C.H.S. Chronicles
Clifford H. Smart Middle School: September 9, 2024
Please note that we are a 1 to 1 Device District for students in grades 6-12. You can find some previously shared information in this newsletter and call 248.956.3500 to speak to someone in the main office if you have questions after the information below. Each child needs a device, either a personal chromebook or laptop, or a district chromebook.
Again, please refer to the resources below if you have any questions. You can also contact our main office if you need financial assistance with the one time charge of $50 (good for as long as the student is in Walled Lake) and the recommend $20 device insurance cost (renewed annually) for a district chromebook.
On Tuesday, September 24th, 6th-8th grade will participate in a 30 minute presentation for middle school students called Vaping 101. Students will learn the effects of vaping on the body and brain and the law related to vaping.
The presentation will be given by Mrs. Cheryl Phillips who has been in the education field for over 30 years. She worked for St. Joseph Mercy Health System for over 20 years presenting programs to students across Southeast Michigan on health, leadership and substance abuse prevention.
On Tuesday we held student expectations assemblies by grade level. We went over many of the same building practices and policies as previous years, but did share that we are going to spend more time addressing lunchroom behavior and tardies.
While tardies are not an emphasis the first few weeks of school since many students are still getting acclimated to their schedules and lockers; getting students to class on time will be a priority for our staff and administrative team this school year. Below is what was shared with students.
Each bullet below includes someone from our administrative team contacting a parent or guardian.
4 tardies is a lunch detention
8 tardies is an after school detention
12 tardies will result in an in school suspension
12+ tardies will result in following progressive discipline
Tardies will be reset each card marking
No passes first and last 5 minutes of class
Please take a moment to speak to your child about what was discussed during the assembly. Thank you in advance for your support.
*Please note that expectation reminders take place throughout the school year
iReady Window 1 Testing Schedule
ELA iReady Testing on Wednesday, September 11th
- Students will report to their 4th hour first thing in the morning and remain there until 11:18 a.m.
- They will be allowed to step out during the normal 5 minute passing time in between classes to use the restroom and walk around.
- Students are encouraged to bring a book to read and/or work to complete with them in case they finish early.
- Students will have their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hour following testing.
Math iReady Testing on Thursday, September 12th
- Students will report to 1st hour and remain there until 11:18 a.m.
- They will be allowed to step out during the normal 5 minute passing time in between classes to use the restroom and walk around.
- Students are encouraged to a book to read and/or work to complete in case they finish early.
- Students will report to their 4th, 5th, and 6th hour following testing.
Please remind your children to try their absolute best on all testing dates. Thank you!
Student Chromebook Support Request Form
- If a student needs support, he/she should fill out the link below. The link can also be found on all Google Classrooms and on the school website under Students. Being logged on to the school google account is required to access the form.
- The information in the form will be sent to Mrs. Stasak, our Middle School Computer Resource Teacher. She will reply to the student at his/her school gmail account. She will offer suggestions to fix the issue or, if it needs service, she will tell the student to take the chromebook to the office and give it to building admin secretary (enter the name for your building).
- The chromebook in the case will be sent through interoffice and the student will be allowed to use a loaner chromebook AT SCHOOL. It will be the student’s responsibility to pick it up each morning from the office and return it at the end of the day.
- When the chromebook has been repaired, it will be delivered back to the school for the student to pick up.
- If the family purchased insurance, the first repair is free and all additional repairs carry a deductible. Deductible invoices or repair invoices, for those that did not choose insurance, must be paid before the repaired chromebook is returned.
- If a student with a personal chromebook has a network issue, the same form can be used. We are not able to fix physical problems with personal devices and loaner chromebooks will not be provided.
Please click on the above tab and join our CHS Middle School Remind 101 text group. You will receive helpful reminders, time sensitive information along with other pertinent texts.
*Reply @LEAVE to the number you are receiving messages from if you'd like to leave the text group at anytime.
As we prepare for the start of the school year, we wanted to touch base with you regarding the process of administering medications to students at school.
Medications are administered at school under the supervision of our office staff. This includes BOTH prescription medications AND over the counter (ibuprofen, pain relievers, etc.) medications. BOTH types of medication require a completed and signed WLCSD medication authorization form by BOTH the parent/ guardian AND the child’s doctor.
For safety and confidentiality reasons, we will not be accepting medications at Smart Start. If you would like to drop off medications and the required documentation prior to the start of the school year, please contact our office secretary, Mrs. Tonya Gray, directly at 248-956-3512.
As you have questions about this process please give Mrs. Gray a call.
If your child will be absent, please call the Smart Attendance Hotline (248) 956-3510 as soon as possible. If you know of a vacation or pre planned days off, you can leave those dates on the hotline as well.
If you have not called your child in by 9:30 a.m., you will receive a call from Mrs Gray to verify that your student is not at school for the day. Thank you for partnering with us in keeping your children safe and accounted for.
Transportation Information
Please check Skyward Family Access for your students bus route information. Student enrollments will continue through the start of the school year and bus information may change. Please continue to monitor Skyward Family Access for the most up to date information.
Please remember to please call 248.956.3090 for ALL bussing questions. Please click on the link below to visit our transportation website for more information.
1/2 DAY DISMISSAL 11:40 A.M.
Smart Administrative Team
Dan Holland, Assistant Principal
Steve Spickard, Dean of Students
Please contact us with positive or constructive feedback, questions, and/or concerns.
Website: www.wlcsd.org/smart
Location: 8500 Commerce Road, Commerce Charter Township, MI, United States
Phone: 248-956-3500
Twitter: @CliffordSmart
Please feel free to call our main office with any questions at 248.956.3500. You can also email us.
Principal's Secretary: MelissaWilseck@wlcsd.org
Building/Attendance Secretary: TonyaGray@wlcsd.org
6th Grade Counselor: MaureenBratke@wlcsd.org
7th Grade Counselor: JulieBraley@wlcsd.org
8th Grade Counselor: KathleenHoover@wlcsd.org