AMS Principal News
January 30th
Semester 2 is Underway!
Thank you for being partners in ensuring your child’s success at school. We are a team, of students, families and school staff committed to the success of each individual. We look forward to the learning and growth of each student as the year progresses.
As we reflect on the completion of our first semester with International Baccalaureate grading and the implementation of the Toddle platform, we would like to hear your thoughts. At Aspen Middle School, we greatly value your feedback as we continue to refine and improve our grading practices.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on this brief Google survey.
School Attendance Matters-Chronic absenteeism is when a student misses 10% of a school year, regardless of the reason. Family vacations, athletics, and illness all take a toll on student and class achievement. Please help your child be at school regularly. Letters will be sent to all families who have excessive absences separately from this newsletter. Thank you to all who prioritize school attendance and performance every day.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches are not to be used during the school day. Our students and teachers deserve a learning environment free from these distractions. Please review our expectations with your child and know the consequences will be assigned as outlined in our plan. Students should not be calling home during the day from a personal device. Students who are ill must work with the health office before being picked up.
8th Grade Need to Knows
AHS Rising Freshman Family Meeting ~ Virtual Course Selection Meeting
Please plan on attending virtually Tuesday, February 4th at 5:30pm
IB Community Projects!
8th-grade students at Aspen Middle School will soon embark on their IB Community Projects! This project provides all 8th grade students with an opportunity to identify ways to give back to our valley community through meaningful action. To inspire and guide them, we’re hosting a Community Fair and we are inviting you to share your passions and possibly partner with a student, or group of students.
Where: Aspen Middle School Cafeteria
When: Monday, February 3rd - 2:30pm to 3:15pm.
Please sign up for a volunteer shift HERE!
Monday, February 3rd ~ 8th Grade IB Community Projects - 2:30pm - 3:15pm Cafeteria
Monday, February 3rd ~ 7th / 8th Grade Girls Basketball Games vs Riverview - 7th Grade plays at AMS 4:30pm
Tuesday, February 4th ~ Virtual Rising Freshman Course Selection Meeting - 5:30pm - 6:30pm Zoom Meeting Link
Wednesday, February 5th - AMS Early Release - 2:00pm
Saturday, February 8th ~ 8th Grade Girls Basketball PEG League Tournament in Basalt
Monday, February 10th ~ 7th / 8th Grade Girls Basketball Games vs Carbondale - 7th Grade plays at AMS 4:30pm
Wednesday, February 12th - AMS Early Release - 2:00pm
Thursday, February 13th ~ 8th Grade Ski Day at Buttermilkl
Monday, February 17th ~ NO SCHOOL STAFF & STUDENTS - President’s Day
Wednesday, February 19th - AMS Early Release - 2:00pm
Wednesday, February 26th - AMS Early Release - 2:00pm
Thursday, February 27th - AMS SAC Meeting - 8:30am
6th Grade ODE Dates
Matt Field ODE Group - Monday, February 24th - 26th
Alex Farmer ODE Group - Wednesday, February 26th - 28th
Jo Mueller ODE Group - Monday, March 10th - 12th
Ivette Mejia ODE Group - Wednesday, March 12th - 14th
Our lost & found at AMS is OVERFLOWING with items that belong to our students. If you're missing anything please have your child look in the lost & found down by the entry doors to the blacktop.