Bear Den
La Vernia Junior High Parent Newsletter
Principal's Message
To My Junior High Bears!
Dear Students and Parents,
Hello October! Now we just need the temperatures continue to drop! Campus activities have been in full swing. Cross Country is getting ready for their District Meet. Good luck Bears! Volleyball continues to be dominant and football has tallied up numerous victories! As we begin to wind down our fall sports we get ready for basketball season! We will also have our second pep rally for the year this week and the theme is "Pink Out." A big congratulations to our Student Council Officers! They had their first official meeting with the new officers last week and we had a full library! We are looking forward to their involvement this year and leadership!
Just a reminder from our last newsletter about upcoming campus events:
Day of the Bear! Oct. 11
The JH is planning on hosting a fall carnival called Day of the Bear! It will be from 5-7 PM right before the LVHS Football game vs. Calhoun. Come out early for some fun then head over and support our Bears as they continue their quest for a district crown. If you would like to help, WE DESPERATELY NEED DONATIONS of candy for our booths. You can bring donations to your first period teachers to collect!
Dress Up Days - Red Ribbon Week & Homecoming Week
See flyers further down in the newsletter. Who has the most spirit?!
Murder At The County Fair - Murder Mystery Dinner @ LVJH
Mrs. Nored announces the JH first play for the year, "Murder At The County Fair!" Rehearsals have started and they look great and it is awesome seeing them all work together practicing and building sets! Show dates will come out soon and seating will be limited due to the nature of the show being held in the Junior High Cafeteria.
Are you a runner?! LVJH PTO is beginning to plan LVJH Jingle Run for December. More info to come as dates and times are solidified!
As always, we continue push and try to get the best our of our Bears everyday! We ask for your partnership as we progress through the rest of this year. That takes constant communication and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to our offices at 830-779-6650. We are here to support you and your child every step of the way.
Sic' Em LV!
Bryan Caughlin
Principal LVJH
Monday, September 30
Tuesday, October 1
Football vs. Lockhart
7th Grade Home (5:00 and 6:00)
8th Grade Away (5:00 and 6:00)
Wednesday, Oct. 2
Custodian Appreciation Day!
PTO Meeting - 10:15
Thursday, October 3
Volleyball vs. AJB (Seguin)
Teams will play in Seguin
Saturday, October 5
World Teacher Day!
Let's celebrate our teachers this week!
Fire Prevention Week
Monday, October 7
Parent Night for our Abstinence Program - 6:00
JH Cafeteria
Tuesday, October 8
Student Council Meeting - 7:45 - JH Library
Football vs. Goodnight (San Marcos)
7th Grade Away (5:00, 6:00)
8th Grade Home (5:00, 6:00)
Wednesday, October 9
Thursday, October 10
Volleyball vs. Miller (San Marcos)
Teams will play in La Vernia
7th Grade - Gym 4 (HS)
8th Grade - Gym 2 (Auditorium)
Friday, October 11
JH Day of the Bear Carnival- See Below
Begins at 5:00 in the Gym 1 parking lot
Saturday, October 12
Cross Country Meet - Lockhart
It's almost time for our first annual fall carnival! We would like to invite the LV Community for an afternoon of fun before we go support our High School Bears at their Homecoming Game Vs. Calhoun! Teachers are creating their own booths (We look to have around 20 game and food booths) and all money raised will go to supporting our teachers in the classroom and student activities/incentives. Tickets for all booths are cash only and will be sold at one location on the Black Top by Gym 1. Hope to see you there!
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Candy Donations Needed For Day Of The Bear!
Please, Please, Please...if you can help...we would greatly appreciate it! You can drop any donations off to your child's first period class or to the main office!
Red Ribbon Week!!! Bears Are Drug Free!!!
We will be celebrating our dedication to Red Ribbon Week towards the end of October! For those that like to plan are the dress up themes for that week!
LVHS Homecoming 2024 - We support our LVHS Bears!
LVJH will support our High School Bears and their homecoming game vs. Calhoun by participating in their dress up days! Here are the themed days! Look forward to our bears and their spirit!
We ask for the following when dressing up:
-Any paint needs to be applied OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL. Students will not be allowed to use paint on campus.
-Halloween Dress Up - Students will not be allowed to wear masks or cover their head, (Faces must be visible at all times), and will not be allowed to bring prop weapons of any kind.
La Vernia Sidewalk Project
Please see the accompanying picture for proposed improvements to our area already in progress and will last for the next few months.
2024-2025 LVJH Yearbooks Now on Sale!!!
Want To Buy An Add For Your 8th Grader In The Yearbook?!?!
LJVH Theater Begins Working on "Murder at the County Fair!"
Show dates planned for the end of October @ the LVJH Cafeteria. Ticket Information to come!
Please use the following link if you are interested in potentially serving on committees for our campus. As we have opportunities throughout the year, we will reach out to parents that have submitted interest!
LVISD District & Campus Committee Interest Form
Thanks for your help!
Student IDs
**Price Change**
Due to cost of products to replace ID's we must raise the cost of replacement ID's
If a Bear loses their ID or lanyard, they will be able to obtain a new one in the the JHS Library for $5.00 each. Students do get 2 Free ID's before they are charged for a 3rd ID.
Students are doing better with their ID's! Number of Temp ID's are getting smaller each day!
The La Vernia Way
The hallways are clear and the classroom is busy! I have been very proud of our students in how they have began the year. There is always room for improvement, but we are off to a fast start! We are promoting individual student character and having each one challenge themselves.
Each grading period, a teacher will select one student that they feel displayed a moment of greatness through one of the characteristics above in The La Vernia Way. These chosen few, will be recipients of a new award which bears the same name, "The La Vernia Way." We are looking for students that challenge themselves. We all know that success is a process, and sometimes we fail...and that is okay! However, it is that student that continues to push, get back up, and do that absolute best they can that we want to celebrate with this award! We have developed our own Challenge Coin that we will present these students that earn The La Vernia Way award. Character is important in life and that drive to continue to show grit and determination is what we want to promote at LVJH!
First grading period is almost over! Can't wait to award some of our deserving Bears the first Challenge Coins! 🐻
Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with passion!
Safe School Dismissal
Friendly Reminder
- 6th Grade Car Riders are dropped off and picked up in the Gym 1 parking lot.
- 7th and 8th grade Car riders are dropped off and picked up at the front of the school.
- Students can be picked up early until 4:00. Please park in the Gym 1 parking lot to come to the office and check out your student.
- Walkers - There are two meeting points.
- Point 1 - Gym 1 Gate - Students will wait with a teacher and then walk past the tennis courts.
- Point 2 - Flag Pole - Students will wait with a teacher at the front of the school and then walk together to the crosswalk.
- Students can only cross the road at a crosswalk.
- Students cannot be picked up at the auditorium this year due to construction and the crowded parking lot.
- Please do not drive through the bus lanes during drop off and pick up times to pick up your students. We want to ensure all of our students are able to safely get to school and get home.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Child Nutrition
Cafeteria Lunch
Purchasing lunch in the cafeteria this year will cost $2.95.
We invite you to eat lunch with your student. Please sit with your student at one of the special designated round tables in the front corners of the cafeteria
Lunch times are listed below
Regular Bell Schedule (Monday/Wednesday)
6th Grade Lunch 11:08 - 11:38.
7th Grade Lunch 12:-07 - 12:37
8th Grade Lunch 1:06 - 1:36
Advisory Bell Schedule (Tuesday/Thursday)
6th Grade Lunch 11:30 - 12:00
7th Grade Lunch 12:25 - 12:55
8th Grade Lunch 1:20 - 1:50
Free & Reduced Meal applications for the 2024-2025 school year are available now. Applications are processed quickly.
Apply Online. The 2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meal Application is Available at:
or Scan QR Code Below
For Questions please contact the Child Nutrition Director Angela Rodriguez at 830-779-6612.
We understand that good nutrition and learning go hand in hand. The Child Nutrition Department is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to students' health, well being and their ability to learn. We support learning by promoting healthy habits for lifelong nutrition and fitness practices.
Library News
Library Permissions
Here is the link for your students to get library permissions.