Parent Newsletter #8: 9/20/24
Highlander News from the Principal's Office
About Piedmont High School
Website: https://phs.piedmont.k12.ca.us/
Location: 800 Magnolia Ave, Piedmont, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 594-2626
Instagram: @piedmonthigh
Parent Newsletter: Archives
2024-25 School Profile | Bell Schedule (Regular)
Road to Graduation | Yearbook Info
Principal: Dr. Yoshihara
Assistant Principal: Mr. Marik
From the Desk of Your Principal
Dear Highlander Families,
Homecoming week is coming to a close, and a shout out to all the staff and students who participated in the spirit as it played out this week. From minions, to rhyme without reason, to western day, and olympics; we capped with purple power! Homecoming was almost a month earlier this year so it required our ASB students and advisor to kick it into high gear quickly. They delivered.
We hope your children enjoyed all that was offered this week, culminating with the homecoming game and dance this Saturday.
PR 1 grades should be posted by the end of the day today. Please reach out to the school if you have any concerns/questions about grades.
Dr. Yoshihara
Important Dates
September 21: Homecoming Dance (7-9 pm). Tickets are available on the Infinite Campus store.
September 25: Shelter in Place Drill. No change in schedule.
September 26: Consent Assembly Parent Night (7-8 pm) in the Alan Harvey Theater. More information towards the end of this newsletter.
October 1: Boosters Meeting (7-9 pm) in the Student Center
October 5: Oktoberfest (3-9 pm)
Academy Schedule
Wednesday, September 25
Academic Support where students can tag their teacher for homework help, study support or assessment questions. Remind your child to tag a teacher in FlexiSched starting Tuesday morning at 8am.
Friday, September 27
Grades 9 and 12: Consent Assembly in the Alan Harvey Theater
Grades 10 and 11: PHS Counseling, MHS Homeroom
HOCO Final Details
Here are the final details regarding the Homecoming Dance:
- Dance will start at 7 pm at Bink's Gym
- All students will be breathalyzed prior to entrance
- This will start around 6:30 pm
- Students bringing a non-PHS/MHS student needs to fill out a guest pass
- Guest must also have a ticket
- Tickets are $25 and may be purchase through the Infinite Campus store (PHS ASB-->Homecoming Dance 2024) or at the gate
- Students must stay at the dance until 9 pm
- Students leaving earlier will require parent handoff (emergency situations only)
- No bags or purses will be allowed into the dance
- No heels allowed into the dance. This will damage the gym floor.
- This is currently the only dance open to all students, and all students are invited.
Homecoming Volunteers Still Needed
The ASB class is in need of parent volunteers to help with the homecoming dance on Saturday, September 21 from 7-9 pm at the Bink's gym. Volunteers will check tickets at the door, watch exits, and manage food (and drink) stations outside. They would like 3 to 4 parents from each grade to volunteer. Thanks in advance.
Maximizing Schoology
Your child will only see their Overdue Assignments on the Schoology “Home” page, which is the Recent Activity page. This is the page they land on when they click on the Schoology link from the Piedmont Links bookmark. They can always get back to that page by clicking the purple Piedmont Unified School District banner.
Please note, this page shows only the overdue assignments that required an electronic submission through Schoology. If the assignment did not include an electronic submission, it won’t show up here (since Schoology doesn’t know whether or not it was submitted). Those assignments will only be flagged in the Gradebook once the teacher flags it as “missing.” See video HERE.
Additionally, Schoology notification emails to parents are NOT automatically turned on. They must be turned on manually by parents. These notifications can be scheduled to come weekly or daily. How to do this is outlined in the PUSD Parent Guide for Schoology. Do consider the maturity and need for push notification schoolwork management of your child by you. You still have on-demand access to their Schoology account.
Highlander of the Week
- What quality(ies) best describes this student? Noah is incredibly creative at figuring things out. His ability to create and build is notable as shown in his volunteer work at the USS Hornet where he has been in charge of renovating airplanes. In class Noah is inquisitive in learning software to create architectural renderings and builds incredible architectural models of existing structures and original studies in architecture. A true STEAM person.
- How long have you known the student? Two years
- What is the most memorable event you have of this student?
Noah was in charge of placing the wallpaper across the entire set of The Play That Goes Wrong. He measured the area, told us how much wallpaper to buy, and then carefully crafted the process of putting wallpaper on the walls for many hours on a Saturday. The set looked great because of his work ethic and creative skills.
There are many more set stories. In the past two years, he has helped build the set of the PMS Musical, the PHS Musical and the PHS plays. He has designed elements, built structures, and he is currently creating an entire section of slides that will serve as the set of the fall play. He has been a vital voice in design and creation in the VAPA department for the past two years.
One more amazing thing is that when he was given the task of re-creating a Greek amphitheater, he spent weeks designing and meticulously crafting a scale replica at home that was more than 10 feet long. His amphitheater was a thing of beauty, and something that he wanted to do in that exceptional way just for fun. - How does this student Achieve the Honorable? Noah is always honest, works consistently to acquire technical skill, and takes responsibility for his own learning. Often working hard outside of class in the service of authentic curiosity unconnected to a grade. Noah creates work of great skill, holds his work to high standards, seeks out and responds to feedback well.
- If there was one word to describe this student, what would it be? Problem-solving-designer
- So far this year, what has been your most memorable experience? Me and two of my longtime friends met up in Oregon to hike and camp this summer.
- If you were to describe PHS to someone who is thinking about coming, what would you say to them? It's a tight knit school with a lot of teachers who are willing to help you at every corner.
- If you were in charge at PHS, what is one action you might take to make it better? I would put more focus onto getting more electives, maybe a film class like the middle school or a wood workshop class.
- If you could share one sentence with your parents/guardians, what would you say? Thank you for your constant support in helping me follow my passions.
- What is your favorite word? Honestly probably like Almond.
- What is your favorite song? Hard Choice but it's between Brown Eyed Women by The Grateful Dead and Acadian Driftwood by The Band.
- What is your favorite food? Pho
- Can you share a photo of something from your summer and why it is special to you? Of me painting a plane on the USS Hornet
Giving Campaign Launch – 9/24
The official launch of this year’s Giving Campaign will take place on Tuesday, September 24th. Be sure to join the celebrations at drop-off and the popsicle parties after school at Piedmont Park and Beach Elementary, generously sponsored by Mulberry’s Market! This year’s theme, "Supporting Their Journey," highlights the Piedmont community's critical role in guiding students throughout their educational journey. From TK through high school, the Giving Campaign helps ensure that Piedmont schools can continue to provide an exceptional education for every student.
Retake Pictures Are Ready
School pictures taken at PIEDMONT HIGH SCHOOL | MILLENNIUM HIGH SCHOOL on 09/11/2024 are now available for parents to view and order online.
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
Event Code: FE139424
AP Exam Ordering Information
If your student is planning to take an AP exam this spring, please follow the two step ordering process below. The deadline for ordering exams is Friday, November 8th. Exams cost $130 which covers instructional materials, testing materials, proctors, and other costs. Orders placed after November 8th will incur a CollegeBoard imposed $40 late fee.
Step 1 - Log-in to the Infinite Campus School Store and place an order for all exams your student plans to take.
Step 2 - Your student should log-in to their College Board account and indicate which exams should be ordered. Instructions on how to do this can be found here. If you do not complete this step for each exam, an exam will not be ordered! All students should have access to their teacher's AP course page. If students have questions about this, they should contact their teacher.
If you have questions on payment or ordering, please contact our registrar Darlene Low (dlow@piedmont.k12.ca.us)
Interested in taking an exam for a course we don't offer? - Please fill out the survey here. We may offer additional exams if enough students sign-up.
Possible Future Dance
We want to share with our Highlander families that in an effort to increase spirit, we are looking at the possibility of another school dance. This is still exploratory, but wanted to provide some early details:
- May be a frosh dance (limited to freshman and sophomores) as they only have one dance (HOCO) for the entire year. This also creates something special for just our underclassmen.
- May be off-site but nearby. This may increase costs due to facility rental but would allow students to perhaps dress up more (i.e. heels).
- May be on a weekday, possibly a Wednesday. Many DJs are booked months out for Saturday venues. Friday is already heavily reserved for our facilities, hence the Wednesday consideration.
- Time would be in the 5-8 pm or 6-9 pm time frame.
- Date would be semester one--probably late October to early December.
Please email if you have any questions or input on this topic.
National Merit Semifinalists
I wanted to share that not only are our students great on the sportsfield and in the classroom, some are amazing performers on nationally recognized exams. In this case, we have 8 students who qualify as national merit semifinalists based on their PSAT performance in their junior year.
Test takers who score in the top 1% of the PSAT become Semifinalists, a significant accomplishment. Each year the NMSC awards semifinalist status to around 16,000 high school students.
Here are our National Merit Semi-Finalists who may go on to compete for the scholarship and become a National Merit Finalist.
Maximo Detlefsen
Sophia Glass
Ellen Gudiksen
Aman Jajodia
Sabrina Olliphant
Ava Sauer
Aliana Tang
August (Gus) von Metzch
Highlander Hunt has started!
The "Highlander Hunt" began on Monday. The first item was found within the first hour so I was a little worried that it was too easy. The second hunt took a few days, but students were attuned to looking for it. The hunt will continue next week at various places throughout the campus.
It will start with the image in this snippet followed by the item being hidden. After 24-48 hours, if the item is not located, the image will be updated to provide more context as to its location. We will make attempts to provide bigger prizes as well that could include gift certificates and such. Feedback is always welcomed. Thanks all for participating.
PHS Musical Auditions
Auditions are happening now through September 24 for the musical comedy Once Upon A Mattress (rated PG) at the PUSD high schools. With music by Mary Rodgers, lyrics by Marshall Barer, and book by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller and Marshall Barer, Once Upon a Mattress is a comedic tweaking of the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea".
Virtual, pre-recorded audition submissions are due the week of Sept. 24. Callbacks are in person on Thursday, Sept. 26. All students enrolled in Piedmont High School or Millennium High School are invited to audition. Click Here for Once Upon a Mattress Audition & Stage Crew Information.
Performances are Thursday, January 30, 7:00pm, Friday, January 31, 7:00pm, Saturday, February 1, 7:00pm and Sunday, February 2 (Sunday performance time to be announced).
All musicals are performed in the Alan Harvey Theater on the PHS campus.
Contact amoorhead@piedmont.k12.ca.us with any questions.
Consent Assembly Parent Communication
Dear Parents/Guardians of Freshmen and Senior Students of PHS and MHS,
All community members are invited to Piedmont's Alan Harvey Theater on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 p.m. to preview the annual Consent Assembly, which will be performed for all Freshmen and Senior students during the Academy period on Friday, September 27.
The assembly has been an important part of Piedmont’s Consent Education for the past 15 years. It features dramatic presentations of Piedmont students’ real accounts of navigating consent and sexual harm. The assembly fosters empathy and critical thinking by showing a variety of perspectives from students – from survivor to perpetrator to bystander. It also promotes a culture of inclusion by exploring various kinds of relationships and inspires students to embrace the values of affirmative consent, allyship, and communication. The assembly culminates in an educational component for students on the meaning and practice of consent.
While the assembly is an important part of consent education, it also evokes emotions for survivors of sexual harm. Please know that counselors will be available before, during, and after the assembly. The Wellness Center will also be open for anyone who needs a safe space.
Parents may excuse their child from the assembly in accordance with Educational Code 51938-39. If you would like your child excused from seeing the assembly on Friday, September 27, please email me at ktaylor@piedmont.k12.ca.us.
We hope to see you at the preview event on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00p.m. Your partnership is vital as we all work together to create a safer community.
Thank you for your support.
Choral Coming to PHS: Update
La Nell Martin is an Oakland, CA native who has taught grade levels K through 12 in the Bay Area for 30 years in private and public schools. She holds a B.A. in Voice from California State University East Bay (Hayward, CA), an M.A. in Music Education from San Jose State University (San Jose, CA), and a Level One Certificate in Kodaly from Holy Names University. La Nell is the Artistic Director for the Oakland Youth Chorus (Oakland, CA) and Director of Youth Programs at the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir (Oakland, CA). She served as pianist and choir director for the Bethany Baptist Church (Oakland, CA) for over 20 years. La Nell was an Adjunct Professor at Holy Names University for two years. Currently, she is the Supervisor for Student Teachers at San Jose State University. La Nell served four years on the California Choral Directors Association (CCDA) board as the Resource and Representative to the Children and Youth Community Choir. She now looks forward to working on the board as a Youth and Children's Choir Committee member. La Nell believes exposing young people to singing music from different cultures inspires tolerance in our communities. It allows young singers to build self-respect for their own culture and identity and respect for the world.
Highlander Clubs
Yes, we have a few clubs at PHS. Actually, we have a lot of clubs. If your child is interested in a club at PHS, please have them reach out to the advisor listed in the link below. Most clubs should be actively meeting. General club questions may be directed to our ASB Director, Ms. Adams. Thank you.
Time to Buy Oktoberfest Tickets - Early Bird Pricing Ends Tuesday
It's Time! This is the last weekend for Early Bird ticket pricing for the 4th Annual Piedmont Oktoberfest, being held for the first time on a Saturday Night! Prices go up next Tuesday. Don't wait, buy today!
Buy Today to help us plan! With our new Saturday Night format, we are expecting our biggest crowd ever at this year's Piedmont Oktoberfest!
27+ Craft Beers
Wente Wine Grotto
Specialty Ciders
Corralito's Hand-Made Artisan Sausages
Awesome German Pretzels
Authentic German Music
VIP $200 / GEN $65
Thanks to our sponsors, Every Penny of Every Ticket Sold funds Piedmont High Athletes!
The Biggest Oktoberfest in Piedmont!
Perfect For Date Night + Invite Neighbors & Friends!
Can't Make the Event? Sponsor a Teacher or Coach!
BUY TICKETS HERE: https://piedmontoktoberfest.square.site/
The Piedmont Oktoberfest is the largest annual fundraiser for the Piedmont High Boosters Club. All funds raised support Piedmont's exceptional athletes!
College & Career
Read last week's C&CC newsletter
Visit the C&CC web pages to schedule an appointments with Ms. M-L, access college or career resources or view the college visits schedule.
The following colleges will be visiting next week:
Senior Letters of Recommendation: Please connect soon with your counselor for your school report/ letter of recommendation for your colleges if needed. For counselors, we need you to have your college application list in Naviance under "Colleges I am thinking About" and do the senior brag survey. Your counselors and teachers need at least 4 weeks notice before your college application deadlines to prepare.
Thanks & Appreciations
A special thank you to Gail Lombardi of the Piedmont Historical Society for all the rich history about the early days of Piedmont High.
Shout outs to Nairobi and Sally--talk about stepping up their game. The last minute support of ASB for the homecoming rally really meant a lot. Thanks for always being there and doing Whatever It Takes!
Our appreciation to Officer Diaz with Piedmont PD. He has been very supportive of our school. From helping with code enforcement to restorative conversations with our students, he has delivered a high level of customer service. Thank you!
Highlander Trivia
It was great to see so many students participate in last weeks Highlander Trivia. This question is a bit nuanced. The most common answer was 102.
First off, the question: This coming year (2025) will be what graduating class of Piedmont High School (e.g. 51 would represent the 51st graduating class)?
Some history now:
August 1920: The first high school students formed the low ninth grade and met in temporary buildings in Piedmont Park.
Fall 1921: The high school students (who were attending class at Oakland High School) joined the younger students in classrooms in temporary buildings in Piedmont Park.
The original Piedmont High School building was completed and dedicated on June 4, 1922, and the first class of students graduated that year.
The new Junior High School building was completed in 1924, and eased the crowding in the high school.
So if you consider the first class as June 1922 (only upperclassmen at this time), this coming year will be the 104th class.
If you consider the first freshman class forming in August 1920, they would have graduated in June 2024. That would make this coming year the 102nd class.
[Historical information verified by Gail Lombardi, Chair of the Piedmont Historical Society]
So the winners will be: Theo Ferguson (first to guess 104) and Kim De Young (first to guess 102). If Theo and Amy (or her child) would like to claim their prize, please report to the principal's office.