May/June 2024
Central Elemenatry
We are soon going to be saying goodbye to the 2023-2024 school year and hello to summer, but we don't want you to completely forget about school. One great way to keep your child learning is by reading. Below is a link with information and suggestions for summer reading.
May Calendar
There are a lot of things happening during May, so check out the calendar for important dates.
June Calendar
We are in the home stretch for the end of the school year. Check out the June calendar for important dates.
Testing Tips
We have a variety of testing going on the end of the school year. Check out this flier for some great tips on how to set your student up for success.
Young 5s and Kindergarten Round Up
Kindergarten and Young 5s Roundup is Tuesday, May 21st. If you will have a new student enrolling in kindergarten or young 5s next school year you will need to use the link below to fill out the pre enrollment form to get things started. On this page you will find a button that say "2024-2025 pre enrollment form". Click on that and fill out the form, you will also be asked to provide a proof of residency with that. Make sure you are filling out the one for next school year not this year.
Let's Celebrate Mr. Dave
No matter what the weather, you can always find Mr. Dave at Central Elementary first thing in the morning. Just in case you didn't know, Mr. Dave volunteers his time everyday to greet our students, parents, and staff. His infectious smile, positive energy, and his huge heart makes everyone's day just a bit brighter. Not only does he share his positivity with the world, he also shares lots of quarters on Fridays to make sure that everyone has popcorn money. We would like to honor Mr. Dave on May 7th. Please join us in spreading the love to Mr. Dave with a note or a small token of appreciation.
Library Books
Library books will be collected starting the week of May 20th in the hopes of getting books returned before summer break. If you have any questions regarding a library notice you receive, please email Ms Manley at amanley@parchmentschools.org.
The walk-a-thon is on Friday, May 31st and it's our big fundraiser for the year. It help raise money for field trips, assemblies, school family parties and the many other things we have going on at Central Elementary. We do this fundraiser instead of having the students sell thing throughout the year and the best part is that Central gets to keep 100% of the money we raise. Information has already gone home so check your child's backpack if you haven't seen it yet.
Field Day
- Monday, June 3rd, 2024
- 9:15 am - 11:30 am
- students go to fun stations around the playground with their class
- it takes place outside so wear tennis shoes and sunscreen
- we will need several volunteers so look for that form to come home soon
Garage Sale
The garage sale is Tuesday, June 4th. Students can bring in small items from home to sell in their garage sale. It is a learning and fun experience for the students, they are partnered with another student and will be running their garage sale together. It is a fun day that the students really enjoy, but just to be realistic don't expect for the kids to come home with the right amount of money or items.
More information will be coming home soon.
Talent Show
- Wednesday, June 5th
- students must have a signed permission slip to participate
- look for a flier to come home soon with more information
Hungry Howie's
Thank you so much to everyone for ordering pizza every month, especially Mrs. Carbary's class since they were the winning classroom for April. This fundraiser has helped us raise $2336.07 already this year, that is amazing!
Our last Hungry Howie's Day is Monday, May 20th, so go enjoy Hungry Howie's one last time this school year.