Ms. Steinberg's Weekly News
Week of October 24th, 2016
Language Arts
In phonics we focused on the short U sound as well as final consonant blends. We studied our word study words and noticed similarities between the words. We went over our high frequency words and practiced using them in sentences. We read Animal Park. We discussed the question of the week: What do we learn about wild animals from watching them? and the genre of the story, literary nonfiction. We learned about the tricky concept of cause and effect. Students matched cause cards to effect cards. We reviewed declarative and interrogative sentences before learning about exclamatory sentences. Students wrote their own exclamatory sentence on chart paper. We read in reading groups and students found and named different types of sentences in the text. We finished up writing our spooky stories and added exclamatory sentences as needed. Students had fun working with Ms. Moser to add pictures, sound and text to their spooky stories!
In Math we practiced subtracting from 6, 7, 8 ,9 and 10. We also worked on relating addition and subtraction. We continued reviewing the subtraction vocabulary as we prepare for the Math test, this Thursday. We played two new Math games on the iPads: Monster Math and Math Bingo! These games helped students reinforce concepts in an engaging way. We also started using First in Math. More info about FIrst in Math will be coming home Monday.
In Science we learned about spiders! We read a Scholastic News about spiders and watched some spider videos! We talked about where they like to live and drew a picture of them in their habitat. Students choose whether or not they thought a spider would be a good pet. They graphed their response and the class interpreted the results. We wrote why we voted the way we did. We researched about spiders and wrote facts. We also watched a Brainpop jr. video on Fall and picked a Fall prompt to write about.
School News Items
Kindergarten is participating in Treats for Troops. A flyer was sent home earlier this week but check out their amazing video below and please consider donating candy!
This Thursday night, November 3rd, we will have a storyteller at school! The event is free and children as young as three can attend, so bring siblings! See photo below for more details.
You can buy CBA spirit wear using this link: