Principal's Message

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Hola Tigres!
February has already been an exciting month! Last Thursday, we had a successful Career Day. Thank you to all of our parents and community members who participated. Our students were fascinated and inspired by the presentations.
Please check out our upcoming events, and don't miss out on the fun we have planned for all of our Tigers!
Thank you for your continued support!
After School Care Opportunity
Dentals Screening
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a great time to promote the benefits of good oral hygiene. Dr. Stout and the San Luis Dental Society have volunteered to screen elementary school students in grades K—5 for obvious dental decay or visual oral concerns.
On February 24th Dr. Theron Stout, Dr. Lisa Lu Davis, and Dr. Melissa Styles
will be on screening at our school site. If you do not want your child to be screened please send a written letter opting out of the program this school year. Parents will be notified if obvious dental issues are observed. Please note this should not replace your child's regular dental visits.
PTO News
5th Grade Parents
Be sure to mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 19th at 5:30 for a Mandatory Parent Meeting in the GB Multipurpose Room.
A BIG ‘Thank You’ to AgWest and Paso Robles Education Alliance (PREA) for your generous donations to our 5th grade science camp!
Dad's Club Tri-Tip Dinner Coming Soon
Be on the lookout for your chance to purchase a whole tri-tip dinner to support our school, prepared by the Dad’s Club! Details coming soon!
Dancing with the Stars
Don’t forget to get your tickets to our school-wide dance — Dancing with the Stars on February 21st! We’ll have refreshments, prizes, and fun for the whole family! Scan the QR code to purchase tickets.
Are you able to sign up for a shift to help? Contact Rikki for more information 805-712-6215.
*this is a family and friends event, parent/guardian must remain with the child(ren) throughout the event. Non-GB friends and family are welcome.*
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 19th 5:30pm
*Mandatory 5th Grade Parent Meeting-GB Multipurpose Room
Wednesday, March 19th 5:30pm
GB Parent Teacher Organization meeting-GB Multipurpose Room
TK/Kinder Parent Orientation
I would like to inform you that enrollment packets for incoming TK and Kindergarten students are now available at the district office. Please ensure that you turn in your completed packets between February 3rd and February 21st.
Additionally, we have an upcoming TK/Kinder Parent Orientation that we encourage you to attend.
Spirit Wear, Attendance , and More...
Spirit Wear and Attendance Winners
Maestra Collin's class won for highest attendance rate this week. Keep up the great work kinder!
Volleyball Championship
Volleyball Championships are here!
Please read the following information carefully regarding our championship games:
When and where is it?
BOYS: Wednesday, February 12th, starting at 2:00 pm
GIRLS: Thursday, February 13th starting at 2:00 pm
*Due to the differing team structures at each school site, we are unable to organize separate championship matches specifically for 4th-grade athletes. However, 4th-grade athletes who are members of a 5th-grade team are allowed to participate in the championship matches, as their involvement is crucial for assembling a complete team at the 5th-grade level.
**5th-grade matches will take place in the Paso Robles High School practice gymnasium, 6th-grade matches in the PRHS Gil Asa gymnasium, and all final championship games will be held in the Gil Asa gymnasium.
How will my student get there and back?
Students will take the bus to Paso Robles High School. The bus will arrive on campus at 1:00 p.m., and students will be dismissed from class. There will NOT be a return bus to Georgia Brown. All athletes must be picked up at Gil Asa or the PRHS practice gymnasiums. Your child’s safety is our number one priority, and they MUST be signed out by their coach by a parent or guardian before leaving. Please let me know if your student will NOT be participating in championships this week!
What should my student bring?
Students should bring their Georgia Brown jerseys and a change of clothes to school if they will not be playing in what they are wearing that day. Students should bring a water bottle and athletic shoes. No hats are allowed to be worn during games. For safety reasons, students who are not wearing proper footwear will not be able to participate (No Crocs!). Students will be taking their backpacks on the bus, so be sure to have your kiddos keep track of their personal items.
*We have student-athletes with severe food allergies that can become life-threatening if they ingest or come into contact with certain foods. Our coaches are aware, and while we have a plan in place to minimize contact with food allergens, we kindly ask that student-athletes and spectators eat any food or snacks away from the volleyball courts. Hand sanitizer will also be made available. Thank you for your understanding!
How will the match look? How long will it be?
Our championship matches will be a single elimination bracket tournament beginning at 2:00 pm. Subsequent matches will begin immediately after the match prior to them has concluded. Each team will play a match of the best 2 out of 3 games. Games in a match are played to 25 points and must be won by 2 points. Rotations are made after the opposing team loses a serve. A server continues to serve until a rally is lost OR until the team scores three consecutive points with the same server, in which case they will rotate positions but keep possession of the ball. If a third game is needed, once one of the two teams reaches 12 points, the teams will swap sides and continue to play from the same spot in their rotation. This is not a time-out.
Spectator Guidelines:
It is the spectators responsibility to enjoy the game within the bounds of good sportsmanship. It is fun and exciting to watch any competitive sport and natural to cheer for your student/team. Good fans also recognize good play and hard work from either side. Please be respectful of our volunteer coaches, volunteer referees, and opposing schools. Games may be halted or concluded prematurely if spectators display disrespectful behavior or aggression towards coaches, athletes, or student referees, and they may be requested to exit the gym. Our main goal is to make sure the kids have a fun and enjoyable experience!
We also ask that spectators not play with volleyballs during the games. Our school has a limited supply of volleyballs, and some have already gone missing following the season’s matches. If you happen to find any volleyballs around the courts, please return them to a coach. We thank you for your cooperation!
What do I do with my jersey after the game?
Please wash all jerseys and return them to the office by Tuesday, February 19th! Jerseys are required for the upcoming Track and field season, so it's crucial that they are returned promptly. The replacement cost for lost or damaged jerseys is $30.
Questions, comments, concerns? Please feel free to reach out and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
Tiger Store
Our online Tiger Store is up and running. Please see the flyer below for more information.
Volunteer Packets
Please note that paper volunteer packets are no longer accepted. You can find the link in the weekly principal's newsletter. As a reminder, it is required that you upload your ID and TB results (TB tests are valid for 4 years). Additionally, fingerprints are required for participation in field trips and if you plan to volunteer in the classroom for 20 hours or more during the school year.
Once approved, the district office will contact you with instructions for picking up the paperwork needed for your fingerprints. Please do not call the DO, they will contact you.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your dedication to enriching our students' experiences!
Coming up...
- Culture, Climate, and Community Committee
- No School- Lincoln's Birthday
- No School- President's Day
- 5th Grade Parent Meeting @5:30 PM
- Dancing with the Stars PTO Family Dance
- Dental Screening
- New Kinder/TK Parent Orientation
- 8:30-Spanish
- 9:30-English
- DEAR Day
- End of Trimester 2