music Educators Association (ILMEA) Honor Band and Choir.
ILMEA is a statewide organization that recognizes the finest musicians throughout Illinois. The students were chosen to perform with the Honor Band or Honor Choir after submitting recorded auditions to ILMEA.
The Board congratulated the students and presented them with certificates. Choir students recognized were Raellyn Booth and Jayleen Esparza. Band students recognized were Aisha Choughale, John Cozzi, Rebecca Dallis, Hidaya Diab, Kharren Falcatan, Ellen Gazze, Areej Khattab, Holland Lenters, Megan Lloyd, Savannah Lopez, John Schwider, Nyla Unde, and Lily Watson.
During the meeting, the Board heard from Superintendent Dr. Jeff Stawick:
- The intercom system at Central Middle School was replaced in November. The 22-year old system was replaced with one that is more user-friendly and has additional features.
- The Administration Office has been uploading a number of documents to the Intermediate Service Center (ISC) in preparation for a compliance audit. ISC Staff will be conducting the on-site audit January 23, 2024.
- The District will be hosting a Wellness Fair for families and community members at Central Middle School on Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A variety of parent, family, and child sessions with focuses on nutrition, wellness, child development, and physical and mental health will be open to members of the community. Information will be communicated soon.
- Dr. Stawick will be hosting a PTO/PTA/PACT Breakfast this Thursday, December 14.
- The Curriculum Department, principals, and staff members are meeting to review the District’s e-Learning Plan in case of inclement weather.
- The next Board Meeting will be held at the Administration Center on January 8, 2024. There will be no Committee of the Whole meeting in January.
- Kruse Reading Specialist Lisa Quesada earned her Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Literacy. Dr. Stawick congratulated Dr. Quesada on behalf of the District.
The Board also heard the following:
- Kevin Bissell of PKF Mueller presented an overview of the District 146 Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2023.
- The ESP Union President reported that paraprofessionals and support staff are helping in the classrooms with MAP testing this week. Staff and students are making the remaining days of school before winter break fun for everyone with spirit weeks, events, and activities.
The Board took the following action:
- Approved a resolution authorizing the final aggregate tax levy for 2023.
- Approved a resolution authorizing the reduction of certain fund levies for the 2023 levy year. The County Clerk requests that districts wishing to specify how their tax extension be reduced, forward an appropriate resolution with their tax levy.
- Approved a resolution authorizing a Supplemental Tax Levy for 2023.
The Board met in closed session to discuss student discipline, personnel, and labor issues. Upon returning, the Board took the following action:
- Approved a resolution upholding the out-of-school suspension of a student.
The minutes of the December meeting will be available on BoardDocs once approved by the Board of Education at the next meeting. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on the District's YouTube Channel.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 8, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Robert Procunier Administration Center, 6611 W. 171st Street in Tinley Park.
Did you know?
The Association of School Business Officials (IASBO) and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recognize school districts when their Annual Comprehensive Financial Report has been judged to conform to certain reporting requirements. These are the recognitions are the highest a school district can achieve for financial operations.
You can stream all of our monthly Board of Education meetings live on YouTube. Past meetings are also available to watch at the same link.
Minutes from the most recent meeting will be posted to BoardDocs after the Board of Education approves them at the following month's meeting.
Questions or Comments?
Please complete the form below if you have any questions or comments about this month's Board of Education Meeting, or Board business.
District 146 Board of Education
District Administration
- Dr. Jeff Stawick, Superintendent
- Kelly Voliva, Director of Student Services
- Dr. Wendy Wolgan, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business Services/CSBO
- Vern Bettis, Director of Technology
- Matt Shanahan, Director of Buildings and Grounds
- Brooke Dundas, Coordinator of Bilingual Education
- Brianne Oliver, Special Education Coordinator
- Carey Radke, Curriculum Coordinator
Community Consolidated School District 146
Robert Procunier Administration Center
6611 W. 171st Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477