Hibberd Family Newsletter
December 2022
Welcome to the hectic holiday season!
We have lots of fun during the month of December, but it's also a month filled with stressors for our students and families. We will administer both NWEA and IReady this month along with many students presenting projects. Our support staff will be available if your student needs a reset, break, or just someone to talk to.
If your family is in need this holiday season (or ever), please reach out.
You'll notice on the calendar below that we are counting down to break with a theme each day. Fun is encouraged if your student would like to participate!
Please be aware that Friday, January 6th is an eLearning Day and students return January 9th.
As always, please email or call with anything you need,
Cassie Laudermilk
Principal and District High Ability Coordinator
First Washington, D.C Payment Due-8th Grade
Friday, Dec 2, 2022, 12:00 AM
Click the Video Below to Set Up Your Child's eWallet for the Book Fair
If you, a family member, or family friend are considered to be an "expert" in a field, profession, military experience, or hobby, please consider filling out or forwarding this survey to be added to our list.
For example, Mrs. Laudermilk's husband is a baseball fanatic and could be a resource for a student who is doing a presentation on baseball statistics/analysis. No topic is too narrow or too broad to be valuable to our students.
We are creating a bank of resources for students to talk with (email, phone call, etc.) as needed to assist with their presentations. Your information will not be shared outside of the building and will only be used on an individual basis to pair a student with an "expert." This is completely voluntary.
Hibberd KPTO
Hibberd Program Building
Email: cassandram@rcs.k12.in.us
Website: https://hibberd.werrichmond.com/
Location: 900 South L Street, Richmond, IN, USA
Phone: 765-973-3488
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hibberdprogrambuilding/
Twitter: @HibberdWildcats