GOES Weekly Update 12.20.24
December 20th, 2024

GOES Weekly Update #15
I would like to say a sincere thank you to our entire community for making 2024 an amazing year at GOES. I wish you a healthy, happy holiday and break.
We will see everyone "on time and ready to shine" in the New Year!
Aimee Misset
Important Dates
Mon, 12/23 - Wed, 1/1 - Winter Break (No School)
Thurs, 1/9 - Early Dismissal - Make-up Conferences
Fri, 1/17 - Early Dismissal (Professional Learning)
Mon, 1/20 - No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
January Lunch Menu 🍎🥪
Check out what's on the menu this month!
Cookies and ice cream can also be purchased on Tuesdays & Fridays.
Dismissal and Attendance Notes
Please help Ms. Lia and Mrs. Pryde out! When sending in a note with your child, please make sure both their first and last name are on it. When the notes are turned into the office from the classroom and only have a first name on it, they have to try and figure out which student it is for since many have the same first name. Thank you for your cooperation! Ms. Lia and Ms. Pryde will appreciate the time it saves them!
Student Council Updates
On Tuesday, Student Council presented the CT State Police with all of the donated toys. Thank you again for supporting their community service efforts!
First Band Concert of the Year
Mr. Smith and our 5th grade band performed for each grade level on Thursday morning. The audience had a chance to learn a little about each instrument and hear them played. This is especially important for our 3rd and 4th graders who will have the opportunity to join band in 5th grade and choose an instrument. They did an amazing job, especially being their first performance!
Moosletoe Math Fun
Mr. Luchina, our math specialist, partnered with Mrs. Angelovic for some Moosletoe Math. After reading the story, groups had to solve math problems to decorate their moose. While the results are pretty festive, the best part was watching the students persevere and use their math skills to solve problems together.
Elf-scapades and Spirit Week
Spirit week continued this week with a new addition. We had a daily morning visit from the GOES elf. Silly as it may be, fifteen minutes of silliness each morning was just what we all needed...students and staff alike.
December Town Meeting & Sing Along
December Town Meeting was jam packed full of people and fun. We had our regular HAWK awards followed by singing from our 5th grade chorus and a performance by our staff bell choir (they're just learning!) To end this amazing week, we finished with the GOES "boy band" made up of staff, former GOES staff, and even a parent. This very talented group led us in a jolly holiday sing along.
PTO News
Our amazing PTO set up a candy bar earlier this week as a sweet surprise to our staff. It made A LOT of people happy! Thank you to everyone who donated candy or helped set up. We appreciate you!