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Otsego Middle School Newsletter
Otsego Middle School October 25, 2024
Calendar of Upcoming Events
October 28- November 1: Red Ribbon Week
October 30: Delayed Start
October 31: Halloween
November 4: Student of the Month Assemblies
November 5: Election Day!
November 6: Delayed Start
November 11: Veteran's Day
November 12: 1/2 Day Students
November 13: 1/2 Day Students (NO DELAYED START)
November 14: 1/2 Day Students (Last Day of 1st Trimester)
November 15: No School
Upcoming OMS Athletic Events
October 25: Middle School Soccer @ River Oaks 5:30 PM
October 28-30: Middle School Boys Basketball Tryouts
Red Ribbon Week!
Get Informed, Provide Your Input, May '25 Bond Extension Community Conversations
Planning for the Future: Using current facility assessments, learning trends, and looking to the future, OPS is planning on a May 2025 Bond Extension and we want you to be involved. Hear about the plans and provide your feedback at any one of the Community Conversation sessions. Please attend whichever one works best in your schedule. Thank you!
Wednesday, October 30 @ Alamo Elementary, 6:30pm - Alamo Media Center
Monday, November 4 @ WSE Elementary, 6:30pm - WSE Media Center
Wednesday, November 6 @ OHS, 6:30pm - OHS Media Center
Tuesday, November 12 @ Otsego Public Library, 6:30pm - Community Room
Be Nice Parent Meeting
New Visitor System Launched
Our continued efforts to enhance security to keep our students and staff safe will include the implementation of a new visitor sign-in procedure called Raptor. This is for those visiting and spending time in our buildings.
Starting next week, if you are visiting the school, you will stop at the main office as usual.
With this new system, we will scan your ID to create a Visitor ID Label.
This label will have your photo, name and location within the building that you are visiting.
This allows others in the building to immediately know you are a welcome visitor in the school and have been checked in at the office.
At the end of your visit, stop back in the main office to sign out.
With Raptor, IDs will be screened against the registered sex offender databases and a custom database created/maintained by each school that could include banned/restricted visitors, individuals with restraining orders, etc. Adding this level of security does not add a lot of time to the sign-in process, but will provide an added layer of safety and comfort.
Math Lab & Supports
Have you heard? We are once again offering Math Lab after school in the Media Center!
Who: Middle school students who have received an invitation (via guardian email)
What: Extra support for math ELTs
When: Monday/Tuesday from 2:45-3:45 OR Wednesday/Thursday from 2:45-3:45
Where: OMS Media Center
Why: If a child scores below 60% on an essential learning target (ELT) assessment, they will be invited to attend two days of math lab to receive reteaching and another attempt at the assessment. The invitation will be sent via email to parents/guardians from Ronda Conner (rconner@otsegops.org). Guardians must sign their student up via Google Form (linked in invitation email) in order for a student to attend Math Lab.
***Please stress to your child to come to Math Lab with all of their math resources: workbook, chromebook, notebook, note sheets, calculator, and pencil.
Videos: Math Moments by Ms. McEvoy
How to access IXL - This video includes information on how to log in to IXL, how to access and use the different skill plans for our textbook, M-Step preparation, PSAT preparation, and NWE Personalized Maps for students.
How to access SAVVAS- This video includes how to access SAVVAS (Envisions program) to do assignments, quizzes, tests, past scores, and how to access and find videos to help understand topics better.
Middle School Boys Basketball Tryouts
Week of October 28th
Monday: Tryouts
6th/8th: 3:00-4:30
7th: 4:30-6:00
Tuesday: Tryouts
6th /8th: 3:00-4:30
7th: 4:30-6:00
Wednesday: Tryouts ( Team Decisions are made today)
6th/8th: 3:00-4:30
7th: 4:30-6:00
Thursday: Practice ( out by 5:00 for Halloween)
6th/8th: 3-4
7th: 4-5
Friday: Practice
6th: 3:00-4:30
8th: 4:30-6:00
No 7th grade Practice on Friday.
We were able to get some extra gym time for our middle school players. We now have the gym available until 7:00 each night. With that being said, we made a few changes to adjust the schedule. Here is the updated October/November Calendar with the changes. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iXKG1iLaoYg3UxQDYsNnKNhHT7OcXt14x2THW3FGkog/edit?usp=sharing
We are looking forward to tryouts beginning next week! Tryouts will last three days and we will inform the players on Wednesday who made the team. In the past, we have kept approximately 12 players at each grade level. Each player should bring shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes, and water bottle to tryouts.
We will be evaluating the players on basketball skill/knowledge, effort, attitude, coachability, teamwork, and sportsmanship. We will also be looking at the players' academics and their citizenship at school will play a factor into making the team.
Reminder that our tryouts and practices are closed. Parents should not be in the gym during that time. We ask that you wait for your athlete in the hallway.
Please make sure that all paperwork is filled out on Final forms before Monday. Each player needs a sports physical, athletic fee paid, parent paperwork filled out, and athlete paperwork filled out. When all of this is completed, it will highlight your athlete in "Green." If your athlete is highlighted in "Red" it means something is missing. If you have any questions regarding our signup on Final Forms, please contact Carrie Curtiss.... Ccurtiss@otsegops.org
Full Season Schedule: https://otsegoathletics.com/main/teamschedule/id/3786494/seasonid/4850723
6th Grade Coach: Jake Knash ( jknash@otsegops.org)
7th Grade Coach: Steve Long (slong@otsegops.org)
8th Grade Coach: Michael Miller ( mmiller@otsegops.org)
Lunchtime Outdoor Wear
Link of the Week
NHS Dine To Donate
Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portal
Thank you for keeping your contact information up to date in our student and parent portal to ensure that you are getting district and building communications!
Athletic Pass Information
Volunteer Opportunities
There are a lot of volunteer opportunities at OMS! Check out all the options and sign up with us today by clicking on and filling out the form below.
Otsego Middle School
Email: mvanderklok@otsegops.org, spatin@otsegops.org
Website: https://oms.otsegops.org/
Location: 540 Washington St. Otsego, MI 49078
Phone: (269) 694-7500