Preschool Family Handbook

Early Childhood Education Family Handbook 2025/26
Welcome To The Douglas County School District Early Childhood Department
Dear DCSD Families,
Welcome to the Douglas County School District! We sincerely appreciate you for choosing our Early Childhood Education program on behalf of your child.
Our staff is preparing for another excellent school year. We understand that in
these new times of Universal PreKindergarten (UPK), also known as Universal
Preschool, the decision to send your child to a preschool program can be a
difficult one to navigate. We look forward to forging a productive partnership with you on behalf of supporting all children to make strides in their development and school readiness, given their individual and unique needs.
We recognize that in order to be successful, our children need support from both the home and school. We know that a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education and future outcomes. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.
The information presented in this handbook is intended to help you be an
informed member of the Douglas County Early Childhood community. We know that family and community involvement, along with ongoing communication, is crucial to the success and well-being of your child.
We thank you in advance for your support and look forward to meeting you. If
there is anything we can do to support you throughout the year, please feel free
to contact our classroom or central office staff anytime during the school year.
Lisa g
Lisa Graham, NBCT, MA
Director, Early Childhood Education
Office: 303.387.0806
Our History
During the early 1970’s, public schools were mandated to develop a “Child Find” process which would provide free screening and evaluation services for children from birth to 21 years of age. The purpose of including children from birth to 5 years in this mandate was to identify developmental concerns early so parents of preschoolers could access support for their children before they started public school.
In 1979, Douglas County began a preschool program to meet the needs of 3 and 4 year olds identified with developmental delays. The program meets all requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The program was successful in meeting the individualized needs of the children as well as providing a high quality preschool education. Many families requested a high quality preschool experience for their typical children. Positive benefits were noted by both parents and staff when all children were included and educated together. In 1991, the department expanded the program to include community preschoolers on a space available basis, supported by community student tuition. Through an inclusive preschool setting, the learning needs of all children are met in the most respectful and positive way.
Nondiscrimination Notice
In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, the Douglas County School District RE-1 does not unlawfully discriminate against otherwise qualified students, employees, applicants for employment, or members of the public on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services. Discrimination against employees and applicants for employment based on age, genetic information, and conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth is also prohibited in accordance with state and/or federal law. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. The School District’s Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator to address complaints alleging sexual harassment under Title IX is Aaron Henderson, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado,, 720-433-1083.
Classroom Staff
Each preschool classroom is staffed with a general education teacher, Early Childhood Instructor (ECI) or Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) and a Special Education Assistant (EA IV). Our transdisciplinary model philosophy also includes variable classroom support services from an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSE), Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), Occupational Therapist (OT), and when needed, a Physical Therapist (PT). Indirect services are provided by Early Childhood Social Worker (SW), and Psychologist (Psych).
The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) child ratios for Preschool Aged Children (3-5) years are a 1:10 ratio/max capacity of 20 children. Our programs align to the ratios and capacities based upon the recommendation set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) which is a 1:8 ratio with a maximum capacity of 16 total students.
Professional Expectations
In an effort to avoid potential conflicts of interest, please be aware that preschool staff are not at liberty to provide private therapy, tutoring, babysitting or childcare services for current or former preschool students, in alignment with DCSD Board Policy
The ECE program offers coaching and mentoring opportunities to our programs. In addition to coaching support, our programs are also able to utilize coaching through the local Douglas County Early Childhood Council.
Continuing Education
Our programs are required by CDHS to receive 15 hours of continuing education yearly. These trainings must include the following competencies:
Child Growth, Development and Learning
Child Observation and Assessment
Family and Community Partnerships
Health, Safety and Nutrition
Professional Development and Leadership
Program Planning and Development
Teaching Practice
Staff attend training on District Professional Development days, as well as on multiple Fridays when Preschool is not in session for children. Educators who have completed zero training hours over their career because they are new to the field may need to complete more than 15 training hours within 12 months to satisfy both Licensing and Universal Preschool requirements, depending on their position within the Universal Preschool program (because Universal Preschool requirements are different for lead educators and administrators compared with other educators). Guidance and templates will be available via the Resource Bank to assist educators in reviewing their training records to determine which of the Universal Preschool professional development requirements have already been met.
Family and Community Partnerships
Visitor Policy
In compliance with CDHS, is it required that all visitors to our preschool classrooms sign in and out on the sheet provided in the classroom. In addition, please follow the visitor’s policy outlined by each school building. Private providers who want to observe in the classroom must follow district policy. Parents who want private providers to observe in preschool must adhere to the district visitor policy.
Observation/Parent Volunteers
If you are interested in observing the classroom or volunteering your time in the classroom, please contact the classroom teacher or team directly. In communicating with the teacher, you may find that some volunteer opportunities can be completed outside the classroom. Preschool teams and families must adhere to the board policy that outlines visits to the classroom which states that visits are encouraged and allowed as long as such visits do not disrupt school operations or interfere with the educational process. For more information regarding these policies, or to complete an application to volunteer in our preschool programs please access any of these links:
Superintendent and BOE Policies Regarding Volunteering in Schools
Family Participation Days
Each Preschool Program will offer at least two (2) Family Participation Days each school year. These days will consist of parents/guardians coming into the classroom while classroom staff will have a learning focus that will be shared with parents. You will be able to engage with your children, see how we focus on an area of development and leave with some tips and tools to try at home to further develop these skills. Throughout the year, classrooms will share information on potential parent training being offered throughout the Douglas County community.
DCSD ECE acknowledges that families are a child’s first and most important teacher and strives to engage in meaningful participation with families throughout the year on behalf of implementing our culturally and linguistically inclusive instructional practices. Communication between home and school is an important component of our program. Each preschool classroom has a communication board for postings related to lesson plans, newsletters, etc. Additionally, classrooms send email updates on a regular basis. Please be sure to read all notes as we often ask for children to bring in items for special days. Your preschool team will inform you of how communication will be shared. In addition, communication and partnership is furthered during the beginning of the year, fall, and spring and end of year Family/Teacher Conferences. At any point in time, feel free to email your classroom teacher with questions and concerns. Please note that teachers have limited time before and after class. In order to provide individualized attention and maintain confidentiality, please feel free to request a conference time.
Tracking Devices
We understand that as a family it is your right and responsibility to determine how to best keep your child safe at home and while in the community. We also understand that this may mean you have chosen to send your child to school with a wearable tracking device (eg air tag, smart watch, etc.).
Please know that we are not asking that you remove this device or that we are prohibiting its use while on school property. We are, however, requesting that you only access the tracking use (including auditory functions) of these devices in cases of an actual emergency and not during regular school hours while your child is in their preschool classroom. This is to ensure the protection of the other students’ rights to privacy and confidentiality while in this instructional setting.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s participation in classroom activities please reach out to your child’s teacher or specialist via telephone or email. You are also welcome to request a meeting to discuss your child’s needs at any time. Our ECE staff would be happy to schedule a meeting with you at a mutually convenient time to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Ready Rosie
Two-way communication is also provided via the Ready Rosie component of our Creative Curriculum. Our ECE program understands that building strong relationships with families and enhancing learning connections between school and home is a powerful tool to support students’ growth and development. “ReadyRosie, an evidence-informed, research-based family engagement resource and parenting curriculum that is uniquely content-driven and informed by seven essentials for transformative family partnerships, has been shown to have positive impacts on family behaviors and child outcomes.” More information on this tool can be found here:
Interpreters and Translation Services
Interpreters are available, in person or over the phone, and are available for public school related events, parent meetings, student conferences, Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings, etc. Interpretation services are provided at no cost to families. Translation requests can be made to your preschool team. Please consider turnaround time when requesting translation of materials.
Child Find
Child Find provides free developmental screening and evaluation services for children age 3-5 years for residents of Douglas County. Children aged birth - 3 who are identified as eligible for services may receive an evaluation and intervention services, if eligible, in their home through Developmental Pathways. Children aged 3-5 who are identified with delays in one or more of the following areas: physical, cognitive, communication, social or emotional, or adaptive may receive intervention services through the district preschool programs. If your child is already enrolled in a DCSD preschool program, please reach out to your child’s classroom staff for more information about the referral process. They will share with you if they have any concerns regarding your child’s classroom performance or development. For more information regarding Child Find please access the website via this link or call 720.433.0020.
Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the rights of individuals with disabilities to participate in programs and to avoid discrimination. In DCSD’s Early Childhood Education Department, Section 504 is a program that is administered within the context of the preschool general education program. Staff members and parents work cooperatively to determine Section 504 eligibility and, if found eligible, to develop a Section 504 Plan that will help the student access the educational program and activities in preschool.
If your child is currently enrolled in a DCSD preschool program and you believe they may be eligible for a section 504 plan due to a health concern or physical or mental impairment, please contact your preschool team to determine your site’s Section 504 Coordinator. If your child is not currently enrolled in a DCSD preschool and you have questions regarding Section 504, please contact Annika Barton at 303-387-0803.
Health and Development Community Resources
For child care, child welfare, adult protection, financial, food or medical programs, and Neighbor Network, please contact the Douglas County Department of Human Services (DCHS) at 303.688.4825. Staff are trained on community resource referral procedures.
Community Resource Bank - below are some community resources available for families:
- AllHealth Network: AllHealth Network - Provides behavioral health and mental health services for children and adults including outpatient counseling.
Colorado Access - Access to information on healthcare benefits and providers.
Colorado PEAK - To assist students and their families with Medicaid enrollment please contact Tri-County Health @ 303-363-3013 or visit Colorado Peak.
Doctors Care: Offers affordable health care services for ages newborn to 50. Accepts Medicaid, CHP+ and self-pay/uninsured patients. Provides services including primary care, well-child visits, physical examinations and immunizations.
Douglas County Health Department (DCHD) - Services include, nutrition services, birth and death certificates, healthy workplace, and emergency preparedness and response. DCHD offers assistance with food, toiletries, housing, clothing. Clients receive one-on-one assistance providing quality screening, service delivery and meaningful referrals for clients with financial hardship. The Health Department can offer assistance in finding low or no cost immunizations for DC residents. Please contact the HD at 7206432400 or for more information. Community Resource Guide HERE.
WIC: The WIC program (Women, Infants and Children) is a nutrition program for pregnant women and families with kids under 5. WIC offers free healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support and community/medical referrals. Unfortunately enrollment in WIC in Douglas County is low (Only 37% of those eligible are participating). You can sign up or refer families to WIC using the online referral form Click HERE for a flier.
Douglas County KeepSafe Connections-Helpers in Your Community: Comprehensive list of community resources
PASCO - Provides home health care services and supports so that every person may live a fulfilled life in their home and community regardless of disability.
McKinney Vento (Homeless) Services
DCSD offers support resources and services on behalf of our students and families who may experience homelessness. For more information please visit the District website via this link or contact the McKinney Vento Services Coordinator at: or 303.387.0142.
Mental Health Support Services and Resources
DCSD is committed to providing a physically and psychologically safe learning environment for all learners. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and development is a key component of our educational environment in ECE. More information regarding the availability of District level Mental Health Support Services and Resources can be found HERE and on the District website via this link. For more information on how your child may be able to access necessary support services please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher or support providers.
Douglas County Early Childhood Council (DCECC)
The ECE department is always looking for interested parents to partner on the Douglas County Early Childhood Council. If you are interested in finding out more about this and how you can be an active participant in Early Childhood Education in Douglas County, please access the website linked above for more information.
Douglas County Special Education Advisory Committee (DCSEAC)
The Douglas County Special Education Advisory Committee is composed of parents of students with disabilities, and district staff who share a common interest in quality education for students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). If you would like more information about DCSEAC, please access the website linked above for more information.
Family Support Resources
Family Support Resources
Information regarding additional family support resources can be found on the District website via this link.
Some of the resources available include:
Transition into Preschool
Before a student starts in one of our programs, teachers will offer a Getting To Know You Conference and/or an Orientation session. This is an opportunity for the classroom staff to learn more about your family. Procedures specific to each classroom, and any additional needed forms, will be provided to you and may be completed at this time. This can be a sensitive, sometimes difficult, yet exciting time for families and students. A link to an article on how to help ease the transition from home to school is here: Ease Your Child's Preschool Separation.
Classroom teachers are also a great resource for if you feel that you or your child may struggle with this big step! It is the program’s goal to keep an open line of communication about how the first few weeks of school are going for your whole family. Please feel free to reach out if you would like additional information on how to help support your child’s transition into preschool from their prior environment.
Transition from Preschool to Kindergarten
Transition to Kindergarten is an ongoing process occurring throughout the year. Kindergarten enrollment occurs at each Douglas County School and through the district application and DCSD School Choice Process. District-wide events related to enrollment in Kindergarten and school choice are broadly advertised and posted on the district website and via this link.
Site-based information sharing events occur in November, December, and January and may include: parent information meetings, preschool to kindergarten transition nights, school tours, kindergarten visits, kindergarten buddies and individualized strategies, as appropriate. All families are encouraged to participate as an active team member in their child’s transition to kindergarten. It is another exciting milestone for your child!
Potty Training Transitions
Please inform, or set up a meeting with the preschool staff, about your child’s toileting or self-care needs. This discussion may likely happen at the Getting To Know You Conference, however we know that all children develop at a different pace. If your child is not ready for potty training when you meet for the original conference time please feel free to reach out when you believe your child is demonstrating readiness for this process. Preschool staff, within reason, will support toilet training strategies already used at home in which your child has demonstrated some readiness, success, and consistency. Preschool staff will not be able to support strategies that might negatively impact or disrupt the learning environment or safety & hygiene of others.
Conferences will be held three times a year, or more frequently, as needed. Each preschool site will schedule their own conferences. The teaching staff will inform you of the dates and times available.
Family Feedback Survey
Each year, families will receive a feedback survey from our department. The department will use a rating scale to gather information in regards to program satisfaction and will also ask for suggestions and feedback. The department will compile the results of the survey and feedback in a newsletter that will be shared on the district website. Also included in this communication will be any changes that may occur as a result of family feedback.
In addition, many of our programs are moving forward in Colorado Shines 3-5 Quality Rating. In this process, parents will also receive an outside survey in regards to our programming.
Leadership, Administration and Registration
Feedback and ECE Flow of Communication
Once you have spoken with your preschool team, should you need more information, please feel free to reach out to an ECE Coordinator, or the ECE Director, with any feedback or questions about DCSD Child Find or ECE sites and teams.
Lisa Graham, Director of Early Childhood Education 303.387.0806
Annika Barton, Assistant Director, including Child Find 303.387.0803
Leigh Quintana, ECE Coordinator - Highlands Ranch Region 303.387.0832
Wendy Klein, ECE Coordinator - Parker Region 303.387.0821
Eric Elmore, ECE Coordinator - Castle Rock Region 720.877.2297
Quality Improvement Plan
Each year the ECE leadership team works together to create our Quality Improvement Plan for the Early Childhood Department. This plan is based on input collected from staff surveys, parent surveys, licensing rules and regulations, Colorado Shines, self assessments, student learning and growth data, and best practices in Early Childhood Education. Quality Improvement Plans, and any subsequent updates of the plan, are shared with families through the district website and newsletters from classroom staff.
Preschool Licensing
All of the classrooms are licensed through the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS). For additional information regarding licensing, please feel free to contact the Colorado Department of Early Childhood at 303.866.5958.
To File a Complaint and/or Report Violations
The following information is posted in each classroom:
Call 911 immediately if you witness a child in a life-threatening situation.
Call 1-844-CO-4-Kids (1-844-264-5437) to report any concerns of child abuse and neglect.
For instructions on filing a complaint on a licensed or unlicensed child care provider, visit this website:
The Douglas County Preschool Program welcomes all children in our community. Registration opens each school year, generally in January/February, and applications are accepted any time throughout the year. Children must be at least 3 years old during the current school year to attend preschool. For additional information, please visit the District website via this link or call the Preschool Information Line at 720.433.0025.
Universal PreKindergarten (UPK)
Universal PreKindergarten (UPK), also known as Universal Preschool Program (UPP), offers free preschool for a portion of your child’s school day. Douglas County School District offers UPK for all age-eligible children. To be eligible for UPK, your child must be four (4) years old by October 1, 2025 or three (3) years old if they meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
Child is identified as low-income (270% of 2023 Federal Poverty Guidelines)
Child is an English Language or Dual Language Learner (ELL/DLL)
Child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Child is currently in foster care or in non-certified kinship care
Child is identified as homeless
Douglas County School District Early Childhood Education (ECE) department offers primarily half day (15 hours/week) placements and limited full day (30 hours/week) placements through the Before and After School Enterprise (BASE) program as well as through ECE. It is important to note that the full day options offered through BASE are not associated with the ECE program at all.
UPK is coordinated by a Local Coordinating Organization (LCO) through the Douglas County Early Childhood Council (DCECC), which is overseen by the Douglas County Health Board. For more information on UPK please visit the DCECC website at:
Tuition and Fees
for three (3) year olds who do not meet other eligibility criteria, tuition is based on 36 weeks of preschool, with the fee divided into nine (9) monthly payments, starting in August and ending in April. Fall, Winter, and Spring breaks are not included in the 36 weeks of preschool. Tuition covers only those weeks school is in session. You are still responsible for paying tuition if your child misses school for vacation, illness, or is withdrawn from the program within a given month. Additionally, we do not refund tuition due to inclement weather, district emergency closures or building maintenance issues.
Tuition is due on the 1st of the month from August through April. If payment is not received by the 15th of the next month a $15.00 late fee will be assessed. Termination from the preschool program may occur following two months of non-payment of tuition. Notice of termination will be in writing. The tuition account will then be turned over to a collection agency. Accounts must be current to pre-register for the following school year. Checks returned from the bank will be assessed a $35.00 charge.
All tuition is processed through the My School Bucks (MSB) portal. Please note that you must create a MSB account specifically for Early Childhood Education as it is not linked to any other MSB account you may have for another child. If you have a question or need assistance in regards to tuition please contact Annie Cannon 720.433.1187.
Tuition-Based Programs for three (3) year olds (only)
ECE offers the following enrollment options for tuition-paying students:
Two-days a week (Monday/Wednesday OR Tuesday/Thursday)
Cost: 170.00/per month
Four-days a week (Monday thru Thursday)
Cost: 340.00/per month
Non-Refundable Registration Fee
Cost: 100.00/per school year. This registration fee will be assessed for any family registering for the 2024-25 school year.
Special Education Program
Preschool aged students who have been found eligible to receive special education services (IEP) typically receive their services in one of our preschool classrooms. There is no tuition associated with attendance as long as the child continues to require special education services. Special Education funding is provided to students who are enrolled in a qualified UPK program.
Collection of Money (other than tuition)
Money collected in class, for things such as class pictures, optional donations for in-class field trips, ECE spirit wear, fundraising, etc. should be brought in a sealed envelope, and labeled with the purpose for the money. Checks should be made out to DCSD Preschool or directly to the vendor, never to an individual district employee.
Withdrawing from the Program
If at any time you wish to withdraw your child from the preschool program, a two week written notice is required. Please inform your child’s teacher and the Early Childhood Education central office staff (ECC South or ECC North), so the appropriate paperwork can be submitted. When contacting either ECE Center, please include your child’s name, preschool location, effective date and the reason for the withdrawal. Annual registration fees are nonrefundable.
Regular attendance is crucial to ensuring the continued educational and developmental progress of your child. If your child does not attend class for eight (8) consecutive school days (for 3 year olds in the AM session) or ten (10) consecutive school days (for 4 year olds in the PM session), which is generally 15 calendar days, due to any non-medical reason, your child may be automatically unenrolled and you will need to re-enroll your child before they may return to class. At the time of re-enrollment, your child’s placement may change. Please note that you will not have the option to continue to pay tuition for your child to “hold” their placement during this extended absence for any reason. If the absence is due to a medical reason, please communicate with your classroom staff. Staff may request a doctor’s note to return to school if your child has been absent for an extended period of time for a medical reason.
Douglas County School District preschool provides transportation on a limited basis given individual eligibility factors. Families should work with their preschool team concerning transportation. Transportation uses the SMART Tag system for families to be able to track their child on their bus route. Please review this document for more important information regarding the SMART Tag Parent App. Parent App Video.
Classroom Policies, Environment, Curriculum and Assessment
Colorado Shines
Supporting Quality Early Care and Learning Programs
Colorado Shines is the quality rating and improvement system for all of Colorado’s licensed early care and learning programs serving children ages 0-5.
Colorado Shines exists to:
Rate the quality of Colorado’s licensed child care and preschool programs
Help programs continue to improve the quality of services they provide
Show families a program is committed to quality
Colorado Shines is a free resource for programs, early childhood professionals and families. All DCSD programs are a Level 3 Rated Program. Part of our Quality Improvement Plan is to advance our programs through the 3-5 Rating System.
Creative Curriculum
Our ECE programs use the Creative Curriculum from Teaching Strategies as our comprehensive preschool curriculum. More information regarding this program can be found at: This curriculum aligns with Colorado’s Academic Standards and Early Learning and Development Guidelines; uses assessment findings for instructional decision-making; is culturally and developmentally appropriate (play-based); and is inclusive and appropriate for the diverse needs of individual learners (ex: dual language learners). More information on the research behind the Creative Curriculum can be found here:
Early Learning from Second Step
Our ECE program uses the Early Learning from Second Step as our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program for students. More information regarding this program can be found at:
Handwriting Without Tears
which provides explicit instruction as well as guided practice for students to practice fine motor skills to develop their handwriting automaticity. This tool provides multisensory support to engage students via visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities. More information on this tool can be found here:
which provides foundational skills via explicit phonics instruction and phonemic awareness lessons for a comprehensive approach to early literacy instruction. More information can be found here:
Our ECE program uses the Brigance Early Childhood Screen III to support students’ overall development by screening for key predictors of school success, identifying potential delays and giftedness. More information can be found here:
Our ECE program uses Teaching Strategies GOLD as our ongoing assessment tool for preschool. More information regarding this program can be found at: This assessment aligns with our curriculum, in that assessment findings are used to inform instructional decision-making. This assessment satisfies the state requirement for Results Matter Accountability. More information on that can be found here:
Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales (ECERS)
DCSD ECE Programs use the ECERS-3 tool to serve as a quality measuring guide for our programs. This tool is part of the rating process in advancing through the Colorado Shines 3-5 Rating System. It is also used as a universal measure of quality in Early Childhood Programming. We encourage you to ask your classroom their score they received and/or sites are encouraged to post their results on their parent board and in their communications.
Continuity of Care
Children that start in our program when they are three years old will attend the morning session of the school of their assignment. The following school year, when they turn four, students will move to the afternoon session (if families choose to re-enroll in the same location) which is staffed by the same individuals as they had the year before, as long as no other unforeseen circumstances occur ie: staff moving out of district or to another area in the district, career advancement, going back to school, etc.
Field Trips
Your child may have the opportunity to participate in walking and in-house field trips to supplement learning. In order to conduct walking field trips, parent permission forms must be sent, signed, and returned. When taking the walking field trip, staff will carry:
1. Emergency cards
2. Student medications, first aid supplies
3. Field trip permission forms
4. At least one form of remote communication (i.e. cell phone, walkie-talkie, etc.)
The school building office must be informed of the field trip plan, including a contact phone number of at least one of the preschool staff members. If a child arrives late for a field trip, a sign will be posted and the parent will be responsible for either getting the child/children to the location or deciding not to attend. In-house “field trips” are a recommended process to enrich learning and there may be an opportunity for families to provide a donation to cover expenses.
Arrival and Departure
The preschool hours are set by each school site and, in general, are aligned to the elementary school where they are housed. It is required by CDHS regulations to sign your child in and out of the ECE program daily. Children will not be allowed to leave the classroom by themselves. ECE staff will share with you the drop off and pick up procedures for your specific site. Children may be picked up by an individual 16 years and older, other than parents who are authorized (written, signed & dated consent), to do so. Picture ID may be required at pick up time. You may make changes to the list of authorized individuals to drop off or pick up your child at any time.
Please note - It is critical for your child to be picked up from preschool on time. When a child is left at school after pick up the teacher will contact the parents/guardians. At 15 minutes, the teacher will contact the emergency numbers provided. If no one can be reached, the teacher will wait an additional 15 minutes and try to contact the emergency numbers again. If no one can be contacted at that time, law enforcement and DCHS will be called. After the 3rd incident of late pick up, your child may no longer be eligible to continue in the program.
Closing Procedure
ECE staff will ensure that each child has been signed out by an authorized individual. The sign-in/out book must be checked, counted, and compared with the attendance sheet daily. Student headcount is performed each time students exit or return to the classroom. Rooms must be checked by adult personnel, lights turned off, and the room locked, if required by building procedures.
Hot Weather/Cold Weather
Please send your child to school prepared for the weather. It is best practice for all children to have access to at least 20 minutes of vigorous outdoor play (in a program of 2 hours 45 minutes). Exceptions to this outdoor play time could include:
If the temperature does not fall within the acceptable range (20 degrees minimum and 90 degrees maximum), considering humidity, wind chill, and shade.
Active precipitation (e.g. rain or snow) this is no longer accurate, public warnings for extremely hot or cold conditions, or public service announcements that advise people to stay indoors due to high levels of pollution.
Part Day Programming Sunscreen Policy
Per CDEC regulations, you must sign a sunscreen acknowledgment at the time of registration. This acknowledgment states that you will put sunscreen on your child 15 minutes prior to their arrival at preschool and/or you will provide other sun protecting items for your child such as hats, long sleeves, sunglasses, etc. In addition, you must confirm this information on the drop-off attendance log daily.
Please note that ECE staff may not apply sunscreen to children. Additionally, ECE staff may not be held liable for any sunburns or skin damage that might occur during the course of the preschool day.
Cold Weather Tips
Students will go outside in the snow if the temperature is above 20 degrees, considering wind chill. Please make sure your child has appropriate attire for outside during cold weather. A coat, boots, gloves/mittens, and a hat are recommended. If your child is wearing snow boots, please send an extra set of closed-toe shoes/tennis shoes to wear in the classroom. Availability of extra clothing is limited.
Delayed Start and School Closure for Inclement Weather
Severe weather and/or road conditions may cause school closings. Families are asked to listen to the radio, TV, or visit the district website for more information via the Inclement Weather Notification Information District website.
Note - If the district is on a “delayed start,” all AM preschool sessions will be canceled. The afternoon sessions will begin and end at their regularly scheduled times. There are no tuition reimbursements or “make-up” days for these events.
Please send your child to school in sturdy, washable clothing that your child is comfortable wearing. Tennis shoes are the preferred footwear for school. Please make sure to send a complete weather-appropriate change of clothing for your child (shirt, socks, underwear/pull-ups/diapers/wipes, and pants) in your child’s backpack. Label all clothing with your child’s name. Availability of extra clothing is limited.
School Bags/Backpacks
Please send a school bag or backpack with your child daily in order to send artwork and notes back and forth. The backpack should be large enough to store an extra set of clothing, snacks and your child’s school work. Per CDHS licensing requirements, as well as quality improvement standards, children will be required to place their coats inside their backpacks if your child attends a site where sharing cubbies with other students is required. If you require assistance purchasing a backpack for your child please reach out to one of our ECE Central Office locations for resources.
Toy Weapons
All toys, materials and equipment used at the school have been purchased to enrich the program. We encourage children to not bring toys to school, unless there is a specific “Show and Share” activity in class. Mechanical toys, guns, toy weapons or any other war type toys are not permitted at school at any time. Play and language that represents weapons, violence and killing is not permitted in our programs. Please see Board Policy for more information on this topic.
One of the primary goals of your child’s program is to teach socially appropriate behaviors. ECE social skills curriculum teaches emotional literacy, sharing, waiting, listening, self regulation, anger management, conflict resolution, problem solving and making friends. In order to help to provide a high quality, nurturing environment, ECE staff are trained in positive behavioral supports and how to encourage children to develop and use appropriate behaviors.
All children are entitled to a safe and healthy environment. If there is a situation in which health and safety (physical or psychological) concerns arise, the child’s parent/guardian and ECE team will meet to develop a plan that addresses these concerns. ECE utilizes an Integrated Multi-Tiered System of Supports (IMTSS), to provide differentiated and individualized support to help each student learn, including the ability to engage with the environment and others in a safe manner.
If a student is making minimal or no progress related to the above-mentioned strategies, and/or jeopardizes the safety and learning of themselves or others, this may warrant the need for a new or revised individualized plan and differentiated responses developed by the ECE team and parent/guardian.
In an emergency or urgent situation (i.e. a perceived threat to persons or property or extreme and ongoing disruption to the learning of others) the parent/guardian may be called to pick-up their child. If students engage in play that is threatening or make threats of harm to self or others, the classroom and other relevant staff will address this with the student and parent/guardian and an administrator may follow up, in adherence with district policy, Board Policy JIC/JICDA
Child Health and Safety
General Health Statement
Per CDHS regulations, health information records are required for all children. All children must submit a dated statement of the child's health status, signed by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner who has seen the child within the last twelve months. This is the ‘General Health Appraisal’ form which is uploaded into the OnLine Registration (OLR) System. Please note that most of these forms may expire within the school year and/or will require an updated form based on your child’s age, in accordance with the American Academy of Pediatric well child exam schedule. In those cases, the family will need to submit an updated Health Appraisal form to the classroom within 30-days of the expired exam date. Due to CDHS licensing requirements, failure to provide an updated Health Appraisal could prevent a child from continuing to attend preschool until an updated document is submitted.
Colorado law (Board of Health rule 6 CCR 1009-2) requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed child care centers to be vaccinated against certain diseases, unless an exemption is filed. An up-to-date immunization form must be provided and uploaded into the OnLine Registration System (OLR) when enrolling your child. Per CDHS regulations, if your child is exempt from immunizations due to religious, personal beliefs and/or medical conditions, you will be required to obtain a signed exemption form from your physician or complete an online education module and a parent/guardian signed copy of the exemption form. Given these exemptions, there may be a child in your child’s classroom that is not fully immunized. As your child’s immunizations are updated, please provide updated copies of the immunizations or exemptions to your ECE team. This will be kept on file at school and submitted to the ECE Registrar and School Nurse Consultant.
Health Concerns and Medication Authorization Forms
CDHS requires Health and Emergency forms (supplied by the school) to be completed and returned to the school by the first day of school or the child will not be allowed to attend. The procedure for storing and administering children’s medicines and delegation of medication is in compliance with Section 12-38-132, C.R.S., of the “Nurse Practice Act”. Any medications to be taken by the child must follow the district policy:
Elementary (Pre K- 6): Prescription medication will be released to students at school only on the specific written request of the student's parent or guardian and with the written authorization of the student's physician. The need for both parent and physician authorization is a state regulation. All prescription medication must be furnished in the original pharmacy labeled container. Over-the-counter medication will be allowed at school only with a doctor's written authorization.
Snack time is an important social component of the preschool day. Families are to send a nutritional snack for their child each day. Per USDA guidelines, and in accordance with high quality programming, families should provide at least one (1) item from each of two (2) of the following areas:
Meat/Meat Alternative (Protein Source)
Suggestions: Lean Meat or Meat alternative, Cheese Slices/Sticks, Boiled Egg, Yogurt, Sunbutter
Suggestions: Carrot or Celery Sticks, Cucumber Slices, Broccoli Florets, Jicama Sticks
Suggestions: Fruit Cups (with natural juice), Apple or Orange Slices, Applesauce Cups (unsweetened)
Whole Grain
Suggestions: Whole Grain Bread, Whole Grain Cereals/Mixes, Granola, Whole Grain Crackers ie: Wheat Thins, Triscuits, and/or Whole Grain Goldfish
For example a child could bring
A cheese stick and whole grain goldfish
Apple Slices with Sunbutter
Carrot Sticks and Hummus
For more information regarding Healthy Snacks for your child, please feel free to contact the Healthy Schools & Wellness team via the district website.
All ECE sites require that children place their snacks in reusable containers. We discourage the use of any and all plastic, ZIPLOC type bags in the classrooms. Children must also have access to water throughout the day. Please make sure that your child comes to school with a water bottle, labeled with your child’s name, daily.
Birthdays and Other Holidays
ECE programs often encourage the celebration of birthdays and other holidays in classrooms as learning experiences. If you would like to send something special on your child’s birthday, please communicate with the ECE staff first. Many classrooms have individuals with life threatening food allergies. We would like all children and adults to be able to participate, while staying safe. Birthday and special occasion snacks are often welcome for all children. However, they will likely need to be store bought with ingredients clearly labeled. We are also happy to serve plain, fresh fruit and vegetable snacks, as well as non-food options (i.e. bubbles, stickers, small treat bags, etc.).
Food Allergies
If your child has any food allergies, please contact the ECE staff prior to the first day of school. The school nurse consultant will be notified and assist in developing an appropriate plan on behalf of your child. In classrooms where there are students or staff with life threatening food allergies, staff must turn away any snacks containing those allergens for the safety of all individuals. Please only pack snacks that are free from allergens that would threaten our children or staff. Classroom staff will provide this critical information to families, when relevant. While in preschool, students often practice sharing; however, snack time is not the time to do so. Please note that while all precautions may be taken, there may be instances when a child or adult may be exposed to an unexpected allergen throughout the course of the day. In cases of severe allergic responses, emergency procedure protocol will be followed.
Injury Reports
Boo-Boo Reports will be provided if your child has a non-serious injury, such as a small scrape from falling down outside. You will receive a copy of this report and the original will be kept in your child’s classroom file.
All injuries that involve the head will be documented on a district head injury report. This report includes: documentation of the accident, steps of action (ice/sitting out for observation) as well as a list of things to watch for at home after the accident. You will receive a copy of this report and the original will be kept in your child’s classroom file.
In the case of a serious accident and/or injury, families will be notified immediately and staff will call 911, if necessary. The child will be kept safe and comfortable until guardians and/or emergency personnel arrive. You will receive a copy of this report and the original will be kept in your child’s classroom file. In addition, all student accidents or injuries that require medical attention must be reported to the Department of Human Services within 24 hours of notification of care.
Colorado State Law defines the District’s responsibilities for injuries to children, or damage to their property in connection with these activities. Generally, the District’s liability is limited to its involvement in transporting children and has immunity from most other claims, such as those resulting from the general supervision of children. The District is not required to carry medical, dental, or hospitalization insurance covering children for injuries incurred in school or on field trips. The District does carry insurance coverage related to the transportation of children, as long as they are passengers in District vehicles, or in specially authorized private vehicles. The program is not responsible for subsequent treatment or medical expenses incurred after the administration of first aid.
Student Illnesses
The child’s family is the best judge of whether a child is well or not. Please be sure your child is completely well before leaving to come to school. It is the goal of our department to keep all staff and students healthy and safe.
In accordance with the Health Guidelines Manual (rev. 8/1/2021):
A student may be sent home if they exhibit any of these symptoms:
Undiagnosed skin eruptions / rashes
Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea
Severe abdominal pain
Fever of 100 degrees or higher
Disruptive, persistent cough
Your child may return to school:
After 24 hours of medication for the following conditions:
Strep throat
Infected skin eruptions
Other conditions requiring antibiotics
Exception: If being treated for Pertussis, student must be on antibiotics for 5 days before returning to school
If they have been free of the following conditions for at least 24 hours:
Fever (without benefit of fever-reducing medication)
Vomiting (related to stomach virus such as norovirus)
If they have been free of the following conditions for at least 48 hours:
Vomiting and/or diarrhea when accompanied by other illness such as a fever
Please notify the ECE staff if your child has a contagious illness or will be absent. If a child becomes ill at school, the parent/guardian will be called to pick the child up from school. More information can be found on the district website under ‘Attendance Policy.’
Extended Student Absences
If a student is absent for more than 8 consecutive school days, which is generally 15 consecutive calendar days, their enrollment status and preschool location may be impacted. Should the extended absence be due to a medical reason, please communicate directly with your classroom staff. Please see the attendance section in this handbook for more information.
Identifying Where Children Are at All Times
Staff take attendance and conduct head counts on a periodic basis. This ensures that children who are registered to attend the program are accounted for and documented throughout the day. In the case of a lost child, one call will be made to the parent and one to 911. If the group leaves the school premises (walk trips), the main office will be provided with a list of children, staff members, staff member cell phone numbers, along with an accurate itinerary. Parents are notified in advance of all activities that occur off-site, including walking field trip departure and arrival times, and any additional instructions.
Lost Child Procedures
If a child enrolled in Douglas County School District Preschool is separated from the classroom group, or lost, the following procedures will be followed.
Precautionary procedures including having all visitors sign in at the school office shall be in place in a building housing a preschool program. Visitors will also sign in at the preschool classroom.
If a child is perceived lost, the building principal or designee is to immediately initiate a search of the building premises and parking lot for the missing child.
Notify all school staff members to watch for the child.
If a child has been missing more than five minutes, staff call 911 and the parents.
Then, contact district security. 24-Hour Dispatch: 303-387-9999
The teacher will provide a copy of the police report to District Security, their ECE Coordinator, ECE Central Administration and report the incident to CDHS.
Response to Emergencies
In the event of an emergency, our dedicated staff is committed to prioritizing the safety and well-being of all individuals within our school communities. We adhere to the guidelines established by the Douglas County School District Standard Response Protocol (SRP) with unwavering dedication. These protocols serve as our comprehensive framework for responding to various emergency situations, ensuring a swift and organized approach to address any potential threats. Our staff is trained and equipped to follow the SRP guidelines meticulously, fostering a secure environment and safeguarding the welfare of students, faculty, and visitors. By consistently implementing these protocols, we aim to enhance preparedness, minimize risks, and contribute to a resilient and responsive community in the face of unforeseen circumstances.
Tornado, Fire Drills and Other Emergencies
As required by Douglas County School District and The State of Colorado Division of Child Care, we periodically practice and document fire and tornado drills. Evacuation routes are outlined for all spaces utilized within the school. The Emergency Response Procedure is posted in licensed areas of the school building. Staff is trained in fire and safety procedures prior to working with children.
Fire Drills in Classrooms
For the safety and protection of staff, children, and families in Douglas County School District programs, general guidelines have been established.
Each staff member shall be trained in fire safety.
Fire drills will be held in accordance with district drills in each building. Fire drills will be consistent with the local fire department procedures.
A record of drills held over the past twelve months, the school date and time taken to evacuate, will be maintained in the classroom.
The fire drill procedure for each school shall be followed and posted in each classroom.
Fire drills shall be practiced with the children before the school schedules an actual fire drill.
Fire drills will be held at unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the condition of an actual fire
Drills will emphasize the orderly evacuation under proper discipline rather than speed. No running or horseplay will be permitted.
Fire alarm equipment will be used in accordance with Douglas County School District building fire drills.
When a fire alarm sounds an adult shall lead the group of children out of the classroom while the other adults gather the remaining children and follow them out the door. Do not wait until all children have been “lined up”.
When the last adult is outside, the teacher or the classroom assistant shall ensure that all children are present and accounted for.
The teacher or classroom assistant shall be responsible for the emergency phone number list and sign in/sign out sheets during the evacuation.
Children and staff shall remain outside the building until the fire department or school officials confirm that all danger has passed.
To maintain a minimum of noise, children shall be reassured and an attempt shall be made to remain calm.
Tornado Drills in Classrooms
For the safety and protection of staff, children and families in Douglas County School District preschool programs, general guidelines have been established.
The tornado drill procedure for each school shall be posted in each classroom and shall be followed. If no procedure exists, this policy and procedure shall be posted.
Tornado drills shall be practiced at least two times per year.
Tornado drills shall be practiced with the children before the scheduled actual tornado drill.
When a tornado alarm sounds or the alarm for “tornado warning” is given, all children and staff members shall move to an inside hall of the school or designated area (away from glass windows and skylights), or shall go to the gym. Children shall be instructed to sit quietly with their heads and neck covered with their arms and hands.
If children are outside of the school building and away from existing structures when a tornado warning sounds, all children and staff members shall move to the lowest depression in close proximity, lie quietly with their heads and neck covered with their arms and hands.
When the class has reassembled in a safe area, the teacher or classroom assistant shall ensure that all children are present and accounted for.
During an emergency evacuation, the teacher or classroom assistant shall be responsible for the emergency phone number list and sign in/sign out sheets.
Children and staff shall remain in the designated area until the fire department, emergency personnel, or school officials confirm that all danger has passed.
To maintain a minimum of noise, children shall be reassured and an attempt shall be made to remain calm.
Preschool Site Evacuations
In case of an emergency site evacuation, the preschool will follow the Douglas County School District Standard Response Protocol (SRP). Every district building has a SRP notebook that outlines the building-specific emergency and reunification processes which can include student and family specific accommodations and/or directions as related to unique situations and/or disabilities. There are a number of situations that may occur at a school that would prompt the Douglas County School District to evacuate a school building or release students early, including weather, a power or water outage, as well as a crisis at or near the school. Specific evacuation routes are pre-designated in advance to ensure the fastest and most efficient way to exit the building, while still maintaining order. Teachers play a crucial role in leading the students to a safe location and ensure the safety of every student in the building. When possible, teachers should bring their attendance sheet. After students and staff are safe, teachers must take roll call to ensure every student in his or her class is accounted for and safe.
When an evacuation or any other action within the Standard Response Protocol is activated, we ask for our families’ assistance in three ways: Stay Home, Stay Informed and Be Ready. During an emergency, the most important contribution you can make to your student’s safety may be staying home. We know the natural instinct for a parent or guardian is to come to the school to protect their children. By doing so, however, they may endanger themselves and their children. During a crisis, law enforcement and school personnel are busy working to control the situation and your arrival may distract them from the emergency situation.
Reuniting Families After an Evacuation, Emergency or Disaster (FEMA Plan)
Please do not come to the school. DCSD is committed to providing families information as soon as possible concerning next steps and how to reunite with their child. In some situations, accurate information may take some time to verify and share. During an emergency, DCSD will work to notify families via several communication avenues including:
The District Website
Voice, Text and Email Messages
Our Mobile App
Social Media, including DCSD’s Facebook and Twitter Page
Local News Media
Please be sure that your contact information, including phone numbers (for voice and text) and email addresses in the Parent Portal is updated. This is extremely important because DCSD utilizes the contact information that you provide in your Parent Portal account to push out critical alerts, via voice, text and email messages. These alerts include information regarding both potential and current emergencies and disasters. Alerts also include communication about the conclusion of emergencies and disasters and follow-up information about the process for reunification of students and families. Please note that upon reunification, the parent/guardian will need to bring photo identification to sign their child out.
Full Day Preschool (30 hr) Programming Regulations
Full Day Preschool Program Regulations
Rest Time
All children enrolled in full-day (30 hours) programming will be provided with a quiet “nap time” each day per licensing regulations. Children must be provided 30 minutes of quiet time. During this time, children will have access to their own cot to allow for personal rest space. Parents will need to provide a fitted cot sheet and children may bring a small blanket and soft nap toy for comfort. For safety, pillows, sleeping bags, and weighted blankets are not permitted. All cots and sheets will be sent home on Friday to be cleaned and sanitized and brought back on Monday. During rest times, soft music will be played and lights will be dimmed to create a peaceful environment. Staff will sit with children and pat their backs or read books to assist children in falling asleep. Children are not required to nap and will be given quiet activities if they do not fall asleep within the 30 minutes of required rest time. We follow the philosophy that if a child falls asleep then their body needs rest. We will not force a child to stay awake during naptime and ask that parents support our staff by not requesting to keep their child awake during nap time.
Lunch Policy
All children enrolled in full-day (30 hours) programming will be provided lunch by the district nutrition services. Breakfast WILL NOT be provided, all students must eat breakfast before arriving at school. Menus will be provided to families by the classroom teacher. If parents choose to provide a lunch for their child instead of accessing district-provided lunch it MUST have all necessary components per licensing guidelines.
6 fluid ounces of Milk (provided by district) Milk Substitute Request Form (the district may or may not have all milk alternatives available. If there are specific dietary restrictions that require a specific milk alternative, parents should provide it for their child)
Meat/Meat Alternatives
Parents must also provide one snack and a water bottle daily. Snacks must also meet the guidelines provided in the “snack” section of this handbook.
Parents will sign a Sunscreen Permission Form for their child upon enrollment. Parents must provide sunscreen of a full-spectrum UVA/UVB rating of SPF 30 or greater for their child to have in the classroom for the entirety their child is enrolled. Staff are required to place sunscreen on children prior to playing outside year-round. Sunscreen will be applied 30 minutes prior to the morning and afternoon recess sessions. All sunscreen must be labeled with the child’s full name. Children over four years of age may apply sunscreen to themselves under the direct supervision of a staff member.