Madonna Catholic School News
November 1, 2024
Dear Madonna Families,
The beginning of November is a reflective time, bridging faith and learning. This month begins with the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, offering an opportunity to celebrate the lives of the saints and remember those who have passed on. This focus on faith and remembrance sets a meaningful tone for the month, encouraging students to honor those who came before them and to reflect on their own journey, both spiritually and academically.
November also provides a timely moment to deepen our partnership with parents. Supporting each child’s education requires teamwork, and at this time of year, we can come together to assess how we’re nurturing their development. Whether it’s encouraging reading at home, discussing goals, or reinforcing faith-based values, our collaboration is essential to create a well-rounded experience. As educators, we’re grateful to work alongside parents who are invested in their child’s growth, helping each student discover their potential and pursue it with faith and purpose. We appreciate the families who have committed the time to come to school in the past two weeks to meet with staff to review learning plans specific to their child. We greatly look forward to seeing the majority of our parents and students next week when we host school interviews. More information below on how to book your appointments.
Have a restful weekend and don't forget to adjust your clocks before going to bed Saturday night!
Madonna Catholic School Admin Team
Mrs Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
What's Ahead!
Sunday, November 3
Daylight Saving Time
Monday, November 4
Assembly at 9:00am - All Welcome to join
Dance Club at Lunch Recess
Tuesday, November 5
- Giant Indigenous Map
Swimming Lessons Grades 1 and 2’s
Wednesday November 6
Early Out Spirit Day - Wear your favorite jersey
3 Way Conferences
Book Fair at Madonna in our school library
Thursday, November 8
Priest's Visit
Swimming Lessons Grades 3 and 4’s
3 Way Conferences
Book Fair at Madonna in our school library
T/TH Kindergarten trip to Strathcona County Library & Gallery
Friday, November 9
Remembrance Day Ceremony at 10:30 - All welcome
Father Jim Visits Madonna
All Saints Day celebration
Gr 4 Buddies and Kinders "Ghost Racing"
Harvesting our Growing Tower
Upcoming Insight Assessments for Grade 4 Students
Insight is a group-administered test of cognitive abilities, which will be administered to all Grade 4, 7, and 8 classes in EICS later in November. The assessment is designed to measure cognitive abilities including reasoning, comprehension, memory, and visual/auditory processing. Students do not need to study for the Insight and the results do not impact their school grades. The results provide information about students’ cognitive strengths and areas of weakness to best support and program for all learners. For more information, please visit https://canadiantestcentre.com/cognitive/insight/. If you have any questions, please contact our school's Collaborative Response Coordinator, Mrs. Agnes Wuinow. agnesw@eics.ab.ca
Parent/Teacher/Student 3 Way Conferences
Halloween Fun!
Our parteners Jereecah and Catherine from Actions for Healthy Communities met with a number of students from various grades this week. These wonderful partners come to our school to host a short sessions allowing students to come together and share experiences with others who have the same culture, language, traditions, or even experiences being born in another country.
MCS School Council News
Parents are needed each week when hot lunch is offered in our school. Typically parents help from 11:20-12:45pm in the school kitchen where they sort, distribute and help pack up the weekly food order. Without your support the hot lunch program is not possible.
Emotion Regulation & Children: Understanding Their Brain is Your Superpower!
The ASCA Board of Directors is hosting a FREE Virtual Engagement Event for School Councils, and education partners and stakeholders.
Keynote Speaker is Tammy Schamuhn from the Institute of Child Psychology and will present Emotion Regulation & Children: Understanding Their Brain is Your Superpower!
Community News
OLPH Parish News
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.